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Everything posted by cardiackat88.

  1. Work and fun don't mix, unless you're a clown. But in seriousness, every job is going to have its pros and cons. I am currently highly conflicted about my job. I make mighty good money and I barely do anything on my shifts but it comes at a price. I work overseas and I haven't had the chance to see my family in almost two years. This is partly because of Covid and the other part is due to the fact that my company changed ownership and screwed up our visa process. I am now stuck here until that is fixed, and they seem to be in ZERO hurry. If I quit this job, I will be losing at the very least $20K a year in a paycut working stateside. Then I will have to find an apartment and get a vehicle, added costs that I don't have here. All this while I am footing the bill for all expenses for a (estranged) wife and three children. I am about to have to spend the bulk of my savings to fly them out here for a one week visit, something I would never, ever, consider doing due to the cost and the amount of money I currently have saved or in credit lines. The good news is, I have completely cleared the 30K of debt I was in around December. The loans are all paid off and the credit card balances are at less than $50 total. One of my asshole cards took me down from $4000 to $1000 after I paid it off so I have made sure to keep small balances on each and pay them down to $5 or so. Anyways, I absolutely hate that I am looking into a nuclear option to see them based on something that I cannot control. No one should have to spend so much money out of desperation to see their family.
  2. I mean, there has been some mighty entertaining posts over the last few weeks. Some of them just so dumb that it acts as an SSRI for shots of laughter and dopamine.
  3. Maybe Kirk Cousins prayed to God about the Panthers having bricked hands the entire game and was granted his prayer because he didn't take the vaccine that would cloud his vision in his third eye. I don't ever recall once seeing that turd have to wear a mask on the sidelines though.
  4. Craig Cartner that dude that buys a box of 1,000 toothpicks, counts every single one of the when get gets home, and then complains to management there is only 998 toothpicks in the box.
  5. For fugs sake SOME of us just want to have hope that there is something or someone out there who can play RG or LG better than the two clowns currently starting. Excuse us for ever having a glimpse of hope!
  6. I got blasted for making a post about him not playing the first game due to injury and Rivera's response being something like "if he plays great, if he doesn't play, also great"
  7. Jeezuz. I have been hearing about "must wins" since week one against the Jets.
  8. I nice set of double RBs out of the shotgun with Moore and CMC would make a "certain someone" FINAAAALLLLLYYYYYY get a little more CREAAAA-AAAAAA-TIIIIIIVVVVVEEE
  9. Do you remember Mike Davis's "revenge game" or Teddy's "revenge game" when they were with us? Oh wait, its only dudes who played for other teams that join the Panthers who absolutely sucka ass against their former teamates.
  10. I am willing to bet that the Panthers jump out to a big lead and then blow it by letting Kirk "Anti-vax" (kissing) Cousins absolutely dismantle the defense after deciding to play prevent coverage since the second quarter. Oh wait......that was last year..... BUT, I would not be too surprised if a very, very similar outcome happens this time.
  11. Just go for it on 4th down every series fug it
  12. At least he wasn't chugging down vodka
  13. For fugs sake get this man on the field. If you really worried that much about his weight then tie a big mac to a string and dangle it in front of his face and make him do gassers. Wtf ever it takes, get that man out on the field. Maybe we can even do addition by subtraction by benching the the entire interior line and just having Brown play center and both guards at the same time. Can't hurt can it?
  14. One thing about his broadcasts really amazes me. I have been watching football for over 25 years and I learned more in one game from him than I have in all of those years. He is just so incredibly knowledgeable about both sides of the ball. Every time he says "sometimes those (insert position)" and then expands on what that player might do in that situation and what the name for it is. Specifically, I remember him talking about a train-track during a screen play. He just seems to have a really high IQ on every position.
  15. IIRC in the last broadcast, I heard him say something very similar to "third leg" and I immediately thought about this.
  16. I have been saying all along that this is a damn-near carbon copy of the Curtis Samuel situation. A B+ graded player with great potential and makes big plays at times, but will be wanting lots of money after putting up on a contract year. He's just not the guy, much like Samuel. They let Samuel walk for nothing and he signed a huge contract to sit out with injury in Washington. I have thought Fitter would either trade him before the deadline or tender tag and trade him after the season. SOMEthing instead of just letting him walk, but also not paying him the massive contract he is likely to demand.
  17. Was he just scooting around shirtless?
  18. Lol. I live and work overseas at the moment so it was like 9am for me.
  19. That one Reds announcer that sad "F*g capital of the world" on a hot mic during a live broadcast? They fired him and demanded an apology immediately, which just so happened to have a home run while he was issuing a (forced and phony) somber apology to everyone. The big question.....what place was he talking about????
  20. I don't know if its a visual effect from the number change or if its just an observation, but it seems like DJ has really toned up this year. Has anyone else noticed the definition in his arms compared to years before?
  21. Maybe overthinking it all to hell, like the Waterboy “he fakes, no he pretends to fake, no he fakes the fake!”
  22. This is like the 3rd "getting weird" thread for them (him in particular) this week lol
  23. Has anyone else noticed when they focus in on a player close up on the sidelines or endzone, it has this somewhat CGI looking effect? Its hard to explain, but to me, the players kinda look like Madden graphics when these shots are taken. Is it some new camera technology or are my eyes just playing tricks on me?
  24. cant believe these clowns beat usDak.jfif FMB.jfif Zeke.jfif
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