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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. I know it's not Panthers related, but I just pulled my first 1/1!!!!!! It's a bout damn time, been getting so pissed off recently that I hadn't hit one yet, I've opened enough boxes by now
  2. And here, we, go.............................................................. 7/7 yea, I don't even know what to say besides WOW /100 about damn time I found this card
  3. yea, that's the only Cam I have that I'm selling and looking to get like 200 for it or I'd keep it (which I'm not getting right now anyways)
  4. Thanks man, and as you know, I have a ridiculous Stewart that's not even in there yet, can't wait for it to show up Actually the second Adams with that patch I've seen, got outbid on the other and it was even better, had like 3.5 letters in it I believe. I have another Cam auto I'm trying to sell, but if you're looking for a cheap one I don't think it's for you (Plates & Patches 3-Color Patch Auto BGS 9 auto 10) but let me know if you're interested So Stewart's 2012 Emerald Patch 1/1 just popped up on ebay today, thinking I might have to win that bad boy and go for the rainbow (don't have a Stewart 1/1 yet and it's killing me, just wish it was auto'd)
  5. Finally made a separate folder for all my Stewart cards http://s1158.photobucket.com/albums/p615/ZonaCats8/Jonathan%20Stewart%20PC/?start=all
  6. So it's been a little while since I updated this because I kinda slowed down on the pickups, but oh boy do I have a few to show off now, and some more on the way, but you'll have to wait for those, Jason, you know what I'm talking about. First is the Cam redemption that I pulled, got it in, then I just love that Stewart UD Black, sick card, and I pulled the Joe Adams pullout myself. But to me the best part about these is that Joe Adams, yes, that patch is from exactly where you think, it's the tip of the "P" and the "OU" from the KEEP POUNDING inside the collar, so badass.
  7. Oh yea, and the Gold Standard Platinum /25 (bottom left) showed up the other day too to complete the rainbow minus the 1/1 From upper left clockwise: /5 /10 /299 /25
  8. So today wasn't a bad day at all Started off with getting this Stewart auto /10 in the mail that I bought a few days ago, not a bad start. Then I decided to open my box of 2011 Crown that I got at the card show yesterday, second hit was the Pilares auto, so things got a little better with that. Then the last hit was a redemption, was not happy about that at all, until I looked at the checklist to see what card it was...... Cam Auto/Jersey /25 (my third Cam auto I've pulled, OH YEA!!!!!!) And then anyone new to this thread, you can see my whole Panthers collection here if you want: http://s1158.photobu...s PC/?start=all
  9. Oh man, hahaha I like to go back through and just scroll through the older pages in this thread from time to time and came across this post of yours Jason. I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that my Stew collection MIGHT have passed yours by now, not too sure though, here's everything as of now, lol (and I have the /25 Gold Standard in the mail which completes his Gold Standard rainbow minus the 1/1)
  10. Shoot me a PM with what you've got and what you're looking for, I might be interested and if not, I might know a few people who would be
  11. Here are my recent pickups Absolute /10 NT Auto /10 GS Auto /5 GS Black /10 Tolbert /10 Adams /99
  12. So I bought a box of a Panini product about a month ago and one of my hits was pretty badly damaged. So I emailed their head customer service guy asking if they'd have anymore to replace it with, he said to send it to him and he'd see. I told him I wanted it sent back if they didn't get another as it was a really cool card, that I'd only want it replaced with a Jonathan Stewart pull out auto if they happened to still have one lying around as I still haven't found that damn card yet. Well they didn't get anymore in, so he sent it back, along with what he called in his email a "small compensation", I wasn't expecting the pull out, that would have been too perfect, but I'll sure as hell take what he sent instead /10
  13. That's awesome, I looked for it last night and couldn't find it, not sure what I was typing in, haha Thanks
  14. that beer stein is AWESOME where do I get me one of those? Haven't updated my stuff in a while, just got a Stew Contenders auto in the mail today, and have had a few of his and Biakabutuka auto's come in recently as well. I need to update my photobucket, been lazy and haven't in a while, once I do I'll share a few of my recent pickups, nothing all that great though EDIT: oh yea, I did also just pick up a Gettis 1/1 Contenders Printing Plate too
  15. Yea, but that was just one of my like 11 boxes over the last couple weeks and most of the others were horrible, but it was a lot of fun to pull that one, awesome looking card
  16. And here's the rest of what I've picked up recently, I pulled the Smitty jersey and the Pilares /10 Gold Standard myself, the Cam with his celebration picture is a SP variation in Topps
  17. So I've got quite a few cards to update in here, but really, there's only one that matters. Sold a bunch of vintage football cards from my dad when I was at a show this weekend and decided to pick up a box that I'd been wanting to try for a while now and got a great deal on it, $130 when they used to be $200, and he only had one left so I didn't even get to choose which one I wanted. Pulled a Pilares 4/10 which was pretty cool, and then a few cards later I found this decent card hiding in there and it's the last one made, 325/325
  18. My recent pickups over the last couple weeks, I know the Gronkowski isn't Panther related but it's too sick not to share, great add to my Arizona PC Been wanting one of the Stewart Magic Autos for a while now, finally got one at a good price, and then both the Stew and Smitty jersey cards were throw-ins by the sellers on two of them.
  19. Not sure why I've never posted this, but I finally made it down to my first home game in 2010 for the Bengals game and had great seats, like 5th row right behind the tunnel the players come out of for introductions. After the game all the kids ran down trying to get autographs or gear from the players and I watched in case something got thrown in my direction, but wasn't going to fight young kids over anything. Well after most of the players were in the locker room and the kids started to leave, I pulled out my phone to check out of town scores/stats and as I was looking down at my phone something hit me in the chest and fell right onto my phone in my hand. Someone said they thought it was a lineman who threw it, but I'm not sure because it doesn't look big enough for it, but it had to be someone who played as it definitely looks well used and has a small tear on a seam
  20. Okay, these showed up today, along with some cool Biakabutuka and Stewart inserts from COMC The Thomas is his nickname, he's one of my favorite players as I was in school at the same time as him so I got to see him in person for 4 years and he ended up breaking the all time pac-10(12) career receptions record on the final play of his career in a bowl win. Then the dual is with one of our lineman who also got drafted by the Jaguars in the same draft as Thomas, he's their RT Then a non-football bonus, Carlos Baerga auto, my all time favorite player. If you go to my bucket from my previous posts and check out my PC folder, I have a game used auto'd bat of his from one of his 2 Silver Slugger seasons that I won on ebay a couple months back. Like I said, it was a GREAT day for me in the card world
  21. Oh yea, the RG3 is a great card and all, especially for a Skins fan since Williams is on it, but the redemption will probably sell on ebay for somewhere in the range of 200-300 (each Cam alone is $150 or more right now and will be selling the graded one during the season for $200+, the booklet is never leaving my possession as it was the main reason I wanted to do this deal, sooooooooooo sick!!!) Once it's live, the first one or two of that dual auto will probably sell for $300-400 with the rest falling to no more than 200, and who knows if I'd have gotten the first and been able to sell it first, so I think I made the smart play there. Thanks on that Thomas, it is a sick patch, but I'll post the other card of his I got in the mail today which I like waaaaaaaaaaay more, it's one I've been wanting for a while and it finally popped up at auction last week.
  22. hahahahaha, thanks, told you they were going to be CAMtastic, wasnt lying, hahaha So here's the story, we agreed to the deal in principle, the dual auto redemption for the 2 Cam's and then he was going to bring some boxes of cards and I'd get an additional $50ish in cards, probably got a bit more as I got a Von Miller Contenders auto (the SP version too), a Titus Young SP Authentic 2-color patch auto, and a Topps Finest Titus Young 3-color patch auto (probably $60 now, upwards of 75 during the season) Then he said he had that Stewart too, was going to do that instead of the extra $50 in cards but he said he'd need something else from me in addition, that I just didn't want to do as I wanted those extra cards so I could sell something and get some cash out of this still. Well, he still brought the Stewart along as I said I'd bring some cards too in case he wanted some more stuff I had. So after finalizing the redemption for Cam's deal, we the went through each other's cards to see if there was anything else we could do. I gave him a Ryan Broyles Inception base auto, Prestige Ronnie Hillman auto (not #'d), Crown Royale Franco Harris patch /25, Certified Kyle Rudolph dual jersey auto /50, and Topps Gridiron Legends Mark Ingram Auto (not #'d) which is probably about $50-60 in value at the moment. In return I got the Stewart and everything pictured below (a non graded version of that same Stewart recently sold for $50 itself) The NT Mike Thomas is one of my Arizona guys (I'm an alum if I hadn't mentioned that before), wanted the Ryan Williams because I think he's going to have a huge year and will sell well later So like I said, I think I "won" in both of my trades, pretty damn happy, oh yea, and I'll be posting the other cards that showed up in the mail today in a bit too
  23. Okay, so today was just absolutely ridiculously absurdly crazy in terms of my pickups and how they went down I gotta get going so I'll only put up the 3 big ones right now, when I get the chance later tonight I'll post the rest of my haul and the story behind it (let's just say I "won" my trades, hahaha) Both BGS cards are graded 9/10 auto and the Stew is #'d 5/5
  24. Then this bad boy also showed up today, along with a few base cards and a 2 color patch /50 that I got all in a lot for just $10 delivered, what a steal
  25. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH SHIZZZZZZZZZ So I just pulled this bad boy in a box yesterday, sick card, even better than the Luck I pulled Listed it on ebay at $500 OBO and got a message from a guy locally seeing if I was interested in a trade, well.... Let's just say I came away with two SICK cards that I'll be posting in here when I get them, here's a hint.... they're CAMtastic, as well as something I can then sell for about $50 as he was going to throw in some paypal too but then couldn't because his car broke down today and needs to fix it. By hellerk88 at 2012-07-25
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