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Everything posted by cardiackat88.

  1. "We" Sounds like SOMEbody has never had a job.......
  2. I don't think it was Bryce, necessarily. IMHO, last decade or so has had a lot of really subpar QBs taken in the first round that would be "Chris Leaked" if they were in the same time period he was eyeing an NFL career. I thought it started with Wentz and Goff, but it was actually a few years before them. Its really, really sad to read the list of QBs taken in the first round the last 10 years or so.
  3. Unfortunately, He's not a hot chick and/or spewing his unsolicited opinion on extremely polarizing political and social views.
  4. Half a million followers is kinda weak tbh. There is tons of influencers and content creators out there now with like 15m+ that none of us have ever even heard of lol.
  5. I am honestly not sure WTF Rhule was supposed to be. He was not even a coach really, just an asshat. Wilks was defense and we all wish he was given a chance to be the head coach.
  6. BPA. Even more so now than previous years. This entire team stinks and BPA is a sound strategy IMHO.
  7. Shoulda done that a long time ago. You can thank our idiot GM for that mess
  8. We have really only had SEVEN head coaches in the history of this franchise?? One of them being an interim?
  9. <iframe width="747" height="454" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aFwYWjLZSYw" title="The Notorious Story Of The Pike County Massacre" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. "Samuel Johnsons right about Olson Johnson being right, and I ain't giving up my ice cream parlor" "Howard Johnson is right!" https://youtu.be/V8oaQhTYx2Q?si=wQm_P8-dEFgvuouO
  11. The CMC trade hurt, but there is absolutely NO excuse for the Brian Burns epic eff up.
  12. I remember it being high speculation that Tepper would want to move the team when he initially bought it. This has been a thing for a while, many threads about it.
  13. Lots and lots of dirty little tricks that big companies can legally bully you with. To me, putting ads on stupid stuff like YouTube and Hulu does not add value to any of the companies placing that ad, but only encourages users to spend more money to not have to see the useless ads in the first place.
  14. I think a major problem is the current world and age of the players. I imagine they are having a really hard time focusing for the entire game. Its fun to pick on Kyler Murray and all about Call of Duty, but how many of these players are hooked on things like Tik Tok, Instagram, and other major distractions? COVID did a number on everyone too. I noticed in the 2021 season that the game felt like it went on forever, and the whole game felt like it had been played by halftime. I think that we, as fans, have also had our brain chemistry and attention spans warped over the last couple of years.
  15. I hate discussing coulda-beens and shoulda-beens. I have the feeling Surtain or Richardson would both suck, be hurt all the time, and/or be completely misused if they were Panthers.
  16. Hire a ton of women to "DeShaun Watson" him outta town. Tepper's rich though, it will be like Bob Kraft, nothing will happen.
  17. Don't forget Samuel walking for nothing, and Bradbury, and re-signing Jackson, and Butker, and...you know what, just forget it. This is effing depressing.
  18. I think Tepper is more like the owner in Ted Lasso. Hiring a doofus coach (Rhule in this case) to ruin a team on purpose (the owners ex-husband on the show). I've jokingly said this for a few years, but I wonder if Richardson goosed up one of Tepper's nieces on jeans Friday and now Tepper is a having an absurdly petty, mega-rich revenge plot.
  19. My dad asked me last year “who was that guy that played QB for the panthers? Some white dude that really sucked”. I told him he would have to be more specific
  20. Was he the same guy that posted his poop like 10 years ago?
  21. Well good news for you! We won't wiff on next year's first rounder cuz we don't have one.
  22. I think you could put ANYone, EVER, as this QB for this team and they would look terrible. No matter if they suck or if they are elite.
  23. Hey! Look in the bright side! One of those teams got us Peppers, and the other one got us Cam! So that means...oh well...nevermind
  24. I want to say Dolphins vs Steelers with super heavy rain and a ridiculously muddy field that ended in a score of like 3-0 That might have been MNF though
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