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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. That's awesome, personally I stick to the non-college stuff, but that's a real nice card
  2. It's because the die-cut cards now are generally just boring corners cut off They need to bring back some awesome looking die-cut cards and number them low, so that they're seeked out by collectors, that would be cool
  3. And my up to date Stewart collection, minus a few that are in the mail and my numbered inserts (have a few to 100 or less), but I always seem to be waiting on one to show up, so figure now is as good as ever to update it since I got a couple more in today All my Panthers cards are in here: http://s1158.photobucket.com/albums/p615/ZonaCats8/Panthers%20PC/?start=all
  4. Got my first shipment from checkoutmycards today, got a bunch of cool Biakabutuka inserts and 2 more Stew cards. The pennant card is easily my favorite, the picture of him is glossy like all cards, but the rest of the blue is a felt like fabric with the picture set into it kinda, so freaking cool. The shield is /100, die-cut panther head /86, Stew Crown /10, Stew Absolute /100
  5. Decided to make a stop in at my local card store today, and the kid working was all excited when I got in there, I could tell he had something to show me, didn't expect him to pull out this perfect pairing for my logo patch with a nice dirt stain on it. He also found the Lane auto in the same big box of cards he said hadn't been gone through in a long time, the others showed up in the mail today
  6. My newest pickups, and the picture doesn't come close to doing the shadow box justice
  7. Just saw you asked how much those were going for I picked up the Smitty in a trade with one of the stores in my area, can't remember what I got that Stewart for, and I got the one last night for $6 dlvd, which seems about right, if not a few bucks less than it's worth since it's a logo patch
  8. Like Jason said, mostly get all my stuff from ebay and the forums, he uses SCF, I tend to stick on blowout's forum (a site that sells boxes), then there is checkoutmycards.com and then going to local shows and stores. And trust me, my bank account doesn't like some of the cards I find either, but they're too nice for me to pass up at times Stay away from busting boxes, I swear it was the best and worst thing that I could have ever got into. It got me back into cards, so I love it for that, but I've spent so much freaking damn money on breaking boxes and most of the time you get a 1/4 of what you spent on it in sales, and then are left with just boring base cards. Most boxes are in the $100-150 range and you'll get anywhere from 1-4 "hits" per box, a lot of times those are $5-10 per hit, but sometimes you get lucky and pull a big one. I've pulled like 4 cards that I've sold for $200 or more and have another few in the $50-150 range, but the majority are $20 or less
  9. I actually just made my first purchase from that site the other night, picked up a few nice Stew patches, 2 base cards for my Arizona PC, and then a bunch of Biakabutuka cards that I've been wanting from there for a while but didn't want to pay $4 shipping for a few $1 cards. Kinda cool that up to 10 cards is $3.99 shipping though, I made offers on the 2 Stew cards and then figured I'd pick up 8 other cheapie cards and not have to pay for shipping.
  10. hahaha, right after posting how I'd stop spending money, I go on BO's sales forum and see a Stewart 2010 SPX panther logo patch posted for sale, clearly buying it since I have these two cards as well, want any between Stew, Smitty, DWill in that set with the patches from the panther head logo
  11. you're the freaking man!!!! I have no idea what that card is worth because I've never seen up for sale or in ebay's completed listings, but I'd assume nobody will be asking for more than I'd be willing to pay for it just based on what his cards go for. I mean, look at what I just got that Shadow Box Auto for, hahaha, seriously can't believe I got it at that price Let me know if you hear back, you'll be seeing someone named "zonacats8" bumping that thread for you at times, no idea who that guy may be though There are a few others of his that I want, like his 2010 Magic Auto and 2008 UD Rookie Edition Foil SP Auto, but if I can get this one, I'd be so content with my Stew collection at the moment that I may just stop spending money on it for a bit, thankfully, hahaha.
  12. Did you make that thread on SCF for me or because now you want one for yourself??? hahahahahaha I just went on there to make a thread asking for it and saw yours right at the top, hope you did that for me as I think people will be more responsive to helping you out there than my like 7 posts on there, LOL I've been asking on BO's forums for it for a long time and nobody has come up with it for me. If you get #1duckscollector (ebay name: 03supto) trying to fight you for it, it's because I think he's trying to get one for me too as I told him he could have my gridiron auto if he get's me a replacement for it and the pull-out auto as he really wants mine from me because it's numbered 28/40 and he collects Stews #'d 28/...
  13. Yea, I'm all about the Quality over the Quantity, and in fact, I'm just all about the cards I like the look of, numbering really doesn't matter to me. Like I was just able to pick up his absolute 2 patch 1 football RC card /100 for less than I could pick up his /25 version and it has better patches in it too for some reason. It would absolutely kill me if we didn't resign him to a long term deal as he's my favorite player in the league, has been since we drafted him, and to be honest I'm not really sure why I liked him so much at the start, I think it's because he is just straight beast mode all the time. I like to think that there is no way we'll let him go as he's the best RB between the 3, would just be a stupid stupid stupid football move to not keep him. But if you happen to come across one of those pull-out auto's and you haven't seen me post one in here yet, please put me in touch with the owner as with me picking up the Gridiron Auto and that shadow box auto, it's my clear cut #1 want at the moment.
  14. yea, you've got a nice collection going there, may top mine just because you have more and the football and jersey help, but I think I might have the top 2 cards between our two collections in that Panther face patch and the one I got from you, lol, although your NT patch auto is in that discussion. What I'm dying to pick up now but have never seen one available is his Gridiron Gear Pull-Out Auto I don't have mine broken out, but here is my up to date Panthers PC folder, haven't posted them on here, but I pulled both of the Joe Adams Auto's in there myself http://s1158.photobu...20PC/?start=all
  15. The guy had the thing listed for like the last few weeks at a $30 starting bid, I offered him $20 through paypal and he turned it down, so getting it for $16.25 delivered was huge for me, especially since I had like a $28 snipe set on it and I got it for $14
  16. Thanks! Oh I think it may have just passed it with my latest pickups actually, just not here yet. Came across another of those Crown Royal patches /10 on COMC that I picked up and then there is this bad boy that I got for an absolute STEAL http://www.ebay.com/itm/221070419399?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
  17. These all showed up today, the Stewart Gridiron Auto is numbered to his jersey 28/40 and the Smitty Auto is Topps factory sealed, and the other two Stews are both /50
  18. Thanks Told ya it was a good one, and it looks even better in person, just unreal I have another nice one that should have been here by now, and a pretty sick one that I just won tonight on ebay, my Stew collection is really taking off
  19. why thank you, but I can't wait to show off the new one I picked up, really hope it shows up early next week
  20. haha, no chance, I was just trying to get offers to see what it was worth It's up for auction right now, ends Monday afternoon
  21. This sexy beast just showed up today, an absolute beauty But oh my god I picked up the best patch I've ever seen and maybe my best card today, all I'm going to say is that it's a Stewart and is just unbelievable, and yes Jason, it very much rivals the Patch/Auto I picked up from you, it's that nasty of a card.
  22. These showed up today LOVE the Biakabutuka helmet card, I also just won a sick patch card of his tonight on ebay
  23. I don't expect to get anything near that, but I also don't want to sell it on ebay either, which is why I have it so high. Really just hoping to get an approximate value on it based on offers so I can do a cash/card trade on the card forums for it. Would love to get a couple hundred bucks and a nice Cam auto, maybe contenders, or a Gronkowski SPA Auto 3 color Arizona jersey patch plus cash. Of course the one and only offer so far was for a whopping $40, hahaha Figure if I'm not getting that on the forums, might throw it up as a 3 day auction Thursday or Friday night to end on Sunday or Monday, we'll see. The base auto goes for $200, his base RC goes for about $5 with the variation RC about $20, so if you do the math, this thing could be worth upwards of $800 but I'm thinking closer to $400-500, by far and away the best hit I've ever had.
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