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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Nice stuff, love that Rocket, and I saw that Stew and was considering buying it, but i'd spent so much money recently that I decided not to Haven't picked up a lot of Panthers stuff recently, just got these two in last week though Stewart Magic Refractor Auto /10 Lotulelei SPX Auto /25 and then if we're going to show off some non-panthers 2014 rookie stuff, I guess I'll brag a little myself....................... I'm an Arizona alumn /5 1/1 and 1/1 Oh yea, I picked up this one too.....................
  2. Wow that's an awesome pickup, I see a lot of the big names from that class on there too, Cam, Julio, AJ Green, Dalton, Cobb,Torrey smith, Von miller
  3. If anyone wants to see a pretty ridiculous picture of cards, I just made a thread for my 10,000th post on blowout with some of my favorite PC cards http://www.blowoutcards.com/forums/football/674851-10-000th-post-so-i-wanted-show-off-few-favorites-only-half-stewart.html
  4. Just got this in today, one of the lowest numbered NFL licensed cards for Star 4/5
  5. and rounds 2 & 3............................... Stewart/Deangelo/Delhomme/Smitty Quad Auto 1/4 2008 Certified RC FOTG Patch Auto /5 2011 Elite Black Auto 1/1 2013 Certified Black Auto 1/1 (another card I had to include in the deal to finish my Prizm set, super pumped to get it back) 2009 UD Black Quad Patch Auto 1/1 and finally, the Pièce de résistance....................................... 2008 Exquisite RC Auto 1/1
  6. This was a pretty good mailday for me, I had a Stewart Finest Super, but didn't have a Chrome one yet, so pretty pumped to add this to the PC. Then I'm also so close to the full rainbow, I have all of these plus the base refractor and x-fractor on it's way, just need to track down a Gold /50 if anyone can help locate one of them. I was also able to track down one of the Lotulelei 1/1 Autos and got the owner to let it go, super excited about that one as I now have 2 of his 5 (only 4 have surfaced) 1/1 autos and 3 of his 5 best cards when you count the TC Super. Sucks about the auto not being great, which is why I passed on it (at a cheaper price than I had to pay too) before I started collecting him. But once I started the PC and realized how little cards he had, I don't really care about the auto anymore
  7. Does anyone by chance have a 2011 Topps Chrome Stewart Gold /50 that they'd be willing to sell to me? Please let me know, really looking for one Thanks
  8. Well that collector sold off literally his entire collection to one guy, he told me that he only kept one card from everything that he had. So these did all come from that collection and I'm currently in talks with the guy on another lot that will bring be another 3 1/1's and another low numbered card as well. And yea, you know how much I love 2011 Crown, so getting that 1/1 was HUGE for me and my collection, also couldn't be happier to get another one of the Silhouette autos seeing as that is my favorite card that I own, well now, favorite cardS, lol. Also nice to get that Certified Patch back as that was my first Stewart 1/1 and one of the cards I had to include in the trade to finish off that Prizm set. Going to be getting back another one of the cards I traded away in that deal in the next lot I'm buying from the guy too
  9. 2102 Certified Logo Patch 1/1 2011 Inception 1/1 2010 Contenders Championship Ticket 1/1 2011 Crown Royale Green Auto 1/1 And here is the full rainbow 1/1, /10, /25, /100 2011 Crown Royale Silhouette Auto/Patch /5 And then here is my entire Stewart Silhouette collection (along with the 1/1 again for good measure) 1/1 2/5 3/5 /10 /10 /10 /10 /25
  10. Loving that Deangelo Certified Gold, great card there good sir I've got a few things up my sleeve that I'll hopefully be able to reveal later this week
  11. Last week or so of mail Stewart NT RC Plate Auto 1/1 Delhomme/Smitty Dual Face Mask /125 Blue /25, Orange and All American /50, base
  12. Loving the Smitty Those are a few things that I do badly need to add to my PC someday, some Smitty rookie autos, I don't have any
  13. haha, I do what I can, the high end Lotulelei market right now is pretty much just me, look at almost everything good of his that's sold in the last month and it's probably mine. Once I have everything I need (and I'm getting somewhat close) someone is going to have that card and think they have a big sale coming, but I won't be needing it, lol
  14. And here's some other stuff I've got in recently Stewart Contenders Plate 1/1, Stewart NT /10, Stewart RC Certified /5, Select Gold /10 Lotulelei Autos Red 5/5, Yellow /10, Green 10/10, Blue /25, Refractor /99 I also have the base and /25 blue version of the red one coming in as well as the /50 All American one too
  15. Thanks man, that's what made me pull the trigger, that I know it will forever be his best card ever made Here's the full rainbow, finally got the purple in today, last one I needed, now onto trying to find the other 3 plates someday
  16. Also pretty happy with getting this one in today, it's the lowest numbered auto that Biakabutuka has
  17. Letting the picture do the talking on this one..................................................
  18. More Star's showed up today Score /25 Prestige 14/50 (OMG ebay 1/1 because he was the 14th pick, WOW ) Elite /96 Blue Chrome /199 3/5
  19. Only this one showed up today, a little disappointing as I was expecting maybe 4 or 5 more today, guessing the weather might be delaying things a bit 15/15
  20. Neither Panini or Topps has been able to get him under contract to sign for them yet. It freaking sucks as he didn't make it into either Chrome or Contenders, at this point I'm just praying he's added by the time National Treasures starts to get packed up. And yea, Kenjon's auto SUCKS
  21. The Plate set is from 2012 Panini Black They put only the black plates in boxes, then if you got one, you sent it in to Panini and they send it back to you along with the other 3 plates to complete the set, they're doing it for 2013 again I believe as well. And yea, everyone seems to be loving the Smitty's that I've been picking up and has been asking if I'd sell them, I can't figure out why................... Oh yea, because they're BADASS, that's why I'm a little late to corner the Star market unfortunately because he doesn't have a ton of Panini/Topps products an it's likely that a majority of his Leaf and Press Pass low numbered stuff won't hit the market again as they would have sold last April when the products released.
  22. And here is part 2 of today's mail and the start of my new PC player, and I still have 10+ cards either in the mail or paid and waiting to be sent out Momentum /49, Score /99, Elite 1/199 Chrome Red /25, Prestige /10, Elite National VIP /5 /25 1/1
  23. Okay, here is part 1 of today's mailday............ 2011 National Treasures Jonathan Stewart Auto 1/1 2012 Limited Greg Olsen Auto /25
  24. So since I most likely have somewhere between 7-12 cards showing up Thursday alone and 17 total that I'm waiting on as of right now, figure I'll get these latest additions shared in here for now to at least break it up from one huge post. There is a decent chance that my first mailday of the year will end up being the best single day of mail I get all year, you'll see why when I'm able to get that post up Thursday evening This is either my 3rd or 4th (can't remember) Stewart Silhouette /10, the Limited jumbo patch is also /10, too bad it doesn't have a better patch in it though. The Lotulelei Chrome Red is /25, and I also picked up the Camo, Blue Wave, and Orange Lotulelei Chrome cards as well but not going to put them in here
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