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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. He's not an injury prone RB. He had 2 injuries in consecutive seasons that he likely could have played through more if we were a contending team, but we weren't so they took the time, it didn't quite heal up, and they shut him down. Also thinking of him as an RB is the problem, he's being used wrong, he needs to be a Slot WR used, ironically in the Deebo way, and get 8-10 carries a game still. Then his contract isn't a problem and his injury risk is reduced, he's about to dominate in SF.
  2. That's a terrible haul That's pick probably 60ish next year, and then a bunch of picks that we can HOPE to get 1 starter out of.... for the best offensive weapon in football. Beyond awful. Fitterer should be fired tonight
  3. They don't have first rounders thanks to the Lance deal. So what did we really just trade CMC away for some late second round picks? WTF?!?!?!?!
  4. LOVED bringing Cam back last year and wanted to bring him back this year. But at this point, I don't want us to even consider bringing him back because I don't want to have to root against him, and I just want to lose out at this point. If we can get the #1 pick by winning any games, I'll take the wins, but the last thing I want is to ruin our draft position by even 1 spot.
  5. Posted this the other day, seems fitting to do it again because not trading CMC should be the most obvious thing ever, and this post I didn't even bring up the massive Cap hit we'd take next year for trading him away, yet another reason that trading him would make us less attractive to any new potential HC......... I swear, I really don't understand why people can't seem to figure out how to properly evaluate CMC's future. Short of Buffalo giving us Cook and 2 Firsts, I'm not even talking to them, dead serious, and here's why......... With any competent coaching staff, CMC's days as an every down RUNNING BACK are already over, he should and will be relegated to around 10-15 carries a game, max. He should and will be used in more of a Deebo type of player, he will line up at least 50% of the snaps in a game as a Slot WR, running routes on most plays, taking handoffs on jet sweeps sometimes, and running that as a decoy at other times. It will keep the wear and tear off his body to allow him to play full seasons while still allowing him a lot of touches each game, and he is already a Pro Bowl caliber Slot WR. Yes, he is very effective getting 20-25 carries in a game and just wearing down a defense, but it's also what is causing his injury problems, a competent staff will understand this and change how he's used. When he becomes that role, his contract will look perfectly fine as essentially he's then a top paid WR and we fill in the other 50% of the snaps at RB with players on cheap and/or rookie deals for that team. There is no good reason that team shouldn't be the Panthers, period. To a competent HC candidate, who understands how CMC should properly be utilized to maximize his output and decrease injury risk, he is a FAR more attractive piece to recruit a good HC than any fair trade a team is going to offer us. Even one first by a team in contention, which would fall in the late 20's if not 30's, would be a far less useful piece in said coaching search than the idea of having one of the game's most talented players. If we trade him, we'll get to see that team get to use CMC for the next 10 years and be possibly the most dangerous weapon in the game during that time. RB's wash up by 30 because of what it does to their bodies and they don't have CMC's receiving abilities, there is no reason he can't play well into his 30's as he transitions into a full time WR later in his career.
  6. Unless someone is offering at least 2 firsts for him, you don't even answer the phone, this one is easier than CMC. Best case scenario, we find a way to sign him to a long term deal in the offseason and keep a potential yearly all pro candidate. Worst case scenario, we can't work out a contract with him in the offseason due to the cap, so we tag him and trade him then for a haul. This isn't CMC where he could get hurt again and nobody would want him in the offseason. Burns has already shown elite potential, has no real injury history, and isn't even into his prime years yet, if he were to go on the IR today and not play another snap this year he would still have significant trade value this offseason. Trading him now doesn't make any sense unless you get a massive return as we can't lose him for nothing as he'd be our franchise tag.
  7. I swear, I really don't understand why people can't seem to figure out how to properly evaluate CMC's future. Short of Buffalo giving us Cook and 2 Firsts, I'm not even talking to them, dead serious, and here's why......... With any competent coaching staff, CMC's days as an every down RUNNING BACK are already over, he should and will be relegated to around 10-15 carries a game, max. He should and will be used in more of a Deebo type of player, he will line up at least 50% of the snaps in a game as a Slot WR, running routes on most plays, taking handoffs on jet sweeps sometimes, and running that as a decoy at other times. It will keep the wear and tear off his body to allow him to play full seasons while still allowing him a lot of touches each game, and he is already a Pro Bowl caliber Slot WR. Yes, he is very effective getting 20-25 carries in a game and just wearing down a defense, but it's also what is causing his injury problems, a competent staff will understand this and change how he's used. When he becomes that role, his contract will look perfectly fine as essentially he's then a top paid WR and we fill in the other 50% of the snaps at RB with players on cheap and/or rookie deals for that team. There is no good reason that team shouldn't be the Panthers, period. To a competent HC candidate, who understands how CMC should properly be utilized to maximize his output and decrease injury risk, he is a FAR more attractive piece to recruit a good HC than any fair trade a team is going to offer us. Even one first by a team in contention, which would fall in the late 20's if not 30's, would be a far less useful piece in said coaching search than the idea of having one of the game's most talented players. If we trade him, we'll get to see that team get to use CMC for the next 10 years and be possibly the most dangerous weapon in the game during that time. RB's wash up by 30 because of what it does to their bodies and they don't have CMC's receiving abilities, there is no reason he can't play well into his 30's as he transitions into a full time WR later in his career.
  8. To be honest, this is why I'm surprised people hate him so much. When he bought the team, everyone knew he wasn't a football guy and was afraid he would still be like a Dan Snyder owner by having their hand in everything, but he hasn't been close to that, he's been very hands off. Yes, he's trusted the wrong people, but that happens in all businesses sometimes, but it always happens in football, sometimes you just make a bad hire. But even after all that, he still wasn't stepping in and making the football decisions like some owners, he was trying to sit back and let his football people do their thing. I know it sucks to see our team hurt by his inexperience and trusting of the wrong people, but I'm at least encouraged by his hands off approach and hopefully the next group of people he hires as GM, Coach, etc, are a better group and it gives us different results. But as an owner of the team, I really can't fault much he's done so far other than hiring the wrong staff, and that happens, really the only thing for me is that he allowed Keep Pounding to take a backseat, that one is bad.
  9. lol... honestly I couldn't remember off the top of my head, googled CMC and went to his Wikipedia since it was the first result and scrolled to his stats, saw the 1k/1k season and then 2 others below it, never looked at the actual dates. Since they don't have any stats for him in there, it looked like the 1k/1k was 2 years ago thinking the last line was this current season, my bad.
  10. If it's looking like Wilks is gonna be going .500 we need to be firing him well before then as he'll be screwing up our draft position for a QB next year.
  11. Cam in Arizona for sure, CMC getting 1,000/1,000 and then probably followed by the Chinn back to back TDs as that was just a lot of fun at the time. Not much else.
  12. Now if only he had been taking the starting LT reps from day 1 of camp, he might have been where he is right now going into Week 1.
  13. And if we trade CMC for that late first, and then still end up high enough in the draft to get the QB we want? Then we'll have traded him away for the right to draft a LB or DT that we hope turns into a solid starter, not worth it when he would be a huge selling point to any potential coach or the type of player we can use in an offseason trade to move up in the draft for a QB if needed, but trading him for that pick now is just dumb. Yes, I know there is injury risk, but as long as he doesn't have a career ending injury, even getting hurt shouldn't hurt his trade value for us. As I'm quite sure some contending teams in the offseason would think they could use him smarter than we have to keep him healthy, as they'd do exactly what I've been screaming about us needing to do, use him more as a Slot WR than a RB, and that would be very attractive to any potential contender.
  14. Yea, Luke is absolutely the exception to the rule about great players not being great coaches. Jordan wouldn't be able to teach his mentality, Kobe wouldn't be able to teach his work ethic, Lebron wouldn't be able to teach his size/athleticism combo. But Luke absolutely can study and breakdown opponents and teach players what they should be looking for. As long as he would be able to cope with his players not seeing everything that he would while on the field, and could adapt to that and try to coach them up, then he'd be an outstanding coach. I'd have no problem with hiring him as the DC right now with it known to any potential HC that it comes with Luke attached as DC, also not sure many HC candidates would really care either, Luke is one of the best defensive minds the game has ever seen. In fact, if we were to hire someone like Quinn, who'd be really running the show on defense anyways, Luke as DC would be a perfect fit as he'd get to do what he does best, breakdown film and prepare, while Quinn runs the X's and O's of it while Luke learns to be a coach.
  15. Why do people think trading CMC for a late first is some amazing deal for us? That late first would be FAR less attractive to a potential new coach than having a weapon like CMC would be. I realize the contract, but people need to stop looking at him as a RB and start looking at him like an offensive weapon in the mold of Deebo, do that and the contract looks just fine. If someone wants to come in and blow us away with an offer of multiple firsts then I'd consider, but trading him away for a late first is just cutting off our nose to spite our face.
  16. And how is having the Number 1 pick after having solid pieces in place working out for the Bengals? Just because it doesn't always work out isn't a reason to not want it to happen for us. This is a QB league, you won't win without a franchise QB, and the best way to get one is to land a (the) top pick in the draft. The worst thing that can happen in the NFL is to be stuck in purgatory of drafting in the 8-15 range every season, never bad enough to get a top QB pick, but never good enough to contend, and we've more or less been in that position for the entirety of this franchise's existence. Cam was a Ferarri that the previous regime used like a Prius and somehow still ran into the ground and ruined, he was our best shot at getting out of that purgatory, but we still never could have back to back winning seasons. I'm sick of it, I just want to have a consistently good team for once.
  17. The trade CMC talk needs to stop, he's still one of the best weapons in the game, and if we FINALLY do the smart thing and make him mostly a slot WR who takes 10 hand-offs a game as well, then his contract isn't bad. He's our Deebo and needs to be looked at and used as such moving forward
  18. The defense wasn't elite, but it was far from the problem, this is an odd move. But one I approve as I thought firing Rhule made the team better and I want to get the #1 pick at this point, this thankfully makes the team a bit worse again lol
  19. The second we found out that he tried to leverage our offer to get the Giants to offer more. I'll admit that I liked the hire itself, I thought he was going to be a good coach, but that never did sit well with me, basically showed he was in it for himself more than anything else.
  20. Also, I say this knowing it might be met with some hostility, but I want a minority hire for both OC and DC if possible. I think it's the dumbest rule ever, but there is a significant advantage to hiring minorities in those positions if they're good enough to get an HC job at some point in the near future now that you get draft picks when they get stolen from you. I believe having an OC or DC getting hired as an HC gets you a 3rd round pick in the next draft, and we badly need to get some more picks in that range given how many we've been trading away over the years. I don't want to make any hire based solely on that, but if there are good enough candidates there, I think the potential upside a few years later is worth the shot.
  21. I think the Campbell hire was very unique and purposeful. I don't believe the Lions ever felt he was going to be their long term QB, they knew they weren't set up to win for a while and needed a slow rebuild. They hired a guy who players love to play for and can help build the base of a solid culture moving forward, which is exactly what he's doing. We're in a much better place than the Lions were when they hired him, they had no pieces in place other than a couple good offensive lineman, their roster was completely void of talent outside of that. So I'm not looking to make that type of hire for us, but I think that would be Quinn's floor, with a much higher upside, which is why I'd be good with him.
  22. I've said it in another thread, but part of my stipulation with hiring Quinn would be that he hires a young innovative OC that he turns 100% control of the offense over to so we don't fall into a Ron Rivera situation again with 3 yards and a cloud of dust offense like so many defensive minded HC's fall into. However, I'm not totally concerned about that from Quinn, it's not like the Falcons had bad offenses during his time there, Ryan aired it out quite a bit. My problem with taking that shot on a young offensive minded guy is if it doesn't work out, it will set us WAY back, I'd much rather go safer with this hire and worst case scenario, they help build a culture here that could be carried over to the next HC, basically what I think is happening in Detroit right now with Dan Campbell.
  23. Absolutely not, there is a reason he keeps getting interviewed but not hired, and it has nothing to do with his skin color. It's pretty clear that the NFL world doesn't view him as a HC, most likely because it's long been talked about how he doesn't have good relationships with players. If you can't have a good relationship with the best player in the game in Mahomes, then you don't deserve to be an NFL HC. Let Colorado hire him like they most likely will, he's a train wreck for any NFL team that hires him.
  24. As much as I want the next McVay type, I'm not a fan of the risk that comes along with it in case it doesn't work out, if so, we're screwed for literally the next 5-8 years at minimum. My top choice is Dan Quinn, second for me would be Mike Tomlin as I just have a feeling him and the Steelers will mutually decide to part ways after this season and he'd be an absolute home run hire.
  25. My interest in Payton is very dependent on one thing.... what is his contract situation like with the Saints? Is he free to take any job he wants this offseason or do the Saints still own his rights for another year and we'd have to work out a trade for him? As I'm not willing to give the Saints any draft picks to get him, we can't keep giving up our picks, even for a great coach (and it's unknown if he's still that great without a prime Brees anymore). As much as I'd like to get that next McVay type, that comes with a big risk if they don't work out. I'm still very much on the Dan Quinn train, he has HC experience and has taken a team to a SB, his defense has been ELITE in Dallas as well. Hire Quinn with the stipulation that he hires a young OC and completely hands the offense over to them and doesn't hover over everything they do like Rivera used to do. The one thing I do know is that we better not even interview Bieniemy... he's clearly not a HC yet for a reason, long been rumors that his players hate playing for him and he clearly doesn't have a good relationship with Mahomes, not what you want in a new HC. My sleeper favorite..... Steelers fire Tomlin and we scoop him up before someone else does. Great coach, clearly just time for a change in scenery, his players love playing for him, seems like it would be an Andy Reid type of situation when he went from Philly to KC and it's worked out for them.
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