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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. This may not be the answer most would expect, but I actually hope this is something Tepper actually asked for and goes through with. Tepper screwed the pooch with the Rhule hire and he knows it, the guy is new at this. I think him interviewing as many coaches as possible is the smart move, and not from the sense of trying to find the right coach for the team in an instance like this. Tepper knows he won't hire him as the HC, so use the guy for some experience in interviewing HC candidates, it's far different than him interviewing an executive for his financial businesses. Particularly with this being someone who was already a HC, so the guy has been through the cycle and knows how to properly interview for it. Tepper should use it as a good base for when he then interviews guys like Ben Johnson who has never been a HC before, makes for a good comparison to if the guy is prepared or not.
  2. The guy couldn't finish last season and it cost his team the playoffs and he couldn't finish this season and it's going to cause them to get bounced in the first round of the playoffs. In what world is trading a whole bunch of high draft picks for him and then giving him a monster fully guaranteed contract even a halfway decent idea?!?!?! It would be the most idiotic thing any franchise could do, there is a reason the Ravens haven't given him a long term deal yet, they know what everyone else knows and are just hoping if they hold out long enough, some team out there will make a massive mistake and trade for him instead.
  3. By the time CMC hits 30, I absolutely expect him to be a full time Slot WR, maybe take the occasional hand off like Deebo has done the last few years. If the Niners decided to make him a full time Slot WR next year, he'd immediately be one of the best players out of the slot in the league, behind only the likes of guys like Kupp, Lamb, etc, the stud WRs who already play the slot almost exclusively. That has been the fallacy of everyone who wanted to trade him because of his position and contract, as his contract for an elite Slot WR of his caliber would be a steal.
  4. The whole "the offense and running game got better after we traded away CMC" is just a complete and utter farce from people I don't think really watched our games. It was quite clear that Rhule was deathly afraid of CMC getting injured again and they based their play calling around that fear. The running game improved after the trade because they were no longer afraid of having their highly paid RB get injured, so they had no qualms about running it up the gut a whole bunch of times every game. Which was something CMC was always great at, but didn't seem to do a whole lot of it early this year, which to me was out of fear of injury. I'd long said that CMC's injuries were more freak plays, like a couple years ago the high ankle sprain was from someone falling on his ankle as he was being tackled on his way into the end zone, not his body breaking down. And that we'd trade him away and watch a team use him properly and him finally not get bad luck with freak injuries and we'd watch him dominate for the next decade, particularly once a team moves him into the slot full time once he hits 30ish.
  5. Not interested in Mayo in the slightest, if we're going to hire a former Linebacker and defensive minded coach, it should be Ryans, not Mayo. It's as simple as just not wanting someone from Belichick's tree, they never work out, like... ever. The problem is they always try to do what Belichick does, and it doesn't seem to work for anyone else but him. Is that an unfair reason to not want someone for a job? Maybe, but I don't want to be one of those teams who try to break that mold, rather just go somewhere else from the start, as unfair as it may be to Mayo or not. Particularly with it being a defensive coach, as we know that's where Bill's focus is with his team, so right away I'd be skeptical about how much of the defenses success has to do with Mayo himself. Maybe it's a lot of him, but Bill has been known as a defensive genius for a long time, well before Mayo, so odds would seem to lean towards the defense being more Bill than Mayo.
  6. Based on my eyes watching him play, raw numbers can be very misleading if they're built up through dump offs and easy passes due to scheme. The MVP year was more due to scheme and play calling, the Ravens had players running wide open all year long, any NFL QB was making most of those passes he was hitting that year. But he just doesn't have the accuracy of an elite level QB who deserves to be one of the highest paid players in the league, he's just not that guy. Mac Jones has a higher completion % in his two years than all of Jackson's seasons except for his MVP year, and even that was lower than Jones' rookie season. Do you think Jones is an elite level passer? God no, they just have him make a ton of easy throws a game and it helps build up his % stats, but he's not and likely will never be an elite level passer. Too many fans look at only raw numbers or fantasy points for players these days instead of actually watching them play and using their own eyes to judge players.
  7. Have you read any of my posts about Mahomes in this thread? They gave up the 27th pick, a third rounder, and a future first rounder to move up to 10th in the draft to take Mahomes. That's a borderline steal of a trade by KC before you even factor in what Mahomes became, just giving up a 3rd and a future first to move up 17 picks in the draft to be in position to draft a QB is ridiculous.
  8. Absolutely not If he was THAT guy, the Ravens wouldn't even be open to discussions of trading him and they'd have already locked him up long term. They have seen him up close and personal for years of course, the fact that they haven't caved and given in to his guaranteed contract demand yet is a telling sign in itself. He already can't stay healthy, and he's not that good of a passer, he has one or two good years left in him if he can stay healthy, I can't see him being a starting QB into his 30's with his body and style of play. I'd rather give up 2 first, 2 seconds, and 2 thirds to move up to #1 in this draft, and based on my other thread, it's clear I think that would be an utterly moronic move in itself, and I'd prefer that 100 times out of 100 over any trade for Lamar and the subsequent contract we'd have to give him to destroy our franchise for the next 10 years.
  9. They moved up 17 spots by giving up a 3rd rounder in that draft and a future 1st, in what world do you think we are moving up into the top few picks of this draft and not giving up more than double that amount of draft capital in return? Even if you don't look at what Mahomes became, moving up from 27 to 10 at a cost of said 27th pick, a 3rd, and a future 1st to draft a QB is basically a robbery in itself, let alone giving up a haul for it. That's the point... moving up in the draft or trading for a vet QB isn't the problem, it's what we give up in return. If we want to move up from 9 to draft one of the top 3 QB's in this draft, I'd fully expect that to cost us our 1st this year, both 2nd's this year, our 1st next year, and likely another pick or two on top of that such as our 3rd this year and/or our 2nd next year. Stop looking at the end result of "traded way up to get Mahomes" and look at the details to how they did that.
  10. With how things shook out, I'm actually very happy the Lions took Sewell here. He was the guy I wanted the most in that draft, and being from Detroit with all my friends being Lions fans, that one killed me (they still like to joke about how angry I got at them taking the guy I wanted). However... with us then getting Ickey this year, I'm much happier getting Horn with that pick. I like the combo of having Horn and Ickey far more than I would have wanted Sewell and whoever else we would have taken in this past draft.
  11. Carr has always been a solid QB who has been hampered by bad coaching and absolutely horrendous defenses. Put him behind our OL, with Moore, the 9th pick a WR, our defense, and say Harbaugh as his coach, you don't think that would work? I like that situation significantly more than giving up 4-6 high draft picks to move up and take one of the QB's in this years draft.
  12. Yes, Stafford is the exception, but only because they actually won the SB in one year, if that didn't happen it would be pretty bad right now, and at least 50% of the return they got wasn't because of Stafford but just the Lions being willing to take back Goff's contract in the deal. I named Mahomes, but I don't think either him or Allen were at all hauls to move up to get them, they're what I was saying in a "minimal trade to move up" Mahomes cost KC a future 1st and a 3rd to move up from 27 to 10, if anything that's a steal for them even before knowing what Mahomes became, let alone a haul. Allen cost the Bills two 2nd's to move up from 12 to 7, which they needed to do to jump the Cardinals who took Rosen, and they also got a 7th back, again, not a haul by any means. If we want to move up to take one of the top 2 or 3 QBs, I think it's going to cost us a lot more than either of those two as there are already QB needy teams ahead of us, it won't be cheap to move up this year. I'd imagine it would be our first, both our seconds, next years first and probably next years second at a minimum to move up into the top 3 or 4 to get one of them, which seems far too much given none of them being close to sure things. What are the real successful trades where a team gave up a massive haul for either a QB or the draft pick to take a QB? That's kinda my point, I'm struggling to think of any where it worked out.
  13. Has anyone ever actually looked back on those trades? They NEVER work out for that team, if they occasionally did it wouldn't be a terrible idea to try, but they just don't ever work out. Two reasons for it, the first being that you give up way too many assets that are needed to build up a bad team and the second is because it's usually not for a sure fire stud prospect, or else the team with the pick would just take them and trade their current QB. The closest to ever working out would be Stafford last year, and that haul was really more to take back Goff's contract as it was for Stafford. Plus, without them winning the SB that would be a really bad looking deal right now considering the current state of the Rams and that top draft pick now going to the Lions. Here's the ones that I can remember off the top of my head from at least recent memory..... Russel Wilson - Not looking great so far Deshawn Watson - Not looking great so far Trey Lance - Not looking great so far Goff - Sure, they got to a SB with him, but he clearly wasn't the reason why, the best thing he did for them was get them the QB who did win them a SB Wentz - Sure, they got a SB a couple years later when he was playing like an MVP, but he didn't actually win them the SB and then crapped out right after RG3 - Maybe it works if he doesn't get hurt at the end of his rookie year, but his body/style of play was never going to hold up in the NFL anyways Trubisky - Clearly did not work at all Darnold - best thing he did for the Jets was fleecing us in a trade for him The only outlier to this where it worked out would be Mahomes, but even at that, I'm not sure giving up a 3rd rounder and a single future 1st rounder to move from 27th to 10th is really giving up a haul for that pick anyways. Yes, I know we clearly need to fix the QB problem, but doing it this way just never works, we need to find the right free agent or cheaper trade (like Carr maybe), or stand pat and hope to strike gold with our own pick or a minimal trade to move up to get one we like.
  14. Fair right now, but pre-season, we were a popular pick to take a jump forward and possibly even challenge for a playoff spot. Particularly after we added Baker, and yes, while the schedule was made before that trade, also pretty clear the league figured we'd end up with Baker in the end as I think they scheduled us to play them week 1 on purpose, just like last year with Darnold and the Jets.
  15. Amateur lol Clearly have to find a way to see an early evening showing and still home in time for the game. As long as you catch a 5:30 showing or earlier, you can still be home in time for the game, thats my plan. I do like how they do that with these big new movies now, my area is having showings starting at 3 PM on Thursday, so much better than when they used to wait until literally midnight a few years back, that was rough.
  16. Black Panther 2 has had it's current release date since 2021, so clearly well before the schedule was made. The league had to know about our plans for a Black Helmet this year before the schedule was finalized (knowing most of those things get debuted on TNF) It can't be a coincidence that we're playing on TNF the day the movie hits theaters and also we are debuting the black helmets with the all black uniforms, right?
  17. People can't have it both ways. They complain when the fields are torn up at the end of the season and how it's a risk to player safety, but then the same people also complain that the turf is less safe for players and want grass. Fact of the matter is, that there are very few stadiums/arenas for any professional team that are used ONLY for that team's games and nothing else, especially in this day and age where stadiums cost an exorbitant amount of money to build and thus need multiple revenue streams to make it work. If you had football stadiums that were used ONLY for NFL football, then it would be much easier to have grass, but are there any where that is the case? Maybe Green Bay since it's a pretty small town that likely doesn't get much there other than the Packers, but I'm pretty sure all the other NFL stadiums are used for other events almost year round. Plus the idea of making all stadiums being forced to have grass fields just couldn't ever happen anyways. How is that going to work in Detroit, Minnesota, Indy, Atlanta, Dallas, New Orleans, Houston and LA where they have indoor stadiums? Sure some of them have retractable roofs, but they weren't built in a way where they open enough to allow for proper sun coverage to get in there to keep it up to an NFL quality level field. That's 9 of the 32 teams who couldn't even have grass fields if they wanted to, sure the Raiders and Cardinals have indoor stadium with grass, but they're very unique in how they have grass, the stadium obviously had to be built with the ability to roll the grass outside, you can't retrofit that into existing stadiums, particularly as some of them wouldn't even be able to have any place to roll the field out to if they wanted to (like Detroit).
  18. This all about the same Terrace Marshall that had 2 catches on 3 targets for 31 yards? If I only read this thread, you’d think he had a 150 yard game or something.
  19. If we traded Burns for the Saints first round pick, that ends up as a top 10 pick, and we then trade that pick BACK to the Saints so we can get Payton.... I'd legit be done with being a Panthers fan after over 25 years, that would be the dumbest thing ever.
  20. While I'm against trading Burns, if the Eagles were to offer us the Saints first rounder, which is currently looking like it could be a top 10 pick, then I'd do that deal. At worst we could replace him with a top 10 pass rusher next year, but also could use it for something like a WR to pair with DJ for our new QB, that would be pretty great too.
  21. We should have had them throw Elijah Mitchell into the deal
  22. He could get injured and miss the rest of the season, and someone would still give up a first rounder for him in the offseason if we tag him. He's a 24 year old elite pass rusher, he could be that for another 8-10 years.
  23. What coach is going to want to go to a franchise with no good players and no cap room, you can only do so much in the draft.
  24. I'd probably keep him and see if we can convince him to an extension, because at worst we can franchise him and still get a first rounder for him in the offseason
  25. He's not an injury prone RB. He had 2 injuries in consecutive seasons that he likely could have played through more if we were a contending team, but we weren't so they took the time, it didn't quite heal up, and they shut him down. Also thinking of him as an RB is the problem, he's being used wrong, he needs to be a Slot WR used, ironically in the Deebo way, and get 8-10 carries a game still. Then his contract isn't a problem and his injury risk is reduced, he's about to dominate in SF.
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