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Everything posted by tukafan21

  1. Would LOVE to get him, but only if on a very reasonable deal, which probably wouldn’t happen as he’d sign with a contender if not going for the highest bidder. Elite talent, but can’t stay healthy
  2. He's awful and not our long term solution, the longer you stick your head in the sand about it, the harder it's going to be for you to enjoy Panthers football anyways, as you're just going to get your hopes up to get crushed. It's also not a narrative, it's what we all saw with our own eyes on the field, the kid doesn't have any NFL level physical traits
  3. He was unhappy on a team that had QB's at least good enough to get them to the playoffs in 3 of his 5 years and had a worst record of 8-8 in that timeframe. If he was unhappy with that, what in the world makes you think he'll be happier by going to a team with the worst QB in the league with a worse arm than any QB he had in Pittsburgh?
  4. My issue with the trade has 0% to do with Johnson the player or what kind of contract he might want It's that he's made it known he has been unhappy with the Steelers QB play the last few years and I can't see him going from that to Bryce and then wanting to re-sign with us next offseason. I like this trade, but I also wanted to find a more long term WR solution this year, which we now won't be able to unless we get lucky and hit a home run in the draft.
  5. Oh, absolutely, and that's why I do love the trade as well, it's a no risk move at this moment. The risk is that it means we go another offseason without doing anything about our long term WR situation if he decides he wants to play with a real QB after this season. And given his displeasure with the Steelers QB situation the last few years, I struggle to see how he's going to play with Bryce this year and then say "yea, I want to sign up for another few years of that" Think it's one of those trades that I'll just be both happy and concerned with in the end.
  6. I'm a little torn on this move On one hand, I love the trade in a vacuum, we definitely won the trade and fill a big hole with a good player. On the other hand, he only has this season left on his contract and has been pretty vocal about his displeasure with his QB play the last few years. If he has a solid season but Bryce still struggles, I could see him refuse to sign an extension and put us right back into the same situation next year of needing a WR and/or dealing with a franchise tag mess. Was really hoping we'd be able to lock up a #1 WR for the next 3-5 years somehow this offseason, but I guess if we couldn't do that, this is the next best option, right?
  7. Seriously, can the mods just block him from creating threads if he reuses to post tweets correctly? Most pointless posts ever
  8. We have by far the worst roster in the NFL, outside of Brown, we don't have any difference makers on the entire roster at the moment, maybe Horn if he can stay healthy. Which means we'll be easily the worst predicted record by every expert Which in turn means we'll of course finish with like 5 or 6 wins and end up around pick 7 or so, because that's just what happens every year lately with the "worst team in the NFL" predictions.
  9. Agreed The CMC trade never made sense, the injury fear was never warranted as his injuries were freak things, not the type that you pick up due to wear and tear and being injury prone. Plus in both years he would have come back in the last season games if they mattered, but we shut him down to not risk injury. Then even on top of all that we never got fair compensation back for a player of his caliber, it was just a terrible trade that we've somehow replicated two more times since then.
  10. I wasn't the one comparing it to Mack, just saw your post and said they were bad comparisons, and if those got 2nd rounders for them, we should have gotten more. I'm also not going to go and research past tagged and traded players, it doesn't change that we didn't get enough back for him.
  11. I haven't looked at the Center projections for this year, but unless one falls to 33 that you just can't pass up, under no circumstances can that be the order we make those picks. SOMEONE will fall out of the First round unexpectedly Unless there is someone there that we badly want, with the 2nd round the next day, there is plenty of time to shop the pick for someone who badly wants a player who fell out of the 1st. If it's a team not too far behind us, we can pick up an extra mid round pick, if it's a team at the back end of the round, we might be able to get a 2025 1st out of the deal. If we stay put at 33 and take a Center that didn't unexpectedly fall out of the 1st, it will be a failure of epic proportions
  12. Burns and Ford both played 5 years with Burns having 12 more sacks than Ford, Burns is also still 2 years younger than Ford was at the time Burns also had 9 more sacks (albeit in an extra season) than Ngakoue, who was in a public twitter fight with the team's owner and was demanding a trade. Neither are comparable situations and Burns is considered a much higher ceiling pass rusher within the league circles than either of those players were, so if they both got 2nd rounders for them, Burns should have gotten more. We let Burns find a contract and then took the best offer that team would give us, we should have played hard ball and said you have to find a team willing to give us fair compensation. If that cost Burns money, well that's his fault for putting himself and the team in this situation when he turned down more than fair offers before last year and then laid an egg.
  13. I'm talking about exactly a team like the Lions, think I even said in my post that it would be someone who thinks they're a contender who would make a trade like this. I also think it almost would be more likely to get a team to do a 2025 2nd and 2026 1st than a 2025 1st. We might have to throw in like a 4th or 5th to help make it happen, which I'd be fine with. That would be more for a team like the Texans, someone who thinks they can contend but still may be another year away, that way they keep their 1st next year and figure the 1st in 2026 should be at the end of the draft. To me, that would have represented them acknowledging this is a full rebuild and that they were going about it the right way, accumulate the right assets, not just the immediate ones. I think this was the best deal we got because it was the team willing to give the most money to Burns so he told the Panthers that right now, it was their only option. That's why I made the thread about the worst part of this is we'd have gotten a better return if Morgan hadn't given in so fast. Burns wasn't playing here on the tag and I think he was just done here no matter what. He'd have taken less money from a contender who would be willing to do a deal like that. We held all the cards and we let Burns dictate how the hand played out.
  14. No, this trade is still a move that tells me they think we're closer to competing than any fan does. If they really felt we were a minimum of 3 years away, they'd have traded him for future assets instead of a 2nd in this year's draft. I'm sure a contending team would have given a 2025 1st for him, or possibly even a 2025 2nd and a 2026 1st. If we made that trade today, I'd have been very pleased, I know we need the players now, but taking higher picks further down the line would have made more sense if they really felt we were 3 years away from being even above average.
  15. As badly as I want to replace Bryce ASAP, a small part of me wouldn't be upset if we end up with the #1 pick in a not spectacular QB draft and do what the Bears did to us, to another team. Trade the #1 pick for a massive haul to fill our many many holes and then look to replace the QB the following year. No, we may not luck into the #1 pick in a good draft like the Bears did, but that's not the only way to get a QB. If we can trade the #1 pick for essentially 4 or 5 starters like the Bears did and then still end up with a Top 10 pick the next draft because Bryce is terrible, we can draft a replacement who is coming into a more fully built out team to maximize a rookie QB contract window. Personally, I don't think Shadeur is going to be a great NFL QB and think he'll be a bust, but his star power could get a team to WAY overpay for the #1 pick if he's really the only top option out there.
  16. Bet you thought this was going to be about the pick we just traded for........ GOTCHA Nope, just a reminder that we took Mingo with the 39th pick in the draft last year... makes you wonder what we can turn this newly acquired 39th pick in the 2024 Draft into. I honestly didn't even realize it was the same pick until I was curious who got drafted in this slot last year and just went and looked to see it was the Mingo pick. It was like getting kicked in the balls upon that realization.
  17. Trading Burns = Rebuilding the right way.... I will give you that point, however................. We just traded Burns on HIS terms, to get HIM the best contract, not on OUR terms to get US the best return Which flips that from rebuilding the right way to continuing to cut off our nose to spite our face, yet again, because they keep trying for the quick fix, not the right fix.
  18. Just made this post in another thread where someone asked if I was going to stop being a fan, then saw this thread and realized I needed to re-post it in here, so this is just a straight copy/paste of my other post........ There are levels of rooting though No, I don't love the Panthers any less. No, I'm not considering stopping being a fan. But for a long time, my favorite teams went as follows, with the number of dots approximating the gap of fandom between each, from "live and die with every game" for Arizona Basketball to "barely remember to check the scores" for the rest of them (like the Red Wings or Tigers). And to be clear, loving a team and fandom of them is different to me. Love is how deeply they're ingrained into your heart and soul, whereas fandom is how much you care/think about them on a daily basis. Arizona Basketball.. Panthers.................. Every other team I root for In the past 18ish months (basically starting with the CMC trade), it's now shifted to the following Arizona Basketball.. Wrexham AFC................................................. Panthers............. Every other team I root for (yes, I got sucked into Welcome to Wrexham and am now a die hard Wrexham fan for life) We've traded away draft picks and the 3 best players we've had since the Cam era for Bryce and a bag of loose change. We can't hire the right coaches, we can't sign the right players, we can't draft the right players, we literally haven't made one good move in this time frame. I literally never thought I'd feel this way about the Panthers, they were one of 2 teams that were never going to have to win back my interest. But I can't defend them anymore, it's been that bad. So again, no I'm not going anywhere as a fan, but right now, I just don't really care much for them in the slightest, they don't register for me on the daily anymore, they're just a thing that I have slight interest in and they have to earn my level of fandom back.
  19. There are levels of rooting though No, I don't love the Panthers any less. No, I'm not considering stopping being a fan. But for a long time, my favorite teams went as follows, with the number of dots approximating the gap of fandom between each, from "live and die with every game" for Arizona Basketball to "barely remember to check the scores" for the rest of them (like the Red Wings or Tigers). And to be clear, loving a team and fandom of them is different to me. Love is how deeply they're ingrained into your heart and soul, whereas fandom is how much you care/think about them on a daily basis. Arizona Basketball.. Panthers.................. Every other team I root for In the past 18ish months (basically starting with the CMC trade), it's now shifted to the following Arizona Basketball.. Wrexham AFC................................................. Panthers............. Every other team I root for (yes, I got sucked into Welcome to Wrexham and am now a die hard Wrexham fan for life) We've traded away draft picks and the 3 best players we've had since the Cam era for Bryce and a bag of loose change. We can't hire the right coaches, we can't sign the right players, we can't draft the right players, we literally haven't made one good move in this time frame. I literally never thought I'd feel this way about the Panthers, they were one of 2 teams that were never going to have to win back my interest. But I can't defend them anymore, it's been that bad. So again, no I'm not going anywhere as a fan, but right now, I just don't really care much for them in the slightest, they don't register for me on the daily anymore, they're just a thing that I have slight interest in and they have to earn my level of fandom back.
  20. No I gave them the benefit of doubt when they took Bryce despite it being glaringly obvious that he just doesn't have the physical traits needed to be an elite NFL QB. I gave them that benefit of doubt that during the draft process, they saw such a beyond next level mental side of the game that it would more than overcome any physical limitations he had. While I get he was a rookie on a terrible team last year, his mental side of the game wasn't even average for a rookie QB, let alone the #1 pick who was supposed to have one of the greatest football minds the draft has ever seen. And all of that is before he somehow looked even worse physically than expected, and I was already expecting him to look like the worst QB in the league from a physical standpoint, he looked like he didn't even belong as a backup in this league.
  21. Yep, you’re probably right here, which…………. leads to the other thread I just made, go check it out we fuged up
  22. Is because Morgan and Tepper have no balls, let me explain............ Burns was never going to play a single snap on the franchise tag this season, he showed his hand when he admitted he played scared this season out of concern of injury without his contract. We let him dictate the terms of a trade by doing it today, it allowed him to demand more money from whatever team traded for him, thus allowing that team to have a reason to be stingy on the compensation coming back out way. We should have let Burns sweat, let him sit there for a few weeks and when he realized he wasn't getting this $30 million a year contract and knew he wasn't going to play a snap on the tag, he'd have been willing to sign a cheaper contract (in the $25M a year range) as it would have been that or sitting out the season. I guarantee that teams would have given better compensation if they were able to get him on a cheaper deal like that, 100% chance a team more in contention would have given us a late 1st rounder for him on a deal like that. This was Morgan and Tepper not having the balls the play this one out and force Burns to show his hand, which was that he was NEVER going to sign the tag and play on it, I'll never be convinced otherwise.
  23. Just like nobody was going to pay him $30 million a year? That contract alone says we should have got a 1st for him To me, this more screams this front office is trying to look for the quick fix and they were only going to trade Burns for an asset in this year's draft, but trading him for a 1st next season would have been the smart move as we're not 1 offseason away from fixing this franchise, it's a multi year thing.
  24. This is a joke, right? That would only compound the issue as we have a serious lacking of quality players. The only way using this extra 2nd to move up in the draft to get into the 1st for a WR is to use BOTH of those 2nds, or if we're lucky, give up this 2nd and our 3rd to maybe get the 30th pick. We need multiple starters with these picks, not package them together to get 1 starter.
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