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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Anyone know the rules in regards to a second interview with Steichen this week and/or weeks leading into the SB if they make it? He's really the only realistic candidate left that I actually want (my top 3 was Harbaugh, Ryans, or Quinn with a second level down of Johnson and Steichen), so I'm really hoping we're allowed to do a second with him sooner than later as I get the feeling Tepper isn't going to want to sit around and wait 3 more weeks to make a hire (or at least have an agreement in place that could be announced once the SB is over if they make it).
  2. There is a literal 0% chance that the Texans pass on a QB at 2 because they decided to sign Carr, just won't happen, absolutely not even a remote chance of it happening. No franchise is passing on drafting a top QB prospect to sign 32 year old Derek Carr Just lolz
  3. Yea, if it's 2 firsts, Payton shouldn't even want to take the job, he has to know that's too much to give up for him to do the job successfully. I'm still very strongly against giving a division rival draft picks for a 60 year old coach, but if it leads to my fellow Arizona alum in Gronkowski to being a Panther, then I'll give them as many first rounders as they want, it's always been my dream scenario for Gronk to be a Panther, I'll live with a stupid trade under those circumstances lol.
  4. I'm guessing he can't do that, he didn't take a leave, he retired, it's not like they have to keep paying his contract. They just retain his coaching rights until the contract would have been over, if not, coaches could "retire" any time they wanted just to switch teams, it would be wild. Also pretty sure they have his rights through the 2024 season, so they do have a lot of power in this as they could force him to sit out 2 more years if they wanted, think that eliminates a lot of leverage Payton could have in it all because at his age, 2 years might be around 20% of the rest of his career.
  5. almost all of my friends are Spartans, they struggled with Hutch early in the year, but they've come around since then on him. I might be the only person in the world who still regularly wears an authentic Biakabutuka Panthers jersey for games. When I wear it to the bar here it definitely gets a lot of comments from Michigan fans. My favorite was a few years back when the Panthers were in town I wore it when I went to the game, which in Detroit is always a questionable decision to wear an opposing team's jersey. Game was in the winter so was wearing a coat into the game, as we were getting to our seats a guy in the row behind us saw me in my Panthers gear and immediately started chirping. Then I took my coat off, he saw the name on the back and couldn't stop laughing as I guess he was a Michigan guy. It made the game pretty enjoyable with him from then on, instead of the standard Detroit fans bashing on the away fans, we had some fun back and forth banter.
  6. I think as things stand right now, they make the most sense if SF doesn't decide they want to make a run at him. But if Payton comes here, I think we would make WAY more sense for Brady than the Raiders. Would he rather go into a division with Mahomes, Herbert, and Wilson as it's QB's, with 2 playoff teams from this season including maybe the SB favorite? Or would he rather go to the worst division in the league last year, where the other 3 teams don't have a clear cut starter amongst them for next year and team up with the coach he's been trying to play for the last couple years? Payton/Brady in Carolina makes a lot more sense than him going to Las Vegas.
  7. no, it's in Buffalo, only a KC-Buffalo AFC Championship game would be in Atlanta
  8. Really??? The guy is interviewing for another job the day before their playoff game?? That's very surprising in itself, but it also means 2 things to me... First is that it means Steichen is Tepper's favorite or he's setting up future interviews to try and leverage going another way over Payton/Saints negotiations. As if Payton was the top target, I'd think Tepper would be trying to get it wrapped up ASAP and not drag into the weekend, so setting up a weekend interview would be weird.
  9. The problem here isn't Tepper's willingness to give Payton "anything he wants" as he has the money to do that. It's about what he's willing to give the Saints to get him. I just really hope he understands the differences between the two of them and makes smart decisions in regards to that. My hope would be that he could somehow convince the Saints to take back maybe just 2 mid round picks with one in the future, and then give them like 20-25 million in cash on top. The guy has the money to do it and it wouldn't be giving up good draft picks to a division rival. I doubt the Saints would do that, but it would make me MUCH happier if we went that route as my big issue with Payton is giving high draft picks to a division rival.
  10. Again, a post by someone who has zero idea about the Metro Detroit area. Yea, Detroit proper is a "mega city" but the suburbs couldn't be any further from that. And while it's not the beach with the ocean, that nice part of town that he'd live in, almost assuredly he'd either live on the water or be just down the street from it. There are TONS of lakes in that area about 30-40 minutes north of the city, for example, this was Stafford's home when he was with the Lions, right on the water.
  11. Was my user name not a hint to you there? lol The year before we came into the league, my dad took me to the HOF (I was like 6 or 7) and I thought the Panthers had a cool logo so he bought me a mini helmet, so I kinda followed them that first year a little bit (as much as a kid that age could pre-internet days haha). I was a die hard Michigan football fan at the time and Biakabutuka was my favorite player, so once we drafted him going into that second season, I was hooked, almost 30 years later and all my friends still like to give me crap about liking a team because of their logo and one player lol. But at this point, I like to point out how putting up with this franchise for this long without a single back to back winning season streak, makes all that null and void and I've earned the right to be a die hard fan of "such a random team"
  12. Yea...... so I might have just talked myself into not only now wanting Payton, but being upset if we don't get him, over in the Payton/Brady thread. If it were to lead to Brady coming here and subsequently Gronk being a Panther... I'm in, I don't care about the draft picks anymore and honestly, I couldn't care less how it works out on the field. Gronk on the Panthers has literally been my dream since he declared for the draft, I'm an Arizona alum who was in school when Gronk was.
  13. The more I think about it, if Payton is our next coach, I do think Brady ends up here unless SF makes a run at him. SF's roster is built for Brady to come in and win back to back SB's and retire, CMC, Deebo, Kittle, Aiyuk, and Shannahan just wouldn't be fair for Brady to get to play with, not to mention they'd likely be able to convince Gronk to come back for a year.............................. And it was literally in this moment, as I was typing this, that I might have just gotten on board with Payton if it means Brady, and thus Gronk being a Panther. Full disclosure, Gronk is my favorite non Panther ever, I'm an Arizona alum and was in school when Gronk was there, so I got to see his college career in person. I think I could live with any thing else that happens if it means we get Gronk. For example... I'm probably the only person who is still happy we had Antoine Cason for a season... I was a freshman the same year he was and some of my favorite Arizona football memories are because of him, namely a pick 6 to seal a major upset win where we rushed the field.
  14. No, just no, no no no no no no no no no no That's 2 starters and a possible 3rd, in no world is any coach worth that when there are other good options out there, particularly ones who are over 20 years younger than him. And none of this is to even mention that it's likely to alienate the majority of our former players who still support us. I can't see guys like Smitty or TD taking too well to this given all the bounty gate stuff, that might seem like a minor thing, but it's not. Those type of guys, particularly those two who are so heavily involved int he media now, they talk to current players around the league all the time, you don't want them bad mouthing the Panthers, won't help us land Free Agents. If we had a SB contending team right now, including the QB, then maybe it's a different discussion, but we don't have that, even if we had a QB, we still have a bunch of holes at the moment, holes that could be filled with those exact draft picks. That second rounder this year, there's our pass rush specialist, that 3rd rounder, there's a nickel corner, and that first next year? that's either ammo for a QB, to draft a QB with the pick, or any number of other immediate starting positions we may need to fill. This is just asinine if we go this route, pretty much the only way I'd be accepting of this is if it came with a guarantee from Tapper that this either works out for us, or he will sell the franchise if it blows up in our face, then I'd be on board with this. And I've been a Tepper supporter until now, I haven't had the anger that most fans have had with him, I've given him the benefit of doubt that he's a new owner who is learning as he goes... but this would be a bad step backwards.
  15. So we're going to give up at least a first round draft pick and probably more for someone who will be the 4th oldest HC in the NFL?!?! It never sat right with me to give up draft assets for a coach, even less so with it being a divisional team getting said draft picks, and just made so much worse that this guy isn't even a long term HC option for us due to his age. Tepper is really screwing the pooch with this one, he's like a kid who is distracted by the shiny object
  16. Is it weird that this is the first time I've ever heard this guys' name and he has interviewed for all the openings out there? This is why I don't like the Rooney Rule, I get why they have it, but it just seems flawed and it turns minority coach interviews into boxes to be checked and guys like this just get used for the system. I understand that sometimes it helps them get their foot in the door and it can lead to a HC job down the line, which is great if that happens, but feels like there are more disingenuous interviews of minorities than there are genuine ones.
  17. I'm not sure any coach is worth a first round pick unless you have a SB contending team already put together and just missing the coach. If the Chargers were to fire Staley, that situation would be prime for giving up a first rounder for someone like Payton. But we're just not there yet, in a year or two we might be, pending figuring out the QB position, but we just have too many holes right now to be giving away a first rounder for a 60 year old coach. That's the other thing people seem to ignore here, there is a decent chance that if we trade that first rounder for Payton, that Payton will be retired before that player is. If Payton was 50 instead of 60, I'd probably feel different, but at his age he has 10-12 years left coaching, and that's if successful, if he has 2 or 3 bad years early, he's likely to just retire, while that player would still be on their rookie contract, just not a smart decision to make.
  18. You do realize that very few people are likely against Payton himself as our coach, we're all against giving good draft assets to a division opponent for a coach, period.
  19. As someone who has lived in Michigan my entire life outside of being in Arizona for college, I can say with 100% confidence that this post was made by someone who has zero clue about Detroit and the surrounding areas. First of all, Downtown Detroit has actually gotten really nice in the last 10 years, to where there are very expensive and nice places to live in downtown proper, it's once you go outside of that area to where it gets sketchy. But beyond that, the suburbs are only a 20ish minute drive away for a nice comfortable living, and if you go a further 10-20 minutes further north than that, you get into multi million dollar homes on sprawling pieces of land. Just saying
  20. I don't understand how Wilks is a serious contender, not one other team wants to talk to him for any HC or DC position yet. How that isn't a MASSIVE red flag to Tepper is beyond me
  21. Actually I think it's 2 more years, don't think he's a free agent as a coach until after the 2024 season. Which if that's the case, gives NO a lot of power in any negotiation since I don't think Payton wants to sit out 2 more years.
  22. I'd gladly be the Browns or Lions for the next 15 years if it means we win the SB in the next couple, easy call there. The problem is I don't see the path to that happening, particularly giving up draft picks for Payton and still no elite QB.
  23. If we trade for Payton, we better be playing chess and have done some tampering to where we then lose the draft pick going to the Saints so they don't get it in the end. (and yes, it's a joke, but one I thought was funny so I wanted to post it, but without being clear on it, I'm sure people would point out that the league would then take our 2025 pick from us instead, c'mon people).
  24. I'd say Carr is the more likely option
  25. Yes and no In a vacuum sure, but to take on his contract we'd have to give up too much in return, like Burns plus draft picks, and probably more.
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