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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. In no world would we be trading Burns for Jeudy unless they're also throwing in their 1st rounder, which they aren't giving up while looking this bad. Jeudy has 972, 856, and 467 yards in his 3 seasons with a total of 9 TDs and has 11 catches for 158 yards and no TDs in 3 games so far this year. He's a diva on the field when the ball isn't going his way but doesn't perform near the level required to be allowed to do that. If he can't perform with Wilson as his QB last year and now Payton as his HC on top of that, why in the world would we expect him to become a #1 with us? I'm not even sure I'd take him for even a late round pick, like a 5th, because the Broncos already picked up his 5th year option and has a guaranteed $13 million next year, would rather have that for free agency or available to take on a contract of a better WR in a trade this offseason.
  2. Does everyone seem to forget that we have an Assistant Head Coach? If Tepper were to shock everyone and actually fire Reich mid-season, it would be an almost certainty that Deuce takes over as HC and keep the coordinators in their existing roles.
  3. Chase is one of the Top 5 WRs in the league and is one of Burrow's best friends, they're not trading him on the hope that they end up with a Top 2 or 3 pick to get Harrison. Also, it would take a HUGE haul to get him, and I don't think he's a great fit for Bryce. Chase is great at almost everything, but his best asset is getting downfield to make plays, Bryce doesn't have the arm to take advantage of that properly. I think we need to get a Cooper Kupp type of player #1 for Bryce. Godwin honestly would be a PERFECT fit for him, but don't see how the Bucs would ever trade him within the division.
  4. The problem is he's probably the most realistic option for us. Higgins - I don't think the Bengals are ready to trade him and I don't think we have what they'd want for him anyways (likely a first) Adams - He doesn't want to lose, he doesn't want to come here Evans/Godwin/London/Pitts - Bucs/Falcons aren't trading them in division Hollywood Brown - Don't think the Cardinals want to trade him plus picks for someone like Burns (which is the trade I'd like to make for a WR if possible) Sutton - Don't think the Broncos would trade him over Jeudy Pittman - Don't think the Colts are trading their top WR and hinder the development of their rookie QB (shocking notion, right?) Those are really the only players I could think of right now other than Jeudy that could be looked at as possibly #1's and also possibly available. My preference would be to trade Burns to the Lions for Jameson and a 1st, but I don't think they'll do that with having to pay Hutchinson after next season. After that it's Burns for Higgins and a 1st or 2nd + something else, but also don't see them doing that either, think they want picks for Higgins. Hence my fear that the only/best option is Jeudy and we're going to be desperate and give up something stupid only for it to blow up in our faces.
  5. My fear is that we're going to give up too much to get someone like Jeudy and then pay him more than he's worth. I think he's very overrated and a bigger diva than his production should allow, his reputation is still riding on being a first round pick, his stats don't back it up.
  6. If nobody was giving up a first, we should have just kept him. The late round picks that were used to get the math to add up to a first value aren't worth giving up a player like CMC (especially when you just package them to move up to take a raw pass rusher who isn't even active on game days). I always thought the view of him being injury prone was nonsense, it's not like he just kept getting small little injuries that kept adding up. He had unfortunate injuries like the player falling on his leg while he was diving in for a TD and causing him a high ankle sprain. That's just a freak injury and isn't indicative of an injury prone player like with Horn who keeps getting non contact injuries and pulled muscles, massive difference. Plus I think in both seasons he was injured late in the year with us, if we were contending, he could have and would have played, but with us already out of it there was no point in risking injury to only potentially hurt out draft pick. Him blowing up with a team that uses him properly was again something that was so easy to predict, just like Bryce struggling in this league due to his limited physical traits.
  7. I still don't understand how people can honestly think Higgins isn't a #1 Far too often in today's NFL fans, they view things in terms of fantasy football, not real life football. No, Higgins isn't a WR1 in fantasy football, he's "just a 2" for fantasy, but there are 32 teams in the NFL, if you don't think he's one of the top 32 WRs in the league, you don't know football. No, he's not a Top 10 guy, but only 10 teams can have a top 10 guy, and that's if no teams have two of them (like the Dolphins might with Tyreek and Waddle). But YES, Higgins is without question a WR1 in real life NFL football, no question about it. Having said that, not sure the Bengals would give him to us for what I'd like, I'd do Burns for Higgins and a high pick (I'd like a first but don't think they do that, maybe a 2nd). But I'm not sure they do that before they know they can't make a playoff run this year, and even then, not sure they're trading Higgins plus a pick for a player they have to give a big contract to, more likely will just trade Higgins for a pick.
  8. And this is why I kept saying he should have stayed on the right where he played well in that first game. He missed most of camp and when he was able to play, he only played on the right at the end of camp and preseason, had not worked on the left at all. I don't care that he played the left in college, the NFL is a different game and he was doing well on the right side, shouldn't have messed with it even once BC went down.
  9. Interesting thought on a Reich replacement after the season.... Mike Tomlin Steelers QB situation isn't going to be fixed this year and it could just be one of those situations where a HC and team both need a fresh start, similar to the Eagles and Reid a while back. With Tepper's connections to the Steelers, I would think he'd have serious interest in him if the Steelers let him go. Think there's also been a Steelers exec that we've been linked to in the past for a GM, so maybe bring them both over in the offseason and start fresh with them?
  10. If Reich didn't want Bryce, I'm 100% on board with firing both Reich and Fitterer today, literally TODAY How can you hire a new HC, then trade away the franchise's future to take an undersized and under skilled QB that he didn't even want? That would just be an utter failure on all accounts, fire Fitterer for taking Bryce and fire Reich for allowing him to take Bryce (if the HC really didn't want him, he could have stopped it and forced our hand to Stroud).
  11. At this level, you can't win without both, but talent is more important than coaching. The best coaching at this level just can't win if they don't have the talent. But the best talent can absolutely carry bad coaches to success and can even take them on deep playoff runs. But in the end, you still need elite coaching to win a SB unless you happen to strike gold with the right talent, like we almost did in 2015. Talent is more important as the base of a team Coaching is more important to consistently win and contend at the highest of levels, but it can't do so without that base first.
  12. Yes and no, obviously it's clearly too early to come to any conclusion on him as a player. But the more we lose, the more it raises the stakes on what he has to become in his career for it to be a successful pick. If we give the Bears a Top 2 pick, Bryce then needs to win us a SB and likely be a HOFer for that trade to ever be deemed a success. Just no other way to slice it if we end up giving away Caleb or Maye (or Sanders) on top of all the other assets we had to give up to get Bryce.
  13. Yes it was Overall value might not have been THAT different, but in the end, it 100% would be different since it's 3, not 1, and that difference would have almost assuredly been DJ Moore (if not more). The reason the Bears insisted on Moore being in the trade was because of the weak WR FA and Draft class and them needing an immediate #1 for Fields. That wouldn't have been a thing for the Cardinals, particularly since at the time of the trade, they also still had Hopkins. He likely wouldn't have even been asked about by the Cardinals, let alone being the deal breaker in getting the trade done like he was with the Bears. I think more likely, if we traded to #3 with the Cardinals, we would have ended up including Burns while keeping Moore and keeping possibly both the 2nd rounders we gave up. #9, 2024 1st, and Burns likely would have been more than enough to move up to #3. Give me AR, Moore, whoever we'd draft with that 2nd rounder this past year, and the 2nd in 2025 over Bryce and Burns (with this current situation with him) any day of the week.
  14. The difference is that we weren't winning those games late last year because of the offense, it was the defense that was carrying us. We then didn't lose any significant defensive players (at least before in-season injuries) while adding a few nice pieces as well. Then on offense we brought back the entire OL while actually upgrading a few of the backups from the crap he had last year. We brought in Sanders, who while woefully overpaid, is still a better player than Foreman is, while also bringing in Hurst as an upgrade at TE. And sure we lost Moore which doesn't help, the WR room as a while is better last year with the additions of Thielen, Chark, Mingo. I was never someone who thought we were a QB away from being legit contenders, I spent the entire offseason saying we were a 7 to 9 win team that would have a shot at the division or wild card, which I think that was a totally fair view of the team. But again, the real problem is that the team sold the fans on Bryce because of his plug and play ability with the roster built around him. If they sold him as the developmental prospect that he's looked like so far, after giving up what we did to get him, there would have been a serious mutiny by the fan base. So sure, the team put Bryce in this position and that's not his fault, but that doesn't matter to the fans (nor should it) and he has to try and live up to what we traded away to get him.
  15. It doesn't matter if the anger should be directed at the front office or that it's not Bryce's fault that we gave up so much to get him, that's life in the NFL, you get judge based on the whole, not the parts. You can't discredit the size concerns since so many people had those issues with him pre-draft. So asking "would you feel this way if he was 6'2" is just a completely pointless discussion as he's not going to magically grow another 4 inches. You can't bring up his OL as the reason for it as Stroud is playing behind a significantly worse OL situation, literally their entire starting OL is hurt right now and playing backups. And then it's also not fair to say he's struggling because it's a difficult situation. The only reason so many people were even minimally okay with drafting him, was because he was supposed to be the most pro-ready QB who was being drafted by a team that was pretty solid late last year and really was just missing the QB. To then give away the future and take him for him to look downright horrible (honestly, take away screen passes and he's been the worst QB in the league this year by far) is just not okay, no matter how you slice it. Can he still become a solid QB? Sure... but he'll never live up to that trade and that will always be a problem, whether it's his fault or not.
  16. That would be my top trade preference as well, the problem with it is that the Lions are going to have to give Hutch a huge contract next offseason, doubt they want to give up on Williams this quickly, while also giving up another 1st, to then turn around and have 2 of the top 5 paid pass rushers in the league. If they didn't have Hutch, I think that's a trade that makes sense for both sides and might have happened, but Hutch and the way he's been playing screws it all up for us.
  17. I don't think Herbert becomes the player he is right now if he's drafted by a Rhule run team. There were a lot of question marks on Herbert, some of which are still out there in terms of his ability to read defenses. Put him under Rhule and there is a chance he's a bust in the end, so much of a QB's success comes down to their early coaching in the NFL.
  18. Do the people who are upset with Tepper as the owner realize that the next NFL that was sold/bought was the Broncos, the one team who is rivaling us for dumbest moves at the moment. I still think far too much blame is being placed on him, I think he's actually doing a decent job at letting the football people make the final decisions (outside of forcing the trade which was god awful, but again, that's on the GM for making a bad trade in the end). What we need to do is go back and undo the trade, then trade up to #3 with the Cardinals and take Stroud or AR, whichever fell to #3. We'd have saved some assets, maybe Moore, and be in a significantly better position right now.
  19. If Stroud and AR end up being high end starters and the pick we give up next year turns into Williams or Maye and they end up that way, without question it will be the worst trade ever. The others people have mentioned don't even come close because these will be about the most important position in the game, where we took the 1 bust while simultaneously passing up 2 great QB's and giving away a possible generational talent with that first next year. The closest would be the 49ers Lance trade, but at most it's keeping them from being the unquestioned SB favorites every year and instead just being one of the favorites, while ours could be killing this franchise for the next 5 years. Unmittigated disaster
  20. Yea, and he was so bad that they had the 6th pick in the draft and took Waddle, then they went out the next offseason and traded for Tyreek. Not to mention they have one of the best offensive minds in the league right now. The two situations are not remotely close to being comparable as we don't have that coach, we don't have that draft pick next year, and we don't even have our draft assets to try and trade for a Tyreek.
  21. When you trade 2 firsts, 2 seconds, and your best offensive player for the pick, you’re not a victim of draft position, you just have to live up to that trade regardless.
  22. Burns probably was a more valuable piece on the open NFL market, pass rushers with his potential just do. But in that specific trade, DJ was the more valuable player that the Bears really wanted. They needed to get Fields a weapon and there wasn't anyone great in free agency this summer (as we well know, seeing as we don't have a true #1).
  23. I think it's more just that he didn't think through his exact words before saying them. I'd bet good money that what he really meant was, "I called a play with a 1st read that I wouldn't call for any other player than Thielen" which is totally fair to say. Not defending the coaches, but I think that is one to just nitpick specific words when you know what he REALLY meant by it.
  24. The problem is that they sold the fans on Bryce being worth trading away our top WR and our future with all the picks for this QB because the rest of the team was built to contend right now if we dropped in the right QB. I also don't think it's fair to say this team isn't talented, it's the same OL as last year (granted injuries) with most of the same WRs except losing DJ and adding Thielen, Chark, Mingo, which while none are as good as DJ, on the collective that's actually an upgraded WR room overall, and a more talented (albeit overpaid) RB in Sanders over Foreman. You can't do all that and then play the way Bryce has, whether that's fair to him as a rookie or not, it's just the truth. Maybe some of it is the coaching and play calling, that's of course fair to say, but Bryce just hasn't looked good, there's no other way to put it. The scary part is the part of him that was supposed to be next level, his seeing of the field, his movement in the pocket, his processing, etc, has not been seen outside of a very select few plays. Then some of the concerns with him as a prospect have been seen already with his size/strength being a limitation and staying healthy. Dalton was able to throw downfield just fine with the same players around him, in the pouring rain, but Bryce just can't do it and is very skittish in the pocket. Trading away the 1st pick in the draft in a season with someone like Caleb Williams, to take the QB who lead you to that last place finish, while not showing his supposed pre-draft strengths and showing his pre-draft concerns, would be epically bad.
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