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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. It absolutely does when you're drafting #1 overall, you want to sign a backup that compliments who you're going to draft in one way or another. What that reasoning is what the staff needs to decide, but it's 100% a factor. That person you sign has to do so with the understanding of what the plan is or else it has the chance to blow up in your face if they're not okay with their role in the end. Are they signing with the expectation that they have a legitimate chance at starting Week 1? Are they signing with the understanding that they're the backup for the top pick Week 1? Are they signing with the expectation that they're going to be given the job for the full year pending injury?
  2. Just saw the numbers on the Brissett contract are basically identical to what we gave Dalton, same guarantee but on a 1 year deal, which is more or less what the Dalton deal is anyways, we just did 2 years to spread out the cap hit. Makes me again think this means we're NOT taking Richardson, as any team that takes him, won't be starting him Week 1. If we already knew we needed a Week 1 starter, that would have been Brissett over Dalton, both a better player and also familiar with Reich and his system. Tells me that we signed Dalton purely as a backup and not a Week 1 starter. Means the pick has to be Stroud or Young and they already know that.
  3. I'm not sure it says he doesn't love football as much as saying he just isn't a hard worker. Maybe there is something else going on that will come out, like an injury, but he has had a couple months to get into the best shape of his life for the most important job interview he'll ever have. He could still love football, but if he couldn't work hard for 2-3 months to be ready for today, that to me is more of a work ethic situation, but who knows.
  4. I get that, the film will pop, but for someone who was already dealing with a massive amount of red flags, him putting on that much weight in the last 2 weeks and not being ready for his Pro Day is about as bad of a sign as it gets for a player. Even playoff teams might not want him because they just don't think he has the right mentality to be an NFL player, that's laziness to a supreme level. I'm guessing there are at least a dozen or so teams that completely took him off their draft board today and wouldn't touch him no matter how far he falls.
  5. Don't really want Campbell, feels like the interest is more based on Reich's connection to him than his actual skill. At this point, I'm hoping we trade for a WR, not much great left out there in FA and we need someone who can be a #1 for the rookie. Go get Hopkins, Sutton, Jeudy, Cooks, or someone similar to them.
  6. I wouldn't take him if he fell to our 3rd rounder, he's 100% off my draft board now. If you can't be in good enough shape at your Pro Day to even finish the drills, then you aren't going to last in the NFL, he clearly doesn't have the right mindset that you want in a player. It would be one thing if he just didn't put up good numbers, but he put on 9 lbs in the last 2 weeks and couldn't finish his drills. He wants to be an NFL player, today was the most important job interview he'll ever have in his life, and he couldn't be bothered to be in shape for it. You really want to use a draft pick that would get us a possible starter on someone like that? Very very very very hard pass, this is a player who won't get a second contract in the league I have a feeling.
  7. He'd actually only be on the books for about $19 million this year, which isn't terrible, he's just a bigger cap hit to the Cardinals due to the signing bonus still being part of his cap for them, which doesn't transfer to the new team in a trade. If you sign him to a 2-3 year extension, they could bring that down to probably around $10 million this year as his cap hit I'm guessing.
  8. I don't think he has much of a choice, I don't think there are many teams with the cap space left to give out big TE contracts at the moment. If the top WR's in this FA class so far are getting $11 million a year, are you really giving that much up for Gesicki? No chance He's gonna get around $7 million a year in the end
  9. Wow, that's way too much money for a middling TE in Hurst. Easily could have gotten Gesicki for that number, I'd have been willing to pay a little more to get Schultz too, this feels like an overpay instead of using that money towards a WR or something. Not a fan of this one
  10. He may want to, but that tweet said him and the Lions are far apart, not sure how someone who should be a fairly cheap contract is far apart with a team that would like to keep him unless he’s expecting too much
  11. He’s loved in Detroit and wants to stay if possible, if they’re far apart on a deal, for someone who really shouldn’t be getting crazy money, tells me he wants way more than we can afford on an RB I’d think.
  12. I think this means Richardson is less likely If Richardson was the guy, I think we'd have signed Brissett as he'd be better than Dalton to start while Richardson sits and learns. That combined with Brissett being familiar with Reich, he would have made too much sense if we were drafting Richardson. I think this just signaled Stroud or Young.
  13. Look at it this way, based on those numbers, we just traded Elflein for Dalton, worth it
  14. Love it, was my #1 option to back up the rookie
  15. Not really though, Lance still could be that "guy" but he never was going to be that player in his first couple years, he was always going to be a project in the same way Richardson will be, which is why they kept Jimmy G around. Lance was never going to be the starter as a rookie, if they had been able to draft Young last year, they'd have traded Jimmy G immediately and Young would have been their week 1 starter, guaranteed.
  16. The 49ers just wasted 2 years of prime SB contention because of trading up to take a similar prospect to Richardson with Lance. If they had taken someone like Young, they probably win the SB one of these past two years.
  17. I said it in another post the other day, but Foles is my guy right after them. But as I said then, part of that is that I'm an Arizona alum and us signing Foles would put me over the moon. If we stay at #1 and then sign Foles to be his backup, I think I'd be the first person to ever be a fan of a team who just drafted a QB at #1 overall and then goes out and buys a custom authentic jersey of the newly signed backup QB, LOL.
  18. Actually if we had a 49ers or Eagles roster, I'd say Young would be the choice. Better suited for an immediate 3 year window, where his size and injury risk because of it is a bit mitigated. I'm not really worried about Young making it through a couple seasons, I'm worried about him being healthy into that 2nd and 3rd contract, to be a long term franchise QB. I think Stroud fits our roster perfectly from that sense. We're still a couple years away from being able to actually contend for a championship, so let Stroud grow the next few years while we are a borderline playoff team, and then when the rest of the team is in place, he's hitting his stride and we can contend for a SB.
  19. No, Minshew is absolutely not the right guy for that role, he still thinks he can be a starter in this league, just look at how it went with him and Lawrence last year in Jacksonville. You need a guy like Dalton or Two Gloves, who realizes his career is waning down and knows nobody is giving him a starting role right now outside of injury. You need "a pro's pro" in that position, someone the rookie will come in and from day 1 have respect for him and what he's done in his career and be a sponge to soak up everything the has to say. Dalton, Two Gloves, Brissett are the top 3 guys I want in this role.
  20. The Cardinals tried to put a film study requirement into Kyler's contract because he spends too much of his time playing video games. The Jets let Wilson do whatever the hell he wants and it ruined his reputation in the locker room and have seemingly already screwed up their #2 pick in the draft. And those are just 2 recent examples of top draft picks who can't seem to figure out how to go about their business in a professional manner. It seems obvious for grown adults who have had jobs for years about how these kids should be able to do it right, especially when they get paid what they do. But you seem to forget that they're still 21 year old kids who just got paid tens of millions of dollars and are the face of multi-billion dollar organizations. It's not something a few years in college prepares you for, even for the best of prospects.
  21. No, I'm sick of hearing people say this, it's clear you don't understand how professional sports work. There is a massive difference between a coach and a teammate, even if the coach is a recently retired long time player. It's the reason Udonis Haslem has stuck around with the Heat for years after his playing ability has gone away instead of being moved into an actual coaching role. Yes, McCown will be a huge asset to whoever we draft, but you still need the solid vet presence behind him who is a teammate, and not a coach. Coaches need to be able to be difficult on a player at times and then walk away, not be difficult on them and then be their friend, it doesn't work to have the coach be the good cop and bad cop at the same time. It's not saying he can't be a good cop at times, but when he needs to lay into the rookie, and that 100% will be needed at times, you need to do it to the HOF greats at times too. He can't then say, "okay, tough part over" and put his arm around him and lift him up. That's why you need that vet presence behind him on the roster, to do that for him. To take him aside and say this is how you go about being a professional QB, how you study, how you take care of your body, how you do X, Y, and Z. Again, McCown can help at times with that, but his main job is to coach up the player, on the field, not off of it. It's why coaches have their own offices and locker room, they don't spend much time in the actual players locker room outside of pre-game and half time. You need that vet for the rookie to lean on in those times, to take him under his wing and help him become the best possible player he can become.
  22. Lazard to the Jets for 4 years, $44 million Great news for us that these top WRs are only getting 10-11 million a year, we should be able to pick up some solid WRs in the $5-8 million a year range I think.
  23. Now that we freed up that cap room with the Elflein release, time to go out and get Schultz so we have a picture perfect safety valve for our new QB. Basically the Greg Olsen move for Cam back in 2011 Get it done
  24. So they sign a new QB and then trade away 2 of the team's 3 best pass catchers? That's odd, basically trying to stay as a middle of the road team instead of trying to contend or tank for a top draft pick.
  25. The problem with taking Richardson or Levis, is everything we gave up to move up that high, in particular with Richardson. If we just had the worst record in the league and came into the draft with the #1 pick, then sure, go wild and take whoever you want to take, but once we gave up a ton of assets, it completely changed the equation. The saying has long been, draft the wrong QB in the first round and it sets your franchise back 5 years, as that's usually how long it will take to then replace them as you generally let them play out the 4 years of the rookie contract before going after a new QB. However when that happens, you're still usually a pretty bad team because QB isn't working out, and you're still drafting high and adding quality players in those following years. Well, we just gave up our first rounder next year and second rounder the year after, on top of this years 2nd, and DJ of course. That's 4 starters we gave up to make this pick Once you do that, you have to limit your risk with the pick, as getting it wrong sets you even further back as you're not then adding those other starters to your lineup as well. This is particularly troubling with looking at Richardson, who by all accounts isn't going to be ready to start as a rookie, or at minimum, not be a good starter that first year. We can't draft him #1 and then sit him all year to play a middling backup and/or play him and end up giving away a Top 10 pick. Cause at that point, with our other picks, we'd have been able to move up next year in a better QB class to take someone better than Richardson. Thus, it just has to be Stroud or Young from all that alone. And that's just disregarding that we could have absolutely moved up to #3 without giving up DJ in the trade.
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