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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Name me a single QB of his frame that has had a successful NFL career? I'll help you out.... there hasn't been a single one Don't give me Wilson or Brees, they're significantly stockier built guys Don't give me Kyler as he also is stockier (particularly his lower body) and his game is more predicated on his running ability. Also jury is still very much out as to how is career is going to turn out, it was looking questionable last year before he got hurt as is. Again, as it's been stated ad nauseam, it's less about his height as much as it is about his frame, it's not built to last in the NFL at that position. If we draft him, we have to win a SB on his rookie contract as I don't see him making it through a second contract as an elite QB. And if that's the case, I'd much rather take someone who is only a marginally lesser prospect in Stroud, but is more likely to have a career twice as long.
  2. Yea, and Cam took a ton of hits, both legal and illegal, in college and in the NFL, and his body still broke down in less than 10 years even though he was bigger than most of the defenders hitting him. It's not a matter of being concerned about Young breaking down in his first year or two, it's how is his body going to last after 5, 6, 7, 8, etc years in the league? He doesn't have a frame that is built to last, I'd rather have the guy who could play 12-15 years than the guy I can't see even making it to year 5 without missing significant chunks of time.
  3. 100% I don't think people understand how easy it would have been for him to add a lot of weight for that combine weigh in. He could have spent the 20 minutes before being weighed just chugging water non-stop and put on literally 10 lbs in just those 20 minutes before being weighed in. Lots of MMA fighters generally put on about 15-20 lbs in the 24 hours of being weighed in and stepping into the cage. That's not because they eat a ton of food and put weight back on, but because they starve their body of water leading into a weigh in and then put it back on just from fluids alone. The same thing can be done in reverse, which is absolutely what I think he did, there's no way he's 10 lbs lighter than Stroud like they weighed in at the combine, just looking at them you can see that's not the case.
  4. If he was bigger, the Bears would have been trading Fields and would take Young themselves. His frame just can't be discounted when evaluating him, it's not the ultimate reasoning for anything or else he'd be a mid round pick, but when there is another prospect that is equally as good, but 5 inches taller and at least 20 lbs heavier (again, I don't believe Young's combine weight was anything other than a good 15 lbs of extra water weight), you gotta go with the QB more likely to hold up to the wear and tear of an NFL career.
  5. When it comes to QB's, teams really should show up to pro days, talk to the player, watch him as he moves around the room and how he handles himself. And then just leave before the workout Those things are so scripted that it's near impossible for a QB to look bad, you're not going to learn anything new in watching them workout in that type of environment. But you absolutely can learn about who they are as a person and a leader by watching how they handle the room and that's really all you can learn about QB's at these things.
  6. His mental game is the only reason I'd be accepting of him if we draft him over Stroud. Heard recently that a lot of times they would give him 2 plays to call in the huddle and then he would choose which play is run at the line of scrimmage. That's not normal in college, normally at that level the whole offense is looking at the sideline and they signal in which play is being run. I do love that about him. But I still go back to... it doesn't matter how smart he is or how well he can throw the ball, if he can't stay on the field it doesn't matter, and I very much struggle to see his frame holding up over a long NFL career.
  7. I'll be honest, the only team on that list that makes any sense is the Ravens, odd list. Falcons are a worse team and will have a worse QB than we will Raiders and Bills have Adams and Diggs, not sure how either offense can really work and keep everyone happy with two WRs who need double digit targets every game to be happy, only one ball to be thrown around. And the Patriots OC is Bill O'Brien, can't see that working with Hopkins in the slightest.
  8. I still say YGM and our 3rd or 4th should get it done. Don't even need to have Arizona eat any of the contract either, just sign him to a 2 year extension with the last year of it possibly just a voidable year, but really all it does is guarantee what is already on the contract and then it can be spread out over 4 years for cap purposes.
  9. Wouldn't be for an extension, as the only one that would make sense is Burns, and extending him would lower his cap hit this year anyways, not raise it. Probably keeping it open for a WR trade if anything materializes, if not hold onto it to roll into next year when we already should have a lot of cap room and make a few splash signings. Also worth noting that we'll need to have the most cap room set aside for rookies given us having the #1 pick now.
  10. I said right away when he didn't do any drills, the reason was because he likely was carrying a solid 10-15 lbs of water weight so he'd weigh in heavier, but it also would have screwed him up in the drills had he done them. Just look at him and you can see he's not 205, plays much lighter than that, he's just too small framed to hold up for a long NFL career.
  11. There's also another way of looking at this The Texans already know they want Stroud and think the Panthers are taking him. So they don't send their main guys to the Pro Day, hoping the Panthers think they're sold on Young and that's who they want. So we swap picks with them thinking we're still going to get our guy and pick up more assets at the same time. Then the Texans take Stroud and played us like fools. That is exactly why I'm so against trading down, we have #1, you don't mess around, you take the guy you want and call it a day. And if we do swap, just for taking the risk and letting them get the guy they prefer, they have to pay through the nose
  12. Not at all, I think every fan base could say the same thing, it's all part of the equation. That's why there isn't a consensus on who should be the #1 pick, because Stroud is not really a lesser talent, just different and I'd rank Young only marginally ahead as a pure QB prospect. I also think the areas that Young is a better prospect, in terms of seeing the game, can be taught to Stroud, particularly since it's not like he's terrible at it, he's just not quite as good as Young there. But you can't do anything about Young's size at all, sure you can get him in the gym and on a diet plan that will hopefully put a little bulk onto him, but he has a small frame, he can only get so big to help insulate him to injuries. If there was a sizable gap between them as prospects, like if it was Young vs Levis, then no, the size factor doesn't play into it the same way and you take Young, easy call. But I think they're very close as prospects, and when they're that close, you factor in Young's size given how small he really is.
  13. Just re-watched it again and I realized how much this little stupid clip makes me want to draft Stroud even more now, and he already was my guy. They clearly had been talking about playing some horse and betting on it at some point. When McCown says to him we'll find a place to play, Stroud immediately said "right here, c'mon" and wanted to go play him right then and there. The guy just finished up his Pro Day while gunning to be the #1 pick, the most job important interview of his life just ended and the team with said #1 pick is clearly heading out of town right now. He can relax for a minute, he can go do something fun, hang out with friends, do what most people would do after just getting thru the most important job interview of your life that you spent weeks preparing for. Instead he wants to go challenge his potential future coach to a game of horse for money, right then and there after finishing his workout. LOVE that competitive spirit from the kid, that's awesome, just from that clip alone I know he's someone who just wants to win at everything and all the time.
  14. I think Young is a better QB prospect in a vacuum due to his next level mental side of things. But I think his size is such a significant factor that Stroud is the better pick to make, particularly after everything we gave up to get him. If we were the worst team in the league last year and #1 was already our pick, I'd be more acceptable of the Young risk, but I'd still take Stroud in that scenario too. I don't think there is a big gap between them as pure QB prospects as they each have various things they do better than the other and are both really good prospects. I'm also not really bothered by Young's height much at all, I don't love it, but if he had a little more stockier build like the other successful short QB's have had, I'd be much more interested in him. I just can't see someone of his build lasting for very long in this league. I know the game is constantly evolving to protect the QB, but defensive players are only getting bigger, stronger, faster, and it might not take many legal hits on his frame to break him down. Having said all that, if we take Young, I won't be as happy as I would with Stroud, but I'm not going to be super upset about it, just hope he gets thicker and can avoid injury. But if we take Richardson after everything we gave up to move up to #1, I'll lose it
  15. I’ve said from the start that I want Stroud and only way I’m swapping with Houston is if we know they’re taking Young. But even if we know for sure, they have to pay thru the nose to make sure they get their guy, I want #2, #12, and 2024 1st, might settle for their 2nd this year instead of #12 though. Anything short of that and we just take our guy, as you also don’t want that guy you draft to be upset that you passed on him at #1 and risked losing them, but if you get all those picks and can convince him you knew they were taking the other guy, then it looks better than risking it for one extra pick.
  16. Not even in the slightest. I'd bet he's at the Pro Day for all 4 QB's The guy spent a couple billion dollars to buy an NFL team, we've sucked since then, and now he has the #1 overall pick. He's a kid in a candy shop right now, unless he has a massive scheduling conflict, I'd be shocked if he didn't attend all 4 of them.
  17. Did he actually say "live"? Was a little muffled but thought he could have said "when you're in" as in, when you're in town for the visit.
  18. Article on ESPN right now for the best fits of the remaining top FA's and they added two best fits for trade targets at the end of it. They had us as the best fit in a deal for Hopkins Please, please, please, PLEASE let that happen Hopkins and Thielen would be an absolute PERFECT pairing of vet WRs to give to a rookie QB to help jumpstart his career. Hopkins has maybe the best hands in the league and Thielen is the ultimate pro's pro who is perfect for that check down safety valve when we can't get the ball downfield. Play Thielen in the slot with TMJ on the outside with Hopkins, it will really open things up for TMJ as well and we can see what he might be able to become.
  19. UGH Elijah Moore and a 3rd just traded to the Browns for a 2nd Was really hoping we'd get him, but also wouldn't have been on board with swapping our 2nd for a 3rd to get it done, I'd have rather just given them a 3rd
  20. meh... Still don't think he's enough of an upgrade over TMJ, I'd rather see what TMJ can be with this new staff and QB and try and trade for a true #1 and/or draft someone with our 2nd.
  21. I guess that would make sense as well, but I just saw the Hardman news and was going to come here saying that we have to go after Moore now, he's expendable for them and we could very much use him.
  22. If true, I'm shocked we didn't send them Brown. Nothing against him, particularly as he looked great last year. But we made the trade to draft a QB at #1, having him a reliable #1 like DJ seems like a more important position to still have filled than a DT/DE.
  23. It's legal here in Michigan, so any one of the dozens of shops that have opened up in the last few years
  24. The other way of looking at it is that catching passes from Stroud made them five first round WRs. This isn't college anymore, he's not throwing to recruits, he's throwing to pros. I don't think this is a legitimate knock on Stroud
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