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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. If the talk is about moving up in front of us in particular, then it 100% has to be for Sewell if he falls, as there is nobody else they'd want to keep us from drafting as any other position, there would would be multiple options of similar level/value. But I can't see how they could make that jump, even with the connection with the Lions HC, they'd have to give up at least 2 future firsts and likely a little more to make the jump that high. No reason for the Lions to move THAT far down in the draft for anything less than that. Hell, I don't even want to move back to 15 with the Patriots unless we're also getting their Second this year and First next year, too big of a drop given the players we can get at 8 and there. And to be honest, as much as I want Sewell, I just don't think the Saints are a SB contender right now with their QB issues without Brees, so if they want to mortgage their future first rounders to take a player we want, so be it, we'll still get a great player at 8 or trade down a few spots and still get a great player while picking up extra picks.
  2. Have a QB AND Sewell drop to us at 8, then send #8 to Denver for #9 and Lock, they take the QB and then we get Sewell on a cheaper contract than at 8 and pick up a back up QB with potential at the same time. Works for me!
  3. Is it? Who's to say Belichick is a great evaluator of QB's? It's not like they drafted Brady with the though that he'd go on to be their franchise QB, and since then he hasn't had to make any decision on a new starting QB until recently, and it's not like Cam killed it last year. The closest would be Jimmy G who they were grooming to hopefully take over, and now the team with him has traded up to get a new QB to replace him. So not like Belichick has some unblemished record on scouting QB's, he backed his way into the GOAT and had him for 20 years.
  4. And I saw a mock draft the other day that had us taking him at 8, I'd cry. Honestly, if we can't get Sewell, the only other player I want at 8 is Slater, who rumors have the team not too high on, so if Sewell doesn't fall, I just want a trade down to about 12ish range and then take a CB there.
  5. Love getting rid of him, but this actually might have hurt us in the short term due to it being with Denver. Broncos likely aren't drafting a QB now, which hurts the trade value of our pick as part of that value was people who wanted to jump ahead of the Broncos to get their QB. Really hope Sewell drops to us, as almost anyone else I'd want to trade back a few spots to take.
  6. This would be a terrible pick at #8 If Horn is who the team wants, there is is ZERO reason to not trade down a bit, even if it's not that good of a trade to trade down, we'd still be able to get him and at a cheaper contract. I feel like most of the love of him on here is due to the Carolina connection, thankfully as a longtime Panther's fane from outside the Carolina's, I don't have any connection to him and I can realize that. I'm not against Horn, but I'm VERY against him at #8, there would just be better choices at that spot regardless. I very much think we need to get a shut down corner, but I don't think there is anyone worthy to take at that spot, not when we could trade down anywhere from 9-15ish and still get one of the top 2 CB's on a cheaper deal and pick up a few more draft picks at the same time. For me, it's Sewell, Slater, or trade down, nothing else would make me happy at this point. We've had a LT problem since Gross retired, there are 2 legit choices for us this year, we should be able to get one of them, but if not, there isn't a clear cut choice at #8 for me and we can trade down a few spots and still get an equally impactful player on a cheaper deal and pick up some extra picks while we're at it.
  7. I'd sure hope not, seeing as I don't think he's that good of a QB. He shocked the league 2 years ago, this past season they already started to adjust to him and struggled, it won't be long until he's a below average QB who can't stay healthy due to his size and not being big enough to run as constantly as he does to take the hits that comes with it. I'm a hard pass on him at any contract number, his body type and style of game just aren't conducive to being a long term franchise QB. Hell, if Cam couldn't do it, why does anyone think someone half his size without the same passing ability will be able to do it?
  8. and how does trading away next year's 2nd for a QB and then drafting one in the 1st this year look for QB analysis? What would you say if we drafted a QB at 8 this year and then after the draft we then traded our 2nd rounder next year for Darnold? Panther's fans collective heads would implode, but drafting that player in the first AFTER making that trade is even worse in my opinion. As in that scenario, all we'd have wasted is next year's 2nd rounder, but if we draft a QB in round 1, we've wasted a first rounder this year. They made the trade, now it's time to see it through as the best chance for Darnold to succeed is to add a talented 1st round pick who will make an immediate impact as a day 1 starter. Drafting a QB who either won't play (or play instead of Darnold) would just make the Darnold trade even worse as it hurts his chances to be successful. If all the talk about us still being interested in a QB is anything other than a massive smokescreen to try and get a big offer to trade back, then I've already lost all confidence in the new GM, regardless if we draft a QB or not, if there is legit interest, that's beyond atrocious. If Darnold sucks, then we'll have a decent draft pick and can always then send a stupid big offer to move up in the draft to get a QB if needed, and if that happens, hopefully we'll then still have someone like Sewell (please god let him fall) or Slater to protect them. I like that scenario much better than taking a QB this year who still may not succeed but also then being out our second next year, not getting an LT this year, and having a QB competition that might hurt both instead of helping.
  9. As long as we can dump Teddy and get him on the cheap, then I think it would be an outstanding move. We need to have a good veteran mentor for Darnold, and there isn't many, if any, better options out there right now than Smith.
  10. Denver To me the best case scenario is that NE doesn't trade ahead of us to take a QB and only one is left when it gets to us at 8. We can bluff a great NE offer to Denver so they give up something decent like maybe a 3rd rounder or maybe 2nd next year, we get the player we'd have taken at 8 but save a little money on the contract and get that extra pick.
  11. We already have great weapons in CMC, DJ, and Robby. Sure, it would be great to add Pitts to that group, but to pass up the chance at solidifying our LT for the next decade to take a freaking TE in the top 10 would be beyond moronic. If either Sewell or Slater are there at 8 (and there is almost no chance they're both gone), I can't fathom to understand how anyone else could be the pick. We've struggled to protect the QB for YEARS and it's a constant complaint on here, how do you pass up a cornerstone LT?
  12. This is what I want, but not at 8, I want it at 9. My dream scenario is that one of the QB's falls to us at 8 and we can bluff a Patriots trade to swap spots with Denver, so we still get our LT (please god let it be Sewell), save a little money on the rookie contract with it one spot later, and still pick up another pick or two in the process for the swap.
  13. If we move back from 8 to 15, I want a hell of a lot more than NE's first next year (which is likely to be in the second half of the first round) and a late round pick. With how this draft is shaping up, the 7 picks before us will be at least 3 QB's, potentially 4 or 5, and at least 1 if not 2 or even 3, of the WR's/Pitts. Which means at 8 we're essentially guaranteed to be able to get Sewell, Slater, or the staff's favorite DB in the draft. If we move back to 15, we lose out on every one of those options, and there is no bigger need on this team than an elite LT and a shut down DB. If we're moving back that many picks and losing out on a player like one of those, I want 15, their 2nd rounder this year, and their 1st next year. Anything less than that and I'm taking one of the LT's and if there somehow both gone, I'm taking the top DB.
  14. Would be so dumb to give up a second rounder next year for Darnold and keep Teddy in the building as Darnold needs to be the starter on day 1 and not have to look over his shoulder, we need to see what he's got. Keeping Teddy would be a disaster
  15. Depending what it would cost, I'd be all for trading for Darnold and drafting a LT at 8. But I'm not sure I'd give up even our second rounder this year, maybe 3rd this year or 2nd next year and add in like a future pick in the 5-7 round range, I'd do that. Darnold had terrible coaches and no supporting cast, give him CMC, DJ, Robby, and a good staff, he could be very successful.
  16. There is no way Mac Jones is the pick given that they moved up to #3. If they were already at #3 themselves, nothing wrong with taking him if they think he's the best QB left. But they EASILY could have traded up to say 6 with the Eagles (who clearly were okay with trading back to 12 apparently) and saved themselves a future first round pick while still getting Jones. They did this to draft Lance and have him sit behind Jimmy G for a year, which is the smart move for anyone who drafts Lance as the guy played one year of D2 and had to just take the last year off basically, he's not ready to play as a rookie.
  17. It's not hard to see how this plays out, it means we either don't get a QB in this draft, we take Jones at 8, or we give up a STUPID ransom to get the second pick. As the Falcons just aren't going to trade the 4th pick within the division to give us a potential franchise QB, they'll trade it to someone else for less of a return to make sure that doesn't happen as that's what would be best for their own team moving forward over getting a tiny bit more value from us.
  18. There is literally no way in hell the Jets stay at 2 and take anything other than a QB, they'll get far too good of offers to keep the pick and take a non QB
  19. yea, i wouldn't give up our first round pick this year by itself for him right now. If he's cleared and this is all bunk in the end, then go all out, but right now, you can't touch him with a 10 foot pole
  20. This lawyer better have more texts that are damning or this might go away quickly. One text of Watson apologizing for making her uncomfortable doesn't really do much, that very well could have been something innocent and not on purpose that caused it. And the other asking if she's okay with the glute area also doesn't mean crap, i'd imagine a lot of football players get all parts of their body massaged given the hits they take, glute area included.
  21. I still don't understand this argument one bit, it literally makes zero sense for the Texans ownership/leadership to be behind it whether true or not. In what way would this benefit McNair? If true, it would get his QB suspended or worse If false, it destroys his trade value for a while and likely hurts it regardless. They'd have been better off keeping it quiet, trading him for a ransom, and then letting all this go public a few days later and let the other team deal with it while you reap the rewards from the trade.
  22. Hard pass it wil take more than the Bears offer that was already for more than anyone should offer for a QB of his age
  23. Oh and there is NO WAY their owner is behind this, it would make no sense as it ether hurts his trade value even if proven false as that will take time to come out, or gets him a serious suspension and possible jail time if true. Neither scenario helps the Texans, and I can’t see him doing this thinking it will destroy his trade value and get him o come back to the Texans, as it eventually would come out that he was behind it, and then he’s screwed.
  24. At this point I wouldn’t give up ONLY the 8th pick for him until there is a resolution, far too big of a risk
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