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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Would be real depressing to draft someone knowing they have almost no chance of staying healthy in the NFL, dude is gonna be broken pretty quickly, he's just way too small.
  2. No, we'll know pretty quickly who the pick will be when one of these guys doesn't visit with the Texans, Colts, etc. The staff knows who they want or else they don't make this big of a trade this early, it won't take too long for it to be known who it is.
  3. Yea, proven that he can't stay healthy, that's not what you want from a QB who's best asset is his running ability, he's going to break down faster and worse than Cam did.
  4. That would be worse if it's spread out to multiple years as it then completely negates the advantage of having a QB on a rookie deal. Need to hope the hit is all in the first year or else it makes the trade even dumber than it already is.
  5. I mean, not really... less trade compensation, sure... but then would have to give him a $45-50 million a year deal that's fully guaranteed. HELLLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOO
  6. I can't imagine they make this trade this early without knowing who they want to draft, that just seems dumb, which means to me that they fell in love with someone at the combine. If they did, it can't be Young since he didn't throw I also can't see it being Richardson as they could have easily traded with the Cardinals for less and still got him as Young-Stroud are going to go 1-2 in some order. So to me it says it's Stroud, right?????
  7. We kinda have to, can’t have TMJ as your top WR for a rookie WR
  8. Terrible gave up too much to draft a questionable franchise QB who now won’t have any good WRs to throw to. It just better be Stroud and not Young, guy won’t be able to stay healthy at his size.
  9. I think he's be perfect for the Dolphins Tyreek and Waddle bring the speed on the outside so his lack of speed isn't a problem there, and he's probably the perfect possession type of WR for a QB with Tua's timing and accuracy, particularly since he's not a downfield threat, so it works with Tua's mediocre arm strength.
  10. 100%, nobody wants to give out guaranteed contracts to begin with, let alone for a player who hasn't finished the last 2 seasons due to injury, particularly when that player's best skill is what keeps getting him injured. This is going to be a fascinating case study in the end, as it's clear the Ravens don't even trust him enough to give him that guaranteed contract. If they won't do it, I can't see any other team willing to do it, as it's just a bad sign when his own team that has stated it badly wants to keep him and won't do it. It's going to be very interesting to see who blinks first, Lamar knows the Ravens don't want to let him go for free but the Ravens also know that nobody else is going to give him that fully guaranteed contract. This is where him not having an agent is a really bad idea, as a real agent likely would have been able to get a deal done with the Ravens by now, one that while maybe not exactly a fully guaranteed contract, it would have been structured in a way that makes it essentially fully guaranteed.
  11. In no world is this draft "no different than the Burrow, Mahomes, or Allen drafts" Young isn't even on my draft board, his size alone is just something I'm not touching in this day and age of the NFL, let alone mortgaging the future to trade up and get him. Levis and Richardson both have serious production issues, to the point where neither have the tape to be worth top picks, they're just both guys with good traits that coaches think they can fix their issues with. Stroud might be the closest thing to a guy with minimal concerns, but that's it, and I don't think he's good enough to move up to #1 to get him when that cost would likely be the 9th pick, 2 future firsts, and both our 2nd's this year at a minimum. Plus, the argument of "if you believe in this staff, we won't be in position to draft a QB next year" is just asinine. The Chiefs had the 27th pick in the draft when they went and got Mahomes, and we're not going to be THAT good this year either. Even if we end up with say the 15th or so pick next year, which seems reasonable, you package that up with multiple future firsts and then multiple other early-mid round picks, you can move up as far as needed to get a QB. I know everyone is sick of trying to find a QB through other means than a high draft pick, but trading for the wrong one sets your franchise WAY further back than waiting an extra year to trade up for the QB. We need to have a roster fully put together and ready to compete for SB's before drafting the QB we hope to take us there, that's just how it works with rookie QB contracts these days. We're close, but not there yet, one more year of filling the holes in our roster can get us there, then bet the future next year on trading up for our guy.
  12. There just isn't a QB in this year's draft that is worth what it will take to move up into the Top 3 to take them. I realize with a new staff and two 2nd round picks, people want to move up to get that franchise QB, but this year's class is just filled with guys with major question marks that the cost is too high. Stay put, maybe one of the top 4 QB's falls to us at 9, if not, keep our picks to fill out our holes and then trade as many future 1st's as needed next year to move up in a much better QB class. If we trade 9, our seconds this year, and future firsts for any QB in this class, it will be beyond stupid. Sure one of them could work out, but that cost is WAY to high given the concerns over the QB's in this class. At most, maybe I'd be okay with moving up to 5 or 6 if it costs say 9th pick, 49ers 2nd and maybe a future 2nd or 3rd. But I'm not okay with giving up any future firsts for this year's class, and really against giving up both of our 2nd's this year as well, too many holes that can be filled with those picks.
  13. The pool room floor is too slippery with players "falling regularly"??? Seriously, we're a freaking NFL team with the second richest owner in the league, how is this actually a thing?!?!?! After the first incident, put down freaking rubber mats like they have at kiddie pools, problem solved for a couple hundred bucks. If not that, just re-floor the freaking thing. I realize it's not my money here, but c'mon, you can't risk players getting injured because they slipped in a room meant for health recovery, there is no way re-doing that floor is cost prohibitive when it comes to player safety.
  14. Can't see how we'll be able to afford him, sure we'll clear up some cap space, but I feel like LB is the easiest place to find cheap options that can be effective than other areas we need to improve. Plus, when they move Chinn back to LB as I expect, that takes away one of the LB spots. Luvu, Chinn, Burns all as starters, think the little cap room we'll end up with is better spent on a 3-4 DE, S, CB, TE, or WR. And all that is if we address QB in the draft, if we don't, there goes all the available cap space we'll have.
  15. In year 1, I'd have to think it really only would help with guys who played for these coaches in the past and have high opinions of playing for them. But if we have a good year and the staff is praised as a reason why, then I could see it helping us next off season, particularly with those guys who take the 1 year deals for lesser money to try and show out and get a bigger contract the next year, such as Reddick. But in reality, not sure too many players are signing with anyone because of specific position coaches, mostly just HC's and the occasional OC/DC depending on the player and coaches situation. What this will help out immensely with though, is the development of our young guys.
  16. Eh, nice thought, but not really logical lol If Reich is successful enough as our coach to be here until he retires, which would probably 10-12 years away, then neither of the new coordinators (and likely Stately as well) will be here for that long, they'd have already gotten HC jobs long before then.
  17. LOL Is this a serious comment? There is a "long history of very successful sub 6 foot QBs"?!?!??! Frank Tarkenton, Theismann, Brees, and Vick were all 6 foot, Wilson is 5'11", and then there is Kyler. You're not going to find many/any other good QB's who were that short, there being a small handful of them over the 50+ year history of the NFL is literally the exact opposite of a "long history of very successful sub 6 foot QBs" Especially when you take into account all the great college QB's who were that short but couldn't become elite QB's in the NFL, the odds are extremely stacked against Young ever being an elite QB. People keep pointing to guys like Brees and using him as an example of why Young can/will be successful. Which while it's fair to use him as an example of a short QB who was great, but c'mon now, every draft there are QBs who are tall and don't live up to their pre-draft expectations. To try and say Young can be good because of ONE player who was great and his size, is just a fools errand. That's the equivalent of saying the chances of Young being great is 1 in however many QB's have been drafted in the last 20 years, which is not very good.
  18. This... it's been long known that he doesn't get along with a lot of people, and that's disregarding the multiple legal issues he's had in his past. Just the fact that he's the OC of one of the best QB's of all time and the two of them don't get along is a massive red flag. Mahomes is widely known as a great person and he doesn't like Bieniemy and has shown his disgust with him on the field many times, that is something that can't be discredited when looking for a new HC. There have been numerous black OC/DC hires as HC in the years since Bieniemy has been a legit candidate for HC jobs, so you can't use the excuse that it's race related and that's why he's been passed over. Hell, even his own alma mater of Colorado passed on the chance to hire him a few years back when he made it clear that he wanted the job.
  19. Legit wouldn't make the trade if they gave him to us for a conditional 7th round draft pick. He's injury prone and only an average passer who is going to want a fully guaranteed contract that pays him as the top QB in the league, HARD PASS Whatever team signs him to a long term deal, whether it is the Ravens or someone else, is basically guaranteeing they won't contend for a SB for the length of the contract plus 3-5 years after it as they struggle to deal with the cap implications and finding a new QB.
  20. If he wanted to build a QB from scratch, the move would be to follow his OC to Indy as they will be drafting a better QB prospect than we could LOL
  21. Ugh, was just looking at that new rule, he might be TOO good of a hire for us to take advantage of it lol. The coach needs to be a DC/OC for you for 2 years before getting a HC job for you to get the draft picks, so if he gets an HC job next year, we get nothing unfortunately.
  22. What an amazing hire this is, guy was a hot HC candidate who had a really good defense last year. Also means when he likely gets an HC job in the next couple of years, we'll get a solid draft pick when that happens too (think you get a 3rd rounder when a minority coordinator of yours gets an HC job).
  23. HELLLLLLLLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOOOOOO It's been pretty clear/known for a while that he doesn't get along with his players and he keeps getting passed over for HC opportunities, likely for that reason alone, as you don't go from being "a top HC candidate" for that many years and just never got a HC job for no reason (and no, him being black isn't the reason). Just the fact that his alma mater of Colorado passed over him multiple times, despite him making it clear he was interested in the job, is a massive red flag in itself. There's clearly things known about him privately that have kept him from getting an HC job by now, so why in the world would we want to bring him in when we're about to draft and coach up a young QB? If he can't get along with Mahomes, he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a rookie QB, talk about a great way to ruin a player before he even gets started.
  24. SOOOOO much easier to eat Particularly for someone like me, with a couple fake front teeth thanks to sports incidents as a kid. Have a fake tooth on the top and bottom in the front, so always been very cautious about eating things off the bone out of fear of breaking them. So flats are by far the way I prefer to go with wings, easy to just break them apart and minimize/remove the risk of biting into the bone for me haha
  25. lol that Bears would hang up on Fitt if he actually offered them this The Bears just traded away Smith because they didn't want to give him a massive contract while in a re-build, why would they take Burns knowing they'd need to give him basically that same type of contract when they could just get a whole bunch of picks from someone else and draft players on rookie deals in the first for a few years.
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