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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Always assumed the Stroud stuff is coming from Indy, trying to make him fall to 4 so they don’t have to trade up. Never considered us, but if so, would be brilliant by the staff to get Houston to freak out and offer a ransom for #1, get 2, 12, and maybe more, get Stroud who we wanted the whole time and pair him with JSN as a kicker. Now back to reality where that doesn’t happen and we just have to pray Bryce can somehow stay healthy for a long career (spoiler alert, I don’t see it happening unfortunately).
  2. Tough nuggets Corral We traded 2 firsts, 2 seconds, and our #1 WR for our franchise QB. If he wants the number currently owned by our 2nd year QB3 who was on IR before the season started and he won’t give the #1 pick the number, even if he offers to buy it from him… the team just takes the number and gives it to Young.
  3. Saw the pricing options today, guess I didn't realize the $250 for the season was if you also pay like 80 bucks a month for YouTube TV, which I don't and won't be doing. Still, $350 for the season is a great value for people who don't live close to their team and rarely get their team on TV locally. I'm in Michigan and unless we're playing the Lions or on a national broadcast game, I'm lucky to get any Panthers games on local TV here during the season. $350 is significantly less money than I'd spend at the bar each Sunday to watch us over the course of the season (and I'm over streaming that I did since the pandemic started, too unreliable and craps out in the second half often).
  4. Yea, I know, another thread, but I don't think this is something I've seen discussed much on here and it's been rattling around in my head while I wait for the finale of The Mandalorian to drop here in a few minutes. I'm afraid Bryce will be the Marvin Lewis of QB's due to his size and it will put us in NFL purgatory for the next decade, which is SOOO much worse than just missing on a QB draft pick and needing to start over in 3-4 years with a new one. If he flops for being the top pick, it won't be because he's terrible, it will be because he can't stay healthy for full seasons, and likely is hurt later in the season as the wear and tear builds and would miss playoff games, such as Lamar the last few years. He'll be too good of a QB to just let walk in Free Agency, but his injury problems won't make him an attractive trade candidate either, and we'll be stuck with a QB who only is able to play 10-12 games a year. He'll be good enough in those games that we are Wild Card contenders each year, making it some, missing it in others, but maybe never being legit title contenders if he can't be fully healthy come January and leaving us pick in the early 20's each draft as well. That's basically what Marvin Lewis was to the Bengals as a coach, he was too good for them to fire, but not good enough when it mattered and they couldn't make playoff runs with him. It was a terrible situation for them to be in for a long time, and I'm convinced that will happen with Bryce and whatever team drafts him. Which is why I prefer Stroud, equally high upside, with I think a higher floor, but if he flops we'll know and be able to move on from him faster/easier than with the way Young will "flop" in my mind. I can't lie that I'm intrigued by Young's mental side of things, the thing that stood out to me the most was that they would give him 2 plays to call in the huddle and he'd make the play call at the line, that's an NFL thing, not in college, in college the players all look back to the sideline for the final call. But Stroud is too good of a prospect for me to take the risk on the above scenario, which I think is the most likely outcome for Bryce's career.
  5. Again, not surprising, if I were him I'd also have cancelled other visits and also would be looking for homes in both Charlotte and Houston. He knows with 100% certainty that short of a Tunsil type of video coming out and screwing him over in the next week, he's going to one of those two teams. No reason to spend any more time flying around the country to meet with other teams and no reason to not get a head start on finding a home since he knows it will be one of two cities that he'll end up in.
  6. They also have Stroud at +700 If they thought there was a legitimate chance at him being drafted 1st by us, I don' think his odds would be anywhere near that high, would still be in the +200ish range
  7. I still want and very strongly think it should be Stroud or we'll look back on this in a few years as a terrible trade and draft pick. But seeing FanDuel sportsbook has Young at -1500 odds right now, that's hard to ignore, Vegas doesn't make lines like that unless they're very confident.
  8. It's because the Young fans think Stroud supporters are only concerned about Young's height and think he's the 2nd coming to Drew Brees (even though he's 2 inches shorter and probably a good 25 lbs lighter). They disregard that Stroud supporters see and acknowledge that Young is a great prospect based on everything he does on the field, but they feel like his FRAME, let me repeat that, HIS FRAME, isn't big enough to last in this league for long, nothing to do with his height or even his weight specifically right now. He's just a very slim guy, not a wide base that could have weight easily put on without sacrificing his agility like Wilson had coming into the league. So most Stroud fans don't have issue with Young the player, but just are very concerned that he won't hold up in this league. Where as most Young fans put their head in the ground and thing Stroud is garbage who was only good because of the system and WRs around him. So it's much easier for the Stroud supporters to accept Young, because we don't have to convince ourselves that he's a good player, just have to shift to hoping he can stay healthy. That's much easier to do than the Young supporters who think Stroud is garbage and would have to cope with that if we picked him. I am 100% on the Stroud train, I don't see a big gap between them as prospects and I just absolutely don't think Young will be in the league 10 years from now, due to injury, not being bad at football. If we were the worst team in the league and got the #1 pick on our own, I'd be more accepting of drafting him, but with everything we gave up to get the pick, I think we need to go the more cautious route and go with Stroud, who I think is just as good as a prospect as a player as Young anyways. I'd also be able to live with taking Stroud and Young becoming a superstar much easier than if we took Young and he couldn't stay healthy, as of all thing things to predict about either QB's future (good or bad), that seems like the highest probability of anything happening with either.
  9. Before the trade I’d have been totally on board with drafting BPA at 9 and go with Corral for the season. Either he looks great and could be our QB of the future, or he’d have been terrible and helped us land a top pick in a better QB draft without needing to trade up. But the trade was made, Dalton was signed to be the backup and mentor. If we get any decent offer for Corral it’s time to trade him now, will be hard for his value to go up unless he knows up in little pre-season action.
  10. I mean, the guy knows for a fact that he's not falling past the Texans and he's already met with them, to me this really just means he doesn't feel like wasting his time on any more visits before the draft next week. I'll admit it's all starting to look like it will be Young, but I still prefer we go Stroud, think he has a higher floor and I don't like Young's frame to hold up long term. We just gotta win the SB in the next 3-5 years before as I don't think he'll hold up, but should be really good for as long as he is playing.
  11. Not at all If we traded back to #2 before the draft, we could tell whoever we take that we knew for 100% who the Texans were taking and it wasn’t who we wanted, so we did it for the extra picks. Once you make the pick, to make the trade then, it tells who you took that they were your second option. Not how you want to start that relationship
  12. Definitely no to #9, too weird for a pass rusher for me (plus if Bryce is the pick, that will be his). Wouldn’t hate 0 for him, but I’d rather see Horn take it. I kinda like 53 on him, pretty unique for a pass rusher and he can make a claim for being the player you think of for that number down the line.
  13. To anyone who thinks this changes draft plans for the 2nd rounder, you're kidding yourselves. I'm guessing this is a cheaper contract and more or less puts Shi on notice, can't see us keeping both of them, likely one or the other with whoever plays better in camp. The 2nd round pick still needs to be a WR and hope we hit on a good one. Our current WR room right now is an injury prone #1 on a 1 year deal, a #2 who has shown flashes of some skill but yet to breakout after a few years, a 33 year old slot who is the veteran presence, and then Laviska, Shi, and now Byrd. Still far from what you want to be giving a rookie QB, gotta take a WR in the 2nd and if needed, move up a bit into the back of the first or earlier in the 2nd to get someone if nobody worth that pick will fall to us.
  14. Regardless of if this is smoke or real, this is also why I was always very against trading a big haul to move up to #1 in this draft, just too many question marks on each of the top guys. Think we'd have been better off keeping all those assets and seeing if one of the 4 fell to us at 9 or a slight move up to take either AR or Levis and still keep Moore and another pick or two at the same time. They really better not screw this up or they just set this franchise back at least 5 years.
  15. Except the Chicago example is apples to oranges Drawing a blank on who made that swap with Chicago, but they were never taking a QB there, it was either keep the pick for a different position or trade it to someone else. This is 2 teams both openly knowing taking QB's, for Houston to make a swap, they'd have to pay up for that reason. So comparing it to the Chicago example is just not even in the same stratosphere.
  16. lol a mid round pick?!?!?! I'm sorry, but if we flip picks with the Texans and only get a mid round pick for doing so, then Fitterer should be fired immediately. If we weren't taking a player of the same position, sure it makes sense, but that's not the case. Hell, the mid round pick wouldn't be worth just it rubbing whichever player we end up drafting the wrong way. I'd be pissed if I was that QB and the team didn't take me 1st overall just to pick up like a 3rd round pick. Would make me think I was a consolation prize for who the Texans didn't want, not that the Panthers wanted me, cause if they REALLY wanted me, they wouldn't have risked losing me to pick up a 3rd round pick. #2, #12, and their 2nd or next year's 1st, anything less and they can go kick rocks while we take our QB #1 overall.
  17. I've long said the only way I'm even picking up the phone from the Texans is if it begins with #2 and #12, then the discussion is whether it's also this year's 2nd or next year's 1st coming along in the trade. If they want to jump us to draft the QB of their choice before we do, they have to pay thru the freaking nose. I also really only do that if the team is confident that the Texans are taking the player we wouldn't have been taking anyways. The position is too important to not take your #1 guy on the board, even if getting additional assets out of it, making the right pick is more important.
  18. But if you know you're going to get it, do it early and get it for $250. But unless you barely ordered anything when going to a bar for games, you're getting it way cheaper this way. Since the pandemic I just started finding free streams of the games since it worked that first year and just been easier since, but before that I'd go to the bar and usually spend at least $25, if not upwards of $40 or more if I had an extra beer or two than usual. If you factor in a couple Panthers games being either national or available for you if out of market, and say you needed to go to the bar for 15 games a year, at only $25 spent each week, that's still $25 more than the $350 price, and if you sign up earlier, that's another $100 saved. All that isn't even considering any other games you could watch if wanted, such as for fantasy purposes. This seems like a great deal.
  19. Never been more convinced that the team likes Stroud. Too many people popping up the last few days saying Young is the guy. No way that many people would have legitimate enough sources given the few people who will be involved in the final decision. Feels like a purposeful leak by the team to try and scare the Texans into giving up something dumb to swap picks (which I’m still gain at unless it’s for 2, 12, and either 2024 first or 2nd rounder this year).
  20. I think Horn ends up with 0 I think the pick will be Stroud and he’ll be given #7 by Shaq, he won’t even ask for anything in return. Shaq is only back because we worked out a new deal instead of cutting him. For a rookie QB #1 pick, I think he’ll just give it to him, seems like a vet move he’d make.
  21. Right, which is exactly why in the end, it's kinda the team's fault because all they had to do was yell at the league and/or Nike and it would have been fixed years ago. The team chooses our colors, now the manufacturer the league decides to give a contract to
  22. Of course it does It doesn't matter that the league decided to go with Nike over Reebok, once that change happened, the team should have forced Nike/NFL to make sure they can produce our proper team colors. It's absurd to think that we just have to settle with what they had, this is the freaking NFL, there are 32 teams, don't make a deal with a uniform supplier if they can't deliver proper colors for those 32 teams. Don't think for a second this has nothing to do with the team, if they wanted to, this would have been done for year 1, not that hard to force them to make our uniforms in the correct color scheme.
  23. Can he play WR? Honestly, short of every possible WR who could be drafted in that range already gone, I really won't be happy with any other position in the 2nd, it's by far our weakest position right now (assuming you don't count QB of course), which is not a great situation for a rookie QB to step into.
  24. Count me on board for these, really sharp looking jerseys. Not a huge fan of the whites for some reason, can't pinpoint why, but those black and blues are both really great.
  25. Seriously, this is the freaking NFL, it shouldn’t be hard to get the team color correct. Knew the blue in recent years was slightly different, but figured it was a purposeful choice for some reason, not laziness on Nike and pathetic on the team to not make them get it right.
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