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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Go back in time and reverse the CMC trade and I'm 1000% on board with this But as it stands out, I'd rather be a Lions fan (from Michigan, has nothing to do with Johnson lol). Payton, Brady, CMC, our OL, DJ, and our Defense is a SB winning team right there, but it doesn't work without CMC being the guy that takes Brady's age/athleticism out of the equation, the ultimate check down option.
  2. Fair I'm on record in many posts on here about being vehemently against giving up draft capital to a division rival for a 60 year old coach when we don't have a QB. At this point I'm all on the Steichen train but fully expecting us to do something that disappoints me, like giving a first to NO for Payton and then giving up something stupid for Lamar, two things I badly don't want to see happen.
  3. That's what you commented on there and not luring Arians to be the OC? lol I thought the sarcasm was laid on pretty thick between the Arians as OC and asking Quinn to leave that Dallas defense for a non HC spot... was just making a joke about rounding up the HC's from the division rival's SB runs.
  4. 49ers roster when they made that move >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Panthers roster Love our team, but cmon, you know it's true
  5. yea, let's give up next year's first for a coach, and then have to give up the 2025 and 2026 firsts along with both our seconds this year and maybe more to move up for a non sure thing QB. If the Payton/QB combo doesn't lead to immediate SB contending status, it would cripple this franchise for the next 10+ years, you can't give up that many first round picks and not compete. Would be the dumbest move of all time
  6. We should trade for Payton, convince Bruce Arians to be his OC, and pay a stupid amount of money to get Dan Quinn to ignore HC offers and be the DC.
  7. Really bummed by this and not even because he was the guy I really wanted. I'd have been happy with him, but ideally if we're not going after Quinn or Ryans (which at this point I don't think we are really), then I wanted a young offensive mind, but really, anyone other than Payton (just can't get on board with giving a first round pick to the Saints). This only makes it much more likely we go harder after Payton and makes Steichen going to be harder to land as well.
  8. Giving a division rival a first round pick for a freaking coach would be the epitome of stupid. l’ll never stop being a fan of the team, but if Tepper does that, he’ll have lost my support for him as our owner forever unfortunately. No, just no
  9. Not a completely fair statement seeing as the majority of coaches who win a SB end up coaching that team until they retire, not many move onto other HC jobs afterwards, especially in recent times. Since 2000, the only coaches to win a SB and then coach another team are Gruden, McCarthy, and Pederson, and 2 of them are still in the playoffs right now.
  10. Interesting, talking to some of my Lions friends (I'm from Michigan) and they said the talk around town is that if Johnson gets a HC job, he's likely bringing Mark Brunell with him as his OC. To be honest, that kinda gives me a second thought on the idea of hiring Johnson. Brunell was a solid QB in the league, but if you take out his coaching of a HS team, he only has 2 years of experience as a QB coach. Seems like very little coaching experience to become an OC already, not really sure I like the idea of such a young HC being paired with such an inexperienced OC, even if Johnson would be essentially running the offense anyways.
  11. Trading good draft assets to a division rival for a coach who is turning 60 this year would be beyond stupid. I'm not against Payton as our coach, but I am vehemently against giving a division rival good draft picks for him when we could hire someone almost 25 years younger without giving up a single asset.
  12. Honestly, depending on what Stroud wants with his football career, going back could be the right move. If he declares this year, yea, he'll get that top 5 draft pick contract money, but end up on a crap team that could hurt his career prospects, like the Texans. If he were to go back to school, make a couple million in NIL to do so, and then come out in what is a deeper QB class, he could end up in the 15-20 range of the draft. Sure, he'll make much less money on that first contract, but he could end up on a team with a much better group of players around him and thus help him be more successful and then have a longer career and make way more money on that second contract.
  13. To give up what it would take to trade for him and then to give him a massive fully guaranteed contract, for a player who is an average passer who's game is predicated on his running ability who keeps getting lower body injuries and can't stay on the field..... Would be the dumbest thing any franchise could ever do, as I've said before, there is a reason the Ravens haven't given him his contract he wants, they know he's not going to be a long term franchise QB for a variety of reasons. If we did it, might as well just stop being a fan for about 5 years while the franchise tanks and has to completely re-set itself.
  14. Yes to Payton, no to giving up a single asset for him to a division rival, no coach is worth that when there are plenty of other good (and younger) coaches out there.
  15. Oh I am, if it was just one or two games I'd agree with you, but it's been 6 games and now a playoff game. He just has "it" and has that moxie to him that you need to succeed at this level. Could he end up crapping out? Sure, nobody is a sure thing, but I think he's shown more than enough for the Niners to fully commit to him as their QB of the future with the one exception of them bringing in Brady for a year and let Purdy learn under him as his backup and take over the following year.
  16. Again, this to me just doesn't make sense and a couple people are saying it. In what world is it them not being interested anymore in Lance? This isn't a Zach Wilson situation by any means. He looked decent in his limited playing time given him having only played one year in D2 and not having played at all the year before being drafted. He's shown nothing to say he is more likely to be a bust than not and we're not talking about giving up early round picks for him either. The Niners know they have a window to win right now, what good does it do them to sit on a backup QB for another year or two and lose him for nothing when they could draft some players who can help them right now?
  17. Not at all Jimmy was always going to be leaving after this year, no matter what else happened. Beyond that, it's not giving up on a guy that was taken with the last pick of the draft, it's getting something in return while you can for a player with potential because someone else unexpectedly came from nowhere to look amazing. Say the Patriots don't win that first SB with Brady but lost in the conference championship game or even lost the SB. Do you really think they would have moved on from him the next year? To me it's more them recognizing that they can get some assets in return while Lance still has value, not giving up on him in any means. It's not like Purdy has just looked average, he's looked amazing for a rookie, draft position aside. He's earned that job short of anything other than them signing Brady in the offseason which I think they very well still might do anyways. And if that happens, there is even less of a reason for them to keep Lance and hurt his future trade value any further.
  18. If we don't make a move for another QB before we're up with the Niners late 3rd round pick, and he was available in this draft at that point, I would 100% take him for that cost and I think anyone else here would as well. So for say an additional 4th next year, I think that would be a cost I'd be willing to pay to see what he might be.
  19. Not really a fair way to look at it Purdy came into the league with significantly more experience at a higher level than Lance ever did. Lance played what, 1 year of college football and then his junior year was cancelled and he went into the draft. He didn't really look bad last year, he put up some solid numbers for a rookie who hadn't played football in 2 years and only had 1 season as a starter at D2. And again, his game this year just doesn't count for anything as it was an actual monsoon out there, nobody could do anything in the game on either side.
  20. He barely played last year, but in 2 games as a starter and another playing part of the game, he was 58% completion for 603 yards, 5 TDs, 2 INTs, with another 168 yards rushing and a TD on the ground. That's not terrible for a guy who didn't play his last year in college due to D2 shutting down for Covid and was always going to be a bit of a developmental prospect to begin with. Then this year you can't count that first game that he played as it was in a literal monsoon and then he got hurt after going 2 for 3 in his second game of the year.
  21. at any cost? I wouldn't give up anything as high as a 2nd for him, but if he could be had for say a 3rd and maybe a future 3rd or 4th, is that not worth kicking the tires on and at worst we have a backup QB who can run an option based offense if whoever the starter is gets injured?
  22. What do you guys think the Niners will do next year with him and if they look to trade him, what kind of return do you think they'd be looking for? It really wouldn't surprise me if they want to try and move forward with Purdy, particularly if they can sign Brady and have him learn under the GOAT for a year. If that happens, have to think they end up trading Lance for some assets that can help them win now, depending what he'd cost, that could be a very intriguing option for trying to land a QB this year as opposed to trading up in the draft.
  23. 100% agree with this with one exception that very well could be taking place behind the scenes. This actually makes me think the Patriots have already discussed/agreed behind the scenes that Mayo is the coach in waiting and that Bill plans on retiring within a couple of years. Anything short of that, and someone of Mayo's stature turning down an HC interview just wouldn't make any sense. He's an up and coming young candidate who hasn't been an HC before, you have to take every interview asked for at that stage. This isn't like Quinn last year turning down a few interview asks because he didn't like the situation, he'd been an HC before and knew for a fact that he'd be a hot name the following year, very different than Mayo.
  24. And the opposite is a sound strategy? Trading the farm to move up for QB's that nobody else wants to trade the farm for is a smart idea? That's what everyone keeps missing, I fully understand the argument about needing to finally go out there and spend what it takes to get a franchise QB, but if the QB's in this draft were that elite of prospects, then the Bears would be taking one of them and trading fields, not the other way around. It's literally the same argument that everyone is using against Wilks right now, if no other teams want to even ask to be allowed to interview him, then why would we want to hire him so badly ourselves?
  25. Seriously, it's like some people don't understand that in the NFL, you can't do everything you want to do in every off season, sometimes the players just aren't there with what you have at your disposal in terms of draft and cap capital. I don't even think it will be a trade for Carr, I think he becomes a Free Agent as I can't see what team out there right now is in need of a QB and would be willing to take on his current contract. But I'm 100% on board with giving Carr a shot this year if we can get him on a good deal and wait on drafting a QB next year if Carr sucks. He's never had good coaching and has been routinely let down by his defenses his whole career. Give him our defense and quality coaching (i.e. one of these OC candidates) and I think he can be very successful, especially if we then use that #9 pick on a WR with speed to take the top off and allow DJ to be that possession WR across the middle. Carr in that situation would be a significant upgrade of Teddy/Darnold/Baker by a very wide margin.
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