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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. I don't think that's at all remotely true. I think Corral absolutely wants to stay in Carolina, and frankly, he should. First, he's not going to be given a starting job anywhere this year, at best he could hope to be the #2 for someone (and as I just said, I think before the end of this season, he'll be our #2 on game days anyways). Second, since he isn't going to start anywhere, his main focus for this season should be on improving his game, and there probably isn't a clear cut better staff in the league right now for him to do that. To work with the staff we put together for Bryce's development, might be the best situation in the league for him as well. Third, no matter what you thought about Bryce pre-draft, there is no denying that his size is a legitimate concern for durability in this league. If I know I'm currently a backup QB in this league, being on a team with a starting QB of Bryce's size would be something I'd want. Him being the current #3 as opposed to #2 is about the only reason he might want out of Carolina at this moment, but beyond that, I think he has ever reason to want to stay here for this season.
  2. I'm also not convinced Dalton has anything left in the tank after what we've seen from him in camp videos and in the preseason game he played. He's here as a mentor to Bryce, if he ever needs to step on the field, we're screwed. Wouldn't shock me if he's only here this one season in the end, and if that's the case, Corral on his rookie contract might make more sense as our backup next year than paying a few million for a more legitimate backup. I also think there is a distinct possibility that by the end of this season, Corral ends up as the #2 on game days with Dalton designated as the 3rd string emergency QB. I think Dalton is going to be worth every penny we're paying him just to be the mentor for Bryce off the field, but from what I've seen from him in camp, he looks completely washed up as an actual QB on the field.
  3. I actually didn't like trading away the picks we did to draft him last year. But since we did and he's now on our team, I think he's more valuable to us as the scout team QB to help prepare out defense each week than a future 7th round pick would be. He's got to be better than the scout team QB on any other team right now, plus he has mobility that can help our defense prepare for any mobile QB's we'll be facing this year.
  4. In no world is a 7th rounder worth giving up on Corral at this point. He's not really tradable for me right now, if Lance is getting a 4th round pick in return, there isn't anything someone is going to be willing to give us for Corral right now that will make it worth giving up on him already. He's far more valuable to us to be our scout team QB than a 7th round pick is to us. I might take a 4th for him (which nobody is giving for him anyways), but anything 5th or later and I just think it's worth hanging onto him for now.
  5. I mean, Chark was in a contract year each of his last 2 seasons and missed 13 and 6 games in each of those two years, so................
  6. BTW... Am I the only one who wouldn't play Chark week 1 even if he is "ready" to go? Pretty sure I saw today that he wasn't actually practicing as much as just back on the practice field, but still doing rehab type of work only. I'd rather be missing him for week 1 than risk a re-injury that will keep him out for multiple weeks after that. Hamstrings and high ankle sprains are two injuries that really tend to linger and keep popping up, rather give it an extra week of recovery with someone with either of those injuries, particularly when it's to start the season. If it's mid season and a must win type of game, sure, play them, but I'd rather him miss week 1 and be available full go in week 2 than have him in week 1 and then possibly miss the next few weeks.
  7. The contract Hopkins signed with the Titans has him as less than $4 towards the cap this year, that's not a big chunk of cap, in fact, it's less cap this season than Chark is costing us. Yes, I understand the future cap implications, particularly in year #2 (15 million cap hit), but that could have been rectified by using a little more cap this year instead. I also don't think we'd have needed to focus on Hopkins to the point that it would be a detriment to Bryce's development, he's not a diva in the way a Diggs or Tyreek is. Yes, he was visibly upset last year with their young QB's after Kyler went down, but it was because they were throwing garbage passes his way, something Bryce wouldn't be doing.
  8. stalking? You joined into a thread that I was already posting in, in what way is me then responding to you stalking you? And it's not about opinions, if you wanted to sign player B instead of player A, that's an option. It's that you've for some reason refused to accept that once we signed Chark and drafted Mingo, there was no longer the money or roster space for going after Hopkins in any way shape or form. And that's not an opinion, it's just a fact that you've refused to accept or understand.
  9. I've been saying Hopkins wasn't coming here from the second we signed Chark and then drafted Mingo. That post was about what I'd have done from the start, which would have been targeting Hopkins instead of Chark, totally different.
  10. I actually think we have really good bail out options for Bryce this year. Thielen is pretty much what you'd create in a lab for a bailout option for a rookie QB. A guy who made his career out of being someone who does the little things right as opposed to relies on his natural talent. Hurst will also be a nice safety valve option, and I think Mingo and Shenault will be good in those roles as well, as guys Bryce can check it down to and hope they break tackles to pick up yards. It's the outside WR position that concerns me this year
  11. Being honest, I don't remember who the FA's were this offseason off the top of my head, but I remember there being a few other players I'd have rather given even a few more million to than him, because of his injury history. Also, my #1 option from the start was never to sign him (or anyone else), but it was to go after Hopkins to be our #1 on the outside, play TMJ/Mingo on the other outside, with Thielen in the slot.
  12. Totally fair and I agree with you in a vacuum. My issue with him has never been signing him or the contract we gave him, but the opportunity cost of having that depth chart spot and money available for someone else, like Hopkins once he was available.
  13. No, it's not about agreeing with me or not, it's that you kept pushing the idea of signing Hopkins once he was cut and can't get past that we never did. If there was even a 1% chance that we would have signed him, then sure, maybe I wouldn't take issue with you saying that. But once we had Chark, Thielen, TMJ, Mingo... we were NEVER going to even consider signing Hopkins, it wasn't even an option, the ship had already sailed without him. All offseason you've looked at building the roster like this was Madden, just go get everyone you want and disregard the real life implications of said desired moves, and it's been frustrating.
  14. Yes, I get this, but my issue was that we all knew this and decided sign an injury prone player to fill our top outside WR position for the season when we didn't have any other proven outside WRs on the roster. That's all And again as I've said, I'd be completely fine with this WR room if it was a few years into Bryce's career. I just don't like it for his rookie year where developing him and building up his confidence is so key.
  15. I think we all hope for that as well, but in a sport like football, I don't think you should be building out a team based on optimism and hope, it should be based in reality. And the unfortunate reality is Chark has been injury prone his whole career, so why did we build this WR room around the hope that he'll stay healthy for a change?
  16. Okay, so everyone who keeps saying things like this with Chark not being our #1.... Please rank our WR's right now assuming full health for all of them and I don't mean in terms of career prospects/potential, I mean right now and what they can provide for us on the field. If you don't think Chark would clearly be the #1 WR on that list than I don't know what to tell you, but I think objectively everyone would say he'd top that list. Everyone keeps saying it's going to be a committee, which it mostly will be, but if Chark was fully healthy for the entire season, he'd 100% lead this team in targets, catches, and yards and I have no doubt in my mind about that, which is why I'd consider him our WR 1.
  17. WR by committee doesn't work though if the committee can't stay on the field. Are you comfortable with a committee that week 1 might be Thielen, Mingo, Shenault, and this new guy from KC as the Top 4 WR options for our rookie QB? Hell... I'm not even sure having TMJ healthy for week 1 makes that an acceptable WR room for a rookie QB. If you told me Chark would play in 15 or more games, I'd have no issue with it, but I don't think he will. Hamstring injuries tend to linger and pop up as the season moves on, so for a guy who already has issues staying healthy, it's not a good sign for him long term this season.
  18. Unless Mingo absolutely breaks out for a 1k type of rookie season, then yes, that would make it a disastrous deal because of the other side of the equation. As I've said, in a vacuum, the contract we gave Chark wasn't a bad one. The problem is that the money and roster/depth chart spot would have been better spent on someone more likely to play in more games. If this was year 3 or 4 of Bryce, it's a totally different story, but this year has 1 goal above all others, and it's the development of Bryce. To do that, he needs his weapons on the field, and we already have a questionable WR room, to have the top depth chart guy be someone with his injury history was never a good idea.
  19. Guy, you need to stop with this nonsense, the fact that you haven't been able to understand this one yet is a bit baffling. Once we signed Chark and subsequently drafted Mingo, Hopkins was never even an option. Signing Chark was the mistake, because if he didn't, we'd then have had the roster spot and money to go after Hopkins, but that ship had long sailed by the time he was released by the Cardinals. You don't sign someone to be a starter, only to sign someone else for more money because you don't trust the guy you just signed to stay healthy, it doesn't work that way. The way it works is to just not sign the injury prone guy from the start, but they screwed that one up, so we're stuck with it.
  20. I don't think there are. Until he got banged up, everyone was raving about how he's looked in camp and that Bryce and him were developing a nice connection and that he was looking like a great signing. Now that he's banged up, it's changed to "well we were always going to be a WR by committee so it's not THAT big of a deal" Thielen isn't an outside WR at this point in his career (and there isn't anything wrong with that, he'll be great in the slot for us). TMJ has been very up and down in his career and nobody knows what he'll end up being (if/when healthy). Mingo is a rookie so we were never going to bank on him being the primary outside WR option this year. Chark, when healthy, was going to be our clear cut #1 outside WR this season, hence why it's pretty safe to say the plan going into the season was for him to be our WR1, which I always felt was a bad plan with his injury history.
  21. But only in a vacuum when looking at the contract given to him. The other side of the same coin is the risk of signing an injury prone player instead of someone with a better history of being able to stay on the field, which I don't think makes it a "low risk" signing when looked that way. And that's always been my hangup with the signing because of having a rookie QB that we want to set up for success, he needs his best WR options on the field.
  22. I hate this argument, because being the #1 target on a specific play call doesn't mean they're the #1. If all our WRs were healthy for the entire season, as things stand right now (i.e. before knowing if TMJ or Mingo could break out and become the top option), Chark would be on the field for more snaps than any of our other WRs. THAT is what makes him our #1 WR, it's not about being the main target on any given play, it's that he'd be on the field more than any other WR. Plus, he'll line up almost exclusively on the outside, whereas Thielen will be mainly in the slot and both Mingo/TMJ are likely to take slot snaps as well. Regardless of how things shake out, it's clear that the staff's plan was for Chark to be the top WR in terms of the depth chart and snap share just based on the rest of the WR room. So whether or not he was going to be the #1 target in any given play is irrelevant, particularly if/when he's injured and isn't even playing, because then we don't have enough quality WRs to put on the field in his place anyways. Yes, I understand that this offense will be predicated on coverage and Bryce just making the smart reads as opposed to focusing on one WR as his top target, but that doesn't mean there isn't a snap share pecking order, of which, Chark was planned on being at the top of it.
  23. Yes, I said it was a mistake the second we signed him, he's far too injury prone to make him our top WR option for a rookie QB. No problem with the player himself when he's on the field, but the problem is he's never been able to stay on the field. If he was already on the team, so be it, but to sign him as our #1 outside WR was a big mistake.
  24. I'll admit I really don't know much about this guy other than the highlight clips out there, but am I the only one who feels like our fan base is getting a little too excited about him? It's not like KC is loaded with deep WR talent, if anything, they're pretty weak there. So if this is someone who wasn't going to make the roster of a team with questionable WR talent, why exactly is he someone we're trying to hype up for us?
  25. I am all for signing Fournette, think he'd be a good thunder to Sanders' lightning. Especially since we better not be doing any QB sneaks with Bryce at his size, and we don't really have that big bruising back for those times we need less than a yard to convert.
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