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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Yes, that's very cheap for a #1, but Jeudy isn't close to a #1, he was a first round pick who for 3 years has been an average #2 and still can't break out with a Sean Payton offense. That money could be used towards a better WR or be put to better use for other positions than to waste in on Jeudy.
  2. It's also only as good as it's power Bryce is like trying to run today's graphics on a computer from 20 years ago, sure it might know how to do what it needs to do, but it doesn't have the required power to get the job done.
  3. If the Bengals are trading him for a pick this year, I'm guessing someone offers a 1st for him. He's 24 years old and it won't require a very top of the market contract to re-sign him, that's hard to find right now and if they wait until the offseason, someone in the back half of the first round and needs a WR would make that trade in a heartbeat. Which is why I've always felt Burns (who I think is worth 2 firsts) for Higgins and a 1st makes a lot of sense for us and in a vacuum, but I think the Bengals will want a 1st back to get a good player on a cheap deal after giving Burrow that contract and still needing to pay Chase.
  4. "only"?!?!?!?! $13 million would have him as a Top 20 WR cap hit in the league, the guy hasn't had a 1,000 yard season in his career and an "offensive genius" in Payton wants to trade him away instead of keeping him with that number on the books next year. His contract is the biggest reason to not have any interest in him, and I don't want him just for the player that he is, before you even factor in his biggest downside in that guaranteed contract next year
  5. Media and fan love doesn't mean anything though, I also don't think the "run at him to neutralize him" issue would pop up on a SB caliber team like it does for us. We're generally losing and it allows teams to run on us more often than they may normally need to. If a contending team were to trade for him, he'd likely be able to pin his ears back and just rush the passer more often than not. Teams will, and do, value him more than the casual fan does.
  6. https://predominantlyorange.com/posts/hypothetical-trade-package-jerry-jeudy-might-be-too-good-broncos-pass Oh good lord, this guy thinks the Broncos should trade Jeudy and a 4th for Burns I've always said nothing could get me to stop rooting for the Panthers, but this could test that theory, that would be an epically bad trade.
  7. Again, nah.... not trading Burns in the end will also still just keep him really motivated this year to ball out as he knows it will affect his negotiating ability in the offseason. He won't play on the tag next year, so tagging him to trade him will end up happening and we'll trade him before the draft for some picks. There is no upside to selling short on Burns in season (which probably means we will)
  8. Is this some kind of knock on his low TD numbers? Moore's worst year here was his rookie season with 788 yards, last year he had 888, his other 3 seasons were all over 1,150 yards. Jeudy's 3 seasons went 856, 467 (in 10 games), and 972 There is no comparison between them as WRs, Jeudy can only dream to be on the level of a DJ Moore
  9. Nah.... the Panthers leverage in any Burns trade is that other teams will want him. You could even make the argument that knowing we can't come to a deal with him actually would make teams want to overpay to get him because they know they'll have to battle other interested teams and many would view a pass rusher like him as the final piece to a SB run.
  10. I agree, which is why there really are only 2 trades out there that I'd make during this season to go after a WR. I'd trade Burns to the Lions for Jameson and a 1st or to the Bengals for Higgins and a 1st, but I don't think either of the other sides would do it as I think if the Bengals trade Higgins, they want draft picks, and I don't see the Lions trading for Burns to pay him this summer and then have to pay Hutchinson next summer as well.
  11. Well, I'd do that one in a heartbeat because that Broncos 1st rounder would allow us to then trade Bryce in the offseason and use their pick to replace him with one of the elite prospects in this upcoming draft as they'll be a Top 5 pick. But that's also why they won't trade their 1st away, they're already planning on replacing Wilson with it.
  12. If you don't think Burns is worth Higgins or a 1st separately, you don't understand how the NFL views pass rushers The Broncos were able to trade Bradley Chubb and a 5th for a 1st, 4th, and a player, and Burns had 18 more sacks after his first 4 years than Chubb had at that point. And Chubb had 5.5 sacks in 8 games before being traded during his 5th year, Burns already has 3 sacks after only 4 games during his 5th year. 100% chance a team would be willing to trade more than just a single 1st round pick for Burns this year, it's just a matter of our front office not being stupid this time and taking it.
  13. NO TMJ is off our books next year and Jeudy has $13 million guaranteed. A TMJ trade that would make more sense is to work him into a deal for Higgins, pair him back up with his LSU teammates in Burrow and Chase. Burns and TMJ for Higgins, a 1st, and like a 4th works for me
  14. Because the rest of the year is meant to help Bryce grow (unfortunately figuratively and not literally) and adding an elite WR would help do that. However, Jeudy isn’t an elite WR, that’s just a different discussion.
  15. Yea I know, which is why I said I’m not sure what I suggested can be done, as I’m not sure if you can re-work that option year once it’s picked up. But with a “normal contract” they would be able to pay down that final year as a bonus before the trade. If that can’t be done here, then I have less than zero interest in him. I’ll take a 2 year rental to see if it works at a sub $5 million cap hit next year, but to take that $13 Million on next year to do it is a complete non-starter for me.
  16. Here is the only way I’m okay with trading for Jeudy (and I don’t even know if it’s possible to do to a 5th year option from a first round contract). 5th round pick for Jeudy AFTER they re-negotiate his $13 million owed to him next year to be a $10 million bonus paid by the Broncos before the trade and this only putting us on the hook for $3 million next year. Any draft capital better than that and any money more than that on our books and it’s a complete non starter for me. He is a first round talent who has played like a replacement level player for his whole career, we need to stop going after guys like that.
  17. Oh… and on those 9 TDS…. 3 of them came in the same game, so remove that one game and he only has 6 TDs and is in his 4th season.
  18. No, the Broncos already picked up his 5th year option and is locked in next year for $13 million. $13 million to a guy who hasn’t broken 1,000 yards yet, GTFO
  19. That as well, has had multiple on field blow ups against both teammates and the refs. There isn’t a single thing about him that makes sense to trade for him. I’d rather overpay in a trade to get Sutton from the Broncos than give up even a 5th rounder to get Jeudy and his contract.
  20. He has $13 million guaranteed next year He has never had a 1,000 yard season He has 9 career TD’s His current team has no interest in re-signing him and wants to get rid of his guaranteed $13 million next year that they decided to pick up with his 5th year option. There is no logical reason to trade for him, which means we’re likely going to do something stupid and trade for him while giving up too much to do so. He’s still living off his first round selection and potential based on talent, but when you can’t succeed in a Sean Payton offense and he wants to trade you, that’s not a glowing recommendation.
  21. First, I never said anything about the coach and absolving him of blame Second, no, we don't go 0-17 if Dalton started all the games as I think he would have beaten both the Falcons and Saints if he played the same way he did against the Seahawks.
  22. If the Bears end up with 1-2, he’s clearly leaving to get drafted along with Harrison, would be wild. But he’s leaving anyways, he can say what he wants now, but when it’s clear he’ll be the #1 pick he’s gone, especially if he wins the Heisman again, no reason to stay and delay the NFL payday that will dwarf NIL
  23. I think it was more of the team shutting him down than him sitting out. There was nothing to gain in playing him in meaningless late season games.
  24. After that trade, if the QB we traded away all those picks and DJ away for, lead us to an 0-17 season, it would be considered the worst season in the history of professional sports. It literally couldn’t be worse, first team to ever go 0-17 and gave away the #1 pick in a draft with a generational talent coming out.
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