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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. I would take that in a heartbeat right now, no question about it. Would give us Bryce’s top WR from his Heisman season in the 2nd year of a rookie contract and picks we badly need. I don’t see the Lions doing it though as they’d have to pay Burns this summer and then Hutchinson even more next summer. We would need them to get hot between now and the deadline and badly need pass rushing help to put them into true contender status for them to even consider it I’d imagine.
  2. I’ve brought it up before out of interest on our bad, knowing there may be none on the other side. They wouldn’t trade him for a pick, but I wonder if it could be Burns for Williams and a high pick. Doubtful, but still something I’d personally love to see
  3. Jeudy strikes me as too much of a locker room issue if he’s not getting enough targets, and Bryce seems like the type of QB who won’t try to force things to one WR. If we didn’t need to immediately give him a sizeable contract I’d be more on board, but I just don’t think it’s a good enough fit for us at the moment. I’d be all for going after Sutton instead though
  4. I’m not mad at 10.3, 13.5, and 14 points from him (PPR), sure I wish he had a boom game by now, but none of those are busts really, he’s been better than half of the top 25 drafted RBs this year. He isn’t going to get much rushing yards against the Titans this week, it’s a matter of how many catches he gets and if he can get into the end zone. My other RBs are Kyren and James Cook, both feel like safer plays than Mixon this week, and I’m not playing Thielen over Waddle, Olave, or Ridley. So I’m debating Mixon in a tough matchup or Thielen in a great matchup and against his old team for my 2nd flex spot.
  5. I'd be curious to go back and watch the first 2 games to see how many plays Bryce called audibles at the LOS, because it feels like it happened a lot. Everyone has been bashing Frank's play calling, but is there a chance that our super brained QB was just being fooled by defenses into calling bad audibles and running his own poor gameplan?
  6. I'll say this knowing full well it could break this site for the most poo'd post ever, but....... I honestly wouldn't care if he moved the team. I've been a die hard fan since year 2 (as you can see from my user name choice) but I have no connection to the Carolina's and the only times I've ever been in either state was my one trip to Charlotte for a home game (happened to be Clausen's first start, smh) and when I visited Clemson in high school while considering going there. So if he moved the team, I'd have no real issue with it as I'd still be a fan and not losing my football team from my city. Okay, poo away............
  7. As a Panthers fan I agree with this As a fantasy football player who is debating about making a very bold move to start Thielen over Mixon this week, I kinda care about the stats as well, at least in regards to Thielen, lol. Mixon has a really tough matchup and Thielen looks like the clear #1 target in this offense and is playing against his old team, feels like they're going to try and get him a bunch of catches (it's a PPR league) and a TD.
  8. Can the answer be a mix? I'd like a draft evaluator from the Eagles system (clearly the best drafting team in recent years) I'd like a cap manager from the Saints system (still have no idea how they do what they do with the cap) I'd like a free agency person from the Patriots system (have consistently found ways to fill their holes over the years to stay competitive)
  9. Gotta mean Bryce is playing Sunday, or at least that's the plan as of now, right? Would be weird to fill the spot and then cut someone else Wednesday to bring in another QB, as we'd need a 2nd to dress if Bryce is out.
  10. Except you're kinda helping to prove my point a little bit, it's clear Tepper wasn't the ultimate final call on Watson as we didn't end up getting him. I never said he doesn't have influence on what we do, I said the trade itself was 99% him, I don't think we make the trade if he doesn't force the issue. It basically was the same situation as the movie Draft Day, the GM/Coach weren't going to make a trade up to #1 until the owner stepped in and told them they had to make a splash move. I think once they did that, Tepper wanted to be there to see everything and listen in on the discussions and I wouldn't blame him for wanting to be, this is what he hopes is the pick that will get him a SB and lead his franchise for the next 10-15 years. But I 100% think in the end he let the staff make the call, he let them assemble this all start staff with a lot of QB experience, I think he let them make their choice and would have been okay with either Bryce or Stroud, whichever they all wanted.
  11. I'm quite confident in saying the overwhelming majority of owners in this league are in all of those meetings as well. I'm sure some owners aren't, like Ford in Detroit or McNair in Houston, I don't see the 70+ year old women who inherited the team when their husbands died to be in those rooms, but I guarantee someone else in the ownership family is, such as Cal McNair would be instead.
  12. First of all, all the other teams weren't sitting quiet, there were multiple teams trying to trade for him. Second, if it really was Tepper's call and he was the one forcing it, he'd have agreed to the fully guaranteed deal and made sure the deal got done.
  13. I think it's because size taken out of the equation, Young was the clear better prospect. Coaches are arrogant who think they can solve a problem like a small QB by being smarter than everyone else. Fans are afraid of injuries (particularly thanks to the rise of fantasy football) and thus couldn't get past the injury concerns. I personally always said his size was the only reason I didn't want him, not even his height, just didn't think he was ever going to have a chance at staying healthy long term.
  14. Didn't they go to dinner with him the night before? One clip of Tepper hugging him without giggling like a giddy school girl doesn't mean he didn't want to draft him, such an absurd leap to make.
  15. No, I just haven't seen a single piece of evidence that even remotely says they had any actual impact on the decision. Them going to the pro days and pictures of them hugging are the furthest thing from any proof. You also have to remember that I'm not a Bryce fan, I never wanted to trade up and once we did, I was 100% in the Stroud camp up until our pick was announced. I'm not trying to defend the pick, I hated it and I still do (but still desperately hope I'm wrong in the end), but I'm not going to just start blaming the Tepper's without even the slightest thread of evidence of them "forcing this pick on the staff who didn't want him." Everyone keeps pointing to pictures of them hugging and saying "I think Tepper forced the pick" and saying "what owner goes to the pro days" but none of that is even the start of an inkling of him inserting himself into the decision, not one bit.
  16. Having the owner's backing and the owner making the decision himself are two completely different things, literally not in the same universe as there isn't a GM/HC in the league who would (or even could) make a move that significant without having the owner's backing and approval. I also think that was equally on Rhule going after him because he felt that Watson was a QB that could help him save his job.
  17. Jammie Robinson come on down!!! I'm shocked he's been inactive, really liked the tape I saw on him and thought he was a steal where we got him in the draft. Hopefully this forces him on the field as I think he has the chance to be a tackling machine
  18. Well that's the weird part to me The "easy target" is the coach and GM who spent the entire offseason talking about how we have a contending team built and just need to insert the QB and how Bryce is the man for that job. They're literally saying they made the decision, fans are already mad at both of them anyways, but for some reason they want to lay the blame on this one at Tepper's feet.
  19. The real answer is that Bryce won the job once Reich and Fitterer decided they weren't concerned about his size and being able to hold up long term. He blew them all away with his brain, which isn't really surprising given the QB acumen on this coaching staff, he talked about the game and the QB position in a way they have never seen from a college QB before. Once he did that, he was always going to be the pick if they decided they were okay with how small he was. That would have been the easy way to talk Tepper out of the decision if they didn't think he could hold up, as convincing him that he didn't have the football ability wasn't going to happen, obviously, as every analyst agreed that if Bryce was 6'2", he'd be a no brainer #1 pick and the Bears probably take him and trade Fields. The most likely scenario is actually the opposite, that Tepper as an analytics guy was concerned about Bryce's size and Reich/Fitterer (and probably McCown) talked him into not being concerned about it because of his super brain for the QB position. Once everyone was on board with the size concern, it really was never even a question, it was always going to be Bryce.
  20. They traded for the #1 pick of the draft in a year that there wasn't a consensus #1 QB, to think that the owners don't then want to be there to see the pro day is just asinine. The #1 pick had only been traded twice since 2000, this isn't a common occurrence and people are jumping to wild assumptions because they showed up to a pro day and gave him a hug.
  21. Confirmation bias There isn't a single person here who follows enough Texans, Colts, etc insiders to know what their owners are up to with the combine and pro day stuff. So you see the Teppers doing it and assume they're the only ones doing it because YOU only see the pictures of them (despite not following the right people to see it from the other teams) and then also assume it means they're forcing football decisions (again, despite any evidence of this happening). Again, lots of players, coaches, execs, end up speaking out about how their owners made too many football decisions when that's been the case, haven't heard one former Panther make those claims.
  22. The guy just spent $2 Billion to buy the team a few years ago, you're damn right he's going to show up to the combine after trading away our future to get the #1 pick, but it doesn't mean he had anything to do with picking the player, it's just nonsense to assume as much with literally ZERO evidence towards it, like not even the smallest bit. Cool, there are pictures out there of Mrs Tepper hugging him at the pro day. I guarantee that every owner, coach, and FO member who met with Bryce, Stroud, AR, Levis in the pre-draft process shook their hands and/or gave them a hug, just doesn't mean someone took a picture and posted it on twitter (or maybe they did and you just don't follow the right Texans people to have seen it, which is very possibly the case).
  23. OH MY GOD How did I miss this one?!?!?! Tepper told Bryce something the entire NFL and it's fans knew was the case, stop the presses, this man is out of control
  24. Just because they were there, doesn't mean they were active in the decision making process, one doesn't mean the other. I'd be willing to bet that the owners of the team with the #1 pick have been at a good 90%+ of the pre-draft dinners with potential targets of that top pick, and the ones they weren't were due to scheduling conflicts and they 100% met/spoke with the players before the draft pick was made. You people are taking a giant leap from, "they were at the dinner" to "they made the decision" with absolutely zero evidence to back it up
  25. It's never been much of a secret when NFL owners are the ones who are forcing football decisions on coaches and the front office. Jerry Jones just named himself as GM so it was never a secret Daniel Snyder was very obvious with it as well, often times with past coaches, execs, players talking about how he made the decisions very often. There hasn't been a single whiff of anything where the Teppers put their finger on the scale for a specific player and made the front office sign/draft them because of it. And no, trying to have them go after Watson doesn't count as I think Tepper easily could have made the call to give him the fully guaranteed deal to get him and he decided not to.
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