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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. My guess is with the first pick, the card is probably given to the league well beforehand and they know to let the TV crews talk for a while and announce it "late in the clock" But if not, then they should wait the entire time so that we get as much Panthers discussion/exposure as possible.
  2. This At this point they've likely told him already but asked him to keep it to just family so that he can maybe sleep better and enjoy tomorrow as opposed to being stressed all day.
  3. Way worse I think AR will end up the best QB in the draft, so I'm hoping he goes out to the AFC, Raiders, Colts, Texans, Titans all work for me. Please no Lions either though, I'm from Michigan and don't want to have to deal with that scenario of us taking Young and then AR being a stud for my all friends' team.
  4. I can't see it happening, would be shocked to see him get past both Detroit and the Raiders without one of them either taking him, or trading back for more picks to someone who wants him. I can't imagine a scenario where the Titans don't trade into the Top 10 to take a QB, then plus the Colts make 3 QB's taken, of which I'd be surprised if Stroud is not one of them. My concern is less about Stroud still being there at 9 as much as am I that AR will be there still. I think AR will end up as the best QB in this draft (and if not him, Stroud, I think they'll end up 1-2 in some order), but fully understand that he's also the biggest risk of the 4. But if he's still there at 9 and we could have had him while keeping the rest of our picks and DJ, that's when I'll be really angry about the trade.
  5. I can’t tell if this is a post in support of or mocking me for starting this thread LOL Myself and a few friends had been eagerly waiting for this mock draft to drop, we still joke about his fantasy football preview last year, we have a fun text chain going on about it today.
  6. oohhh, let me try Sir Cameron Newton: Leader of Men, Lover of Puppies...Esquire
  7. I have this discussion with my friend all the time, who really is Nick Adams? We go back and forth on if he's just a crazy Trumper or if he's just a straight parody account. I argue that he was a big Trumper who realized playing into it can get him more clicks, some of it is too wild to be "real" But you get gems like this tweeted out back-to-back, it's actually a funny account to read through I think regardless of what side your politics fall on.
  8. Oh I've seen him called that here before, just never post about him myself and never thought to myself that I never see his actual name here
  9. ^^^ Did a mod edit my post or does this site automatically change The Golden Calf of Bristol's name when you put it in a post? (guess I'm about to find out when I hit enter here lol)
  10. The team that has had him in their building everyday for the past 3 years doesn't want to pick up his 5th year option, that says more than I'll ever need to know about him. Hard pass at any trade cost due to the contract we'd have to give a guy who a bad team with a defensive minded coach doesn't want to keep around.
  11. Oh c'mon, after the shitshow this place has been the last few weeks, what's wrong with having a little laugh? Give the mock a read, it's pure gold I mean, it's not as good as his Fantasy Football guide from last year where he had The Golden Calf of Bristol as his #2 TE (seriously, he did), but it's still a fun read
  12. For anyone who hasn't seen his fantasy football draft guide from last year... https://www.nickadamsusa.com/news/nick-adams-official-2022-fantasy-draft-guide Enjoy the laugh
  13. You do realize this is a 100% sarcastic post/thread for fun, right? If you don't know about Nick Adams and his "football analysis" then I highly suggest you read through this mock and then go find his 2022 Fantasy Football preview, that thing was pure gold
  14. https://www.nickadamsusa.com/news/nick-adams-mock-draft-2023 I mean... if Mr. Alpha Male himself says so, it must be true, right?
  15. If a WR, TE, or Pass Rusher is there at our 2nd pick that can make an impact this year, we'll take them. If not a player at one of those positions, I think he trades down maybe 10 spots or so while getting maybe a mid 3rd rounder out of it.
  16. Yep, that's me at about 8:15 on Thursday night, I haven't been shy about me not liking him as the pick, but I've always said it's not about hating the player, it's that I'm just convinced he can't stay healthy in this league long term at his size. I've had no issue voicing that opinion, but once the selection is made, no more negativity allowed and it's just rooting for him and praying he doesn't get hurt. Which will be a staple of his career for us fans though, it's going to take a few years of him avoiding injury to not get scared every time he gets hit, and even then, it may never go away.
  17. Such an asinine statement If anyone thought they would become what they turned out to be, both would be drafted WAY higher than they did. Trying to make an argument on players that already have had HOF careers as to why taking a small QB makes sense, is just so illogical that I am having trouble making sense of what your point with it even is. It would be like trying to say people screwed up by not taking Brady because of what he turned out to be. Dude fell to the 6th round, clearly nobody thought he'd be a legit starting QB, let alone the GOAT. I've said time and time again, I do not think Young has a great future because I don't think he can stay healthy, so that's why I wouldn't take him.
  18. Brees yes, dude is one of the top 10 QB's of all time Wilson... probably yes, but this last year kinda threw a lot into question about him and it makes me wonder how much of his Seattle success was due to Pete. But asking if you'd take a HOF QB #1 knowing how their career would turn out over guys who haven't even been drafted yet is a dumb question. It's like saying "would you go take Michael Jordan #1 over Wemby in the draft this year knowing what he'd become" No poo, of course you would take a known HOF career over any unknown.
  19. Okay, how about Patrick Mahomes? This was a draft analysis of his weaknesses, sure sounds like an Anthony Richardson to me. Good thing KC didn't pass on him because you can't coach up decision making and mechanical issues. You can literally do it with every QB drafted, some work out, some don't. You're making this into a single issue decision with that issue being "are they NFL ready from a mental side of things" Which in reality, is probably the worst single issue thing to base it on, as the overwhelming majority of QB's take time to grow into that. More successful QB's had the physical traits but made poor decisions in college vs being mentally sound in college but lacking the elite physical traits. No, not all of them get coached up and are successful, but I think it's a significantly better path to being successful when you're coaching up someone with elite physical characteristics as opposed to hoping someone else's elite mental game can overcome significant physical limitations.
  20. Bottom line is this... I'm fully against drafting Young at #1 given what we gave up to get the pick I will be fully on board with Young once he's drafted I will not be happy, nor will I brag, about being right about him in 3-5 years when we decline his 5th year option because he can't stay healthy for more than half of a season at a time. All my attacks on Young's prospects will stop the second the pick is announced, he's not a Panther yet so I'll voice my concerns about drafting him, once he's a Panther, I'll defend him till I die to anyone who talks poo about him as he'll be one of us then. Hell... I'll still defend Cam's passing ability in arguments with my Lions friends when we get into our inevitable Cam vs Stafford debates. Despite the fact that I know he never was that great of a passer, but he's my QB, so I'll defend him to the end of the earth.
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