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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. They gave him $4 Billion, in no world is he ripping up that contract and laughing. I'm quite sure even at that amount, he is still getting Star Wars royalties in some way, as both he and Disney knew they'd make exponentially more money than that while he was still alive, I'm sure he still gets a small cut of profits. EDIT: Looked it up after posting that, he actually took only half the payment in cash, the rest was in stock. From an article from 2 years ago, it said he already had been paid about $500 Million in dividends alone in the time since the sale, and that's in addition to the $2 Billion in stock going up to almost $8 Billion in valuation.
  2. I have to imagine that the teams playing a "home" game internationally will still get 8 home games though now with the 17 game season. Would be pretty messed up to have then play 7 games at home, 9 games on the road, and then an international "home" game as well. So at least there's that.
  3. Why???? The glory of MNF is that it's the last game of the week, gets all the attention, it's part of what makes it special. No reason to add more multi-MNF weeks other than pure greed by the league/owners at no real added value to the fans.
  4. Would be cool of Bryce to offer to pay for whatever Corral would have needed to pay to switch numbers, as I'm sure there was some Corral jerseys in stock that he had to buy back. Bryce probably already has made more money through his endorsements than Corral's entire rookie contract was worth, he's already signed deals with multiple big name brands, and that's before his rookie contract which in itself would be substantial. I know these guys aren't just throwing away money for no reason, but I think it would be a nice touch by Bryce and help him earn some immediate respect/leadership points in the locker room. I doubt it was like with CMC where he'd have needed to spend millions to buy back the jerseys, probably a minimal amount that Bryce could easily afford right now and not even notice.
  5. It's called a joke and the perfect GIF/meme to fit it, calm down. Pretty likely that he asked for #2 the second DJ was traded anyways, but even he didn't, if I'm the team I'm taking his number from him and giving it to the #1 pick, particularly after that IG post. I'd have done it to Clausen too if it was up to me to be frank. I'm sorry, but once you take a QB #1, it's clear it is their franchise moving forward, doesn't matter if you were drafted well the year before, you're now a backup at best, sorry kid, that's the NFL. He literally never suited up in a regular season game because he was hurt and is already unlikely to suit up this year outside of injury needs, the number belongs to the #1 pick and franchise QB, sorry kid.
  6. I hear nothing wrong there First, there is no problem at all if he was drunk or high there. You could hear there were a ton of people in the background, clearly having a draft party. Do you really think there isn't drinking and/or smoking going on at every one of these draft parties? They're not getting drafted like a pickup basketball game and needing to jump right into the game, it would be perfectly acceptable if they were enjoying the party like any other 24 year old. It's not like the guy showed up drunk to the green room at the draft, that would be concerning. Second, there are always delayed responses on those calls and the coaches all know it. Whether it's their emotions making them take a beat before getting a response out or just family not being able to control themselves and hugging, high five-ing, talking to you, etc.
  7. Once that initial FA spree is over, a lot of teams try to wait to finish up their signings until this point in time so signings don’t negate compensatory picks for lost FA’s. I expect to see a flurry of deals throughout the league the rest of the week, many of them likely agreed to weeks ago and just waited to make it official for the above reason.
  8. We will play one of the Texans, Bears, Bucs in Week 1, and I think the ranking is in that order in terms of most likely to happen (I think the Bucs game in Carolina will be a TNF game personally). But I did see the other day that they think the 49ers Week 1 starting job very well could be an open competition between Darnold and Lance if Purdy isn't ready. If that's the case, I'd bet Darnold is the Week 1 starter for a few reasons. The first is just that he was always a good camp/practice QB, he just struggles in games, so he should be better than Lance leading into Week 1 to win the job. The second is that if the 49ers are really sold on Purdy being their guy, I don't think they'll want to play Lance unless they really have to. As if he sucks, it hurts his trade value, and if he's decent, it can throw a wrench into their plans to move forward with Purdy. So assuming Darnold is their Week 1 starter, I could see them playing the Bucs in week 1 to get that Darnold-Baker matchup, would just be interesting after them both being here last year.
  9. Exactly, and I was originally commenting on someone saying they expect a bunch of INTs as a rookie due to the defense baiting him into making mistakes. The baiting him into mistakes part of it is where I'd have an issue if it happens throughout his whole rookie year, not that he'll make mistakes, but that the defense will bait him into it. Again, early on in the season, a few times, sure it's bound to happen, but based on what we were told about him having this next level brain never seen before in a prospect at this stage of their career, he should recognize and fix that very quickly. He could make other mistakes, such as holding the ball too long trying to make plays or getting rid of it took quickly to avoid hits. Or just under/over estimate his WRs abilities to make certain plays that lead to WRs, those things I 100% fully expect to see happen all year as a rookie. But not getting "baited by the defense" as that's what we were sold on with him, that he's a generational mind. Two things always stood out about him the most to me in the pre-draft talk. The first being that Bryce taught O'Brien the Alabama offense when he was hired, that's not in any way normal to have the QB do that instead of the other coaches. The other was that they would regularly give him 2 plays in the huddle and then he would make the play call at the line, again, not normal in college, that's why you always see the whole team looking at the sideline to get the final play choice before the ball is snapped. They also said that he would show up Monday mornings, not only having already fully digested that week's gameplay, but with notes and suggestions of changes to be made. From all accounts, that also is not normal for a college QB to have already done by Monday mornings. I was never on the Young train pre-draft, but the only reason I was accepting of him being the pick in the end was because of this football mind we were sold on. If he wasn't this generational football mind, he wouldn't have been the draft pick, it would have been Stroud or AR. That's why it would be concerning to me if defenses were able to fool him all year long into stupid mistakes.
  10. I was also hoping for this, but only if Horn didn't want it, they're the two I'd have liked to wear it. I was also kinda hoping Mingo would take 11, seeing as he was #1 in college it would make sense, and if him and TMJ could end up being our WR combo of the future, them having 88 and 11 would have just looked good out there together I think.
  11. I think you mis-interpreted my response I wasn't saying I thought he was a bust, just that I wasn't going to get excited about a player having a breakout year because of what a GM said about them in a post-draft interview. In the history of the NFL, I don't think a GM has ever said anything other than about how impressed they were with a player's development at this time of the year, it's pretty standard to hear what he said and so I'm not using that to get my hopes up.
  12. Not that it's anything official of course, but Corral's Wikipedia page is already switched to #2, nothing on Young's yet.
  13. Ideally our top 4 WRs this year will be Chark, TMJ, Thielen, and Mingo this season and while Laviska would be a pretty good 5th WR, Byrd would be just fine as our 5th as well. We don't really have a big bruising RB on the roster right now, and while we could still sign someone, I'd be interested in seeing what Laviska could provide as a RB. He already runs like an RB once he gets the ball in his hand and with his size and pass catching ability, I think he'd make for an interesting backfield mate to compliment Sanders. He's similarly built to Patterson, same weight and just an inch shorter, and runs with a similar aggression. I think it would work.
  14. Boooo, maybe there is a decent amount of Horn jersey's in stock and he didn't want to spend the money to buy them all back, same reason I think CMC stuck with 22 instead of going to 5.
  15. Any word on if Horn switched to 0? Really hope he does, think it would look cool on him and it works for CB's and WR's in saying nobody can beat or cover them. If he doesn't take it, I think it would look good on Mingo who wore #1 in college, and just kinda fits with his last name ending with a O.
  16. The early years of the extension will have huge amounts of money going to Burns, but the cap hits won't be all that terrible. Even if we only sign 1 big Free Agent, that would negate letting Chinn sign elsewhere after the season, there isn't going to be another unrestricted free agent from this squad next year that could get a good deal. And we'll have enough cap room next year to go after someone good, finally getting rid of all these massive dead cap hits.
  17. No, if we were trading Chinn, it would have been before or during the draft as we'd have been able to get a useful pick in a draft that we were lacking them. And seeing as he's going into the last year of his contract, they clearly have a plan to use him extensively this year and will want to re-sign him, or else he'd have been traded already instead of just losing him after the season. In most years it wouldn't be a problem to let him play out the contract as we'd get a compensatory pick for him, but not next year. We're going to have a poo ton of cap room next year and will absolutely be signing a top dollar free agent or two, and thus eliminate any good compensatory pick we'd get for Chinn if he were to walk.
  18. Yep, from here on out, as long as Young is our QB, OL is the most important part of this team every offseason and making sure it is in a sound place. Right now we have a great OL in place with parts that we likely can keep here for a few years. I'd say taking an OL in the 3rd or 4th every year as possible backups is a good idea, and when we need to replace a starter, if we can't do it through FA before the draft, need to use a 2nd or 1st that year on OL. If Bryce stays healthy, in the future we can go a year without WRs or a RB, or even some things on defense if he's that good. But OL is something we'll never be able to compromise with him as our QB, can't risk it. It will be the position that we'll over pay for FA's if necessary as well, and I won't have any issue with it myself.
  19. BMW would just be weird seeing as the Falcons play in Mercedes, which used to sponsor the Superdome as well.
  20. He better not, that was the main selling point on him, that his processing and mental side of the game were next level and more ready than any other QB in recent memory from that standpoint. His negatives were his size and durability (nothing to do there but not get hurt) and that he doesn't have any truly elite physical traits (i.e. arm strength, speed, etc). Those are things that can just tank him as a QB if he can't prove them wrong, but the whole thing with him is that his mental side of the game was supposed to be so good, that those things shouldn't be issues for him. Sure, some early mistakes, but that better not be where he struggles or it will be concerning as that's what he's supposed to be so good at figuring out and overcoming. I'll take it the first half of the season, but if that's an issue late in the year, that's scary.
  21. All sounds great, I'll believe the TMJ and Tremble when I see it though, sounds like typical spring coach/gm speak, they're never going to sit there and say "our players suck and we need better ones" and they're always going to talk up those guys that people know are in make or break seasons. I fully expect the TMJ talk to continue all summer long too and through camp, that happens every year with that type of player, anyone remember David Gettis? According to the staff and reporters, guy was a spring through summer monster who disappeared come Week 1.
  22. I think this is more of the fact that it's a new GM and coaching staff there than anything, not that they don't want him as much as they'd rather see him prove it to the new staff and then just sign him to a new deal. He had a rough rookie year, but he was pretty good the last 2 years, I'm a little surprised they didn't pick it up, but I think it's just the new staff thing in the end.
  23. It's not huge drama by any means, but it's something interesting to talk about for something that would never sniff a national broadcast game, and that's the kind of thing they look for in the Thursday night games. But the fact that we traded for him, then cut him mid-season and he ended up playing decent enough for the Rams to get another starting job and it happened to be in our division, it just seems like a TNF type of storyline to me. The game against the Bears could also fit that bill given the trade and I guess the Colts game could as well with the Reich storyline, but the divisional factor I think gives the Bucs game in Carolina a slight edge there. Especially when I look at the Bucs schedule, to my eye, there isn't an interesting story in their whole schedule outside of Baker with us, they don't play the Browns or Rams and not like they've lost or stolen any big players lately outside of ones who are no longer in the league in Brady, Gronk, AB. The next closest interesting thing I could see for TB would be against the Jags, just because they're both in Florida.
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