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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Yep, everyone knew it except the people who purposefully didn't want to see it. It's also the reason why when everyone says, "stop blaming Bryce, he didn't ask for this", I say that's a bullshit response as he 100% gamed his way into being the #1 pick with this. If he did the drills at the combine next to the other QB's and/or weighed in at his Pro Day significantly lighter than at the combine, then he'd have exposed his major weaknesses that he and his team knew he had, and thus wouldn't have gone #1. So yes, in the end, he did ask for this as he did everything he could to get selected #1, which you can't blame him for doing so, but because of it, it eliminates people's ability to say, "he didn't ask for this" anymore.
  2. oh, I did think it was pretty funny to see a mock the other day that had T-Mac going #2, after Hunter going #1, to the Panthers, but as a CB, LOL. But then the entire mock lost it's credibility when it had Sheduer going like #5 and the first QB off the board, haha T-Mac's size is why he's the pick over either Hunter or Burden. If he was just a slow plodding big WR, then I could see the argument for the other two over him, but he's not, he has speed and quickness that you don't often see in players who are also 6'5". It's a dangerous combo that is going to allow him to dominate the league for years
  3. That's fine, but just don't pretend a player having the literal worst game of their career means they're no longer an elite prospect, it happens to everyone (hell, look at Marvin Harrison's first game in the league last weekend, guy had 1 catch for 4 yards, but nobody is going to say he's not a future all pro anymore because of it). Especially in a game where the entire team looked awful, that game was on the coaches. It's clear the team wasn't motivated, they looked at the game as a bye and many players were kept out of the game with minor injuries that they'd have played through if it was a tough game. We have a HUGE game tomorrow against Kansas State, which is still a non conference game since it was set up years ago before we agreed to move to the Big 12. Think the team was just looking ahead to this big matchup and it screwed them all up.
  4. Hey, I’m on board starting Bruce through next year to protect the draft pick. But if things stay like they did in week 1, that just won’t be possible and they’ll have to replace him next year with someone and I’d rather that be a gap starter than blow another 1st round pick in a year with no elite qb prospects Look at the Patriots who are playing their gap starter even with the new guy already on the team and they’re going to be terrible. if we go with a Brissett type of guy next year, with the roster we have, we’re not winning many games anyways
  5. Oh my god, a player universally expected to be a first round d and likely top 15 pick at worst next year had a horrible game the same day his entire team played terribly, take him off draft boards, his career is finished, he’s garbage
  6. As an Arizona alum who has watched all his games, I've always seen AJ Green when I watch him play, also a more similar slimmer body type than the thicker Evans Most of the draft profile comps I've seen have been Mike Evans though, so what do I know, lol
  7. Trade down to collect picks but stay inside the Top 10 to be able to grab Tetairoa McMillan My literal dream scenario, he's going to be a STUD in this league, I'd be ordering that authentic jersey so fast
  8. If we're replacing Bryce next year, it needs to be with a gap starter FA, not a first round rookie This team has WAY too many holes right now, even if we are successful in drafting a rookie QB (which is less likely in a class that isn't supposed to be great to begin with), by the time we build a decent team around them, we'll need to sign them to a massive extension and lose out on the best SB opportunity. We'd be putting yet another rookie QB in a position where they can't succeed. Need to stop looking for the quick and immediate fix and build things up the right way, we need more quality pieces on this roster. If we end up at #1, you trade back, compile assets, and start doing things the right way for a change. It's not going to be fun during the early years of it all, but the team has tried to just skip that step of a rebuild and every year they keep trying to skip it, it just delays success even further down the line. We still haven't even started that process as we did the opposite with the trade up to get Bryce, we gave away our assets for the worst QB in the league and we're still down what is looking like the #33 pick in the draft next year. Tepper didn't start his finance business and immediately start making billions. He had to build it up from the bottom, it took him years to do it, this is no difference except he thinks he can skip those early years for some stupid reason.
  9. No, because if he goes in as a DB there is no way to predict the team needs at the top of the draft. Hunter will be drafted AFTER both T-Mac and Burden if he goes into the NFL as a WR, that's the bet, take it or leave it. (and if/when you leave it, don't forget that YOU were the person last week saying he would be drafted ahead of them even if he went in as a WR only) That was literally the whole debate last weekend, who was the better WR prospect
  10. If we get #1, you trade it 100% unless one of the non QB's looks like a truly generational talent who every expert says is all but a sure fire future HOFer
  11. So you wanted to make a bet on players of possibly a different position before the season even started, let alone knowing the draft order and team needs?!?! That's just ridiculous Hunter is a unicorn in college, no doubt about it, and it makes him a better Heisman candidate. But it doesn't any bearing on his NFL draft prospects at only one of the two positions, NFL teams don't care about your DB ability if you aren't going to play the position in the NFL.
  12. I said it in the very first response to you when you said that. You can't compare his draft slot to T-Mac and Burden if he goes into the league as a DB when the debate is about who will be first WR drafted, LOL If Hunter goes in as a WR only, he will 100% be drafted after both of them (again, as long as they play out the year and go into the draft healthy of course, that's a factor for any draftable player). If he goes in as a DB or for some crazy reason a two way player, then there isn't anything to even discuss, as it comes down to team need
  13. Yes and no If we didn't trade for Bryce, we don't end up with the #1 pick and able to take Caleb. With a serviceable QB last year, we probably end up in the 8-10 range of the draft Trading up screws you even more, but missing on a Top 10-15 QB sets you back years no matter what (well, unless you're like the 49ers who missed because of a trade up when you already had an elite team put together of course). And if you're saying if we ended up with the #1 pick originally and took Bryce, then yea, we could have replaced him with Caleb. Which would be a VERY rare circumstance to where that miss was SOOOOO bad, that it immediately set you up to replace him. There's a reason I left Sam Rosen off that list, like I said, it sets you back unless you luck into a good situation like they did with Kyler that next year. I'd rather do things the right way instead of hoping we luck into a better situation.
  14. Yes and no, one bad game in general doesn't ruin a player's draft stock, especially if he might have been playing sick. I personally would still take him as the top WR due to his size, but I still say he is in the battle for the top WR off the board with Burden, just like I said last week. Both will be taken over Hunter if he comes into the league as a WR only, VERY confident of that
  15. what?!?!? None of those teams have franchise QBs and the only one of them to be contenders since those picks were the Bucs, who are that "lucky" example for falling ass backwards into Brady. I just listed off all the teams who missed on top of the draft QBs, none have been good since then except the Brady lead Bucs, but sure, just dismiss that because they had other problems. If they hit on the QB, odds are their other problems don't cause them to suck like they have been.
  16. Literal nonsense Bears with Fields (no, our ineptitude bailing the Bears out doesn't make it one that worked out) Patriots with Mac Jones Steelers with Pickett Giants with Daniel Jones Jets with Darnold Washington with Dwayne Haskins Bucs with Jameis Titans with Mariota If you miss on a Top 10-15 QB, it screws your franchise for years trying to replace them unless you get super lucky before that 4-5 year mark, like the Bears with us or the Jets with Rodgers. Those other teams have all been trying to solve their QB situation since those picks, and only Washington and the Bears seem to have found long term solutions since then, maybe.
  17. And if you miss, you set us back another 4-5 years instead of getting an elite prospect who could be a pro bowler for the next decade and/or stockpile picks with a trade down. Throwing a dart on a QB with the #1 pick is the dumbest thing an NFL franchise can do
  18. 2025 is a below average QB class, if we have the #1 pick, under no circumstance should we be drafting one of them. Take an elite player at another position or trade the pick and look to take someone in the 2026 class that is supposed to be much better. We can't make the same mistake that we made with Bryce yet again. We took the QB in what was known as a non elite class, even though everyone knew the next draft was supposed to have a good one.
  19. I'd rather go 0-17 than have a QB who just allows you to compete A QB who just allows you to compete is how you get stuck in NFL purgatory
  20. The last time we had a chance at an Elite QB was Cam and we took him, I'd say it worked out well. We could have taken Stroud, but even he wasn't expected to be that type of guy, or else the Bears would have kept the pick and took him themselves. Show me a team that has had long term sustained success with a non elite QB prospect or getting lucky and hitting on a mid round QB (like a Russell Wilson with Seattle)? It doesn't happen, you can't win in the NFL without a QB and you don't get a QB unless you have a high draft pick with elite options, or just flat out luck into a situation. Trying to force a square peg into a round hole to get your QB solution NEVER works in this league.
  21. There won't be an elite QB in the draft this year, there won't be an elite QB FA next year There is no way to replace him with a long term solution before next season starts unless someone gets very disgruntled and demands a trade. And even if that happens, we can't give away another haul of assets for a QB, it never works out, just look at the Browns and Broncos the last couple years who tried it with Watson and Wilson
  22. So what's your fix then? Sign another mediocre FA QB who will get us a pick in the 8-13 range of the draft where we won't get an elite QB prospect and be in the same situation again year after year? Play Dalton and be in the same situation as above? Be terrible this year and then use our #1 pick next year in a weak QB class to take someone who won't be an elite QB and be in the same situation 4 years later? Trading for the pick and then drafting Bryce was the biggest mistake I've ever seen a franchise make, it set us back so many years that it's not even funny. The unfortunate solution is that you just have to completely embrace the suck for a few years. We need to take our lumps this year, if we end up with the #1 pick again, trade it for more assets and take our lumps again for another season and then go for a QB in a better class the following season. There are no quick solutions in the NFL when your roster is this poor on talent overall and with such a bad QB situation.
  23. Will still be our ball though, Mingo's foot was out of bounds while touching the ball before they recovered it
  24. I'd rather that for the next 2 years than the next 10 Start building the franchise right, we're still not at rock bottom yet because it's only Game 1 of Season 2 for Bryce. Rock bottom is either at the end of next season if Bryce is the starter until then, or until he is replaced during the season next year by whoever the backup is. It sucks, but it's just the facts of life for the Panthers right now. We put ourselves here with the Bryce trade. I suggest fans stop getting their hopes up, this isn't getting solved anytime soon.
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