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About cardiackat88.

  • Birthday 04/03/1983

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  1. "Hey there people I'm Bobby Brown, they say I'm the cutest boy in town..." - Frank Zappa
  2. Dude makes up creative fictional injuries at least once a game.
  3. This is the same team that declined a 1st round pick AND MORE for Brian Burns, only to let him walk for peanuts (Also see Bradbury, Curtis Samuel and Deonte Jackson). Are you actually suprised?
  4. For real. Too many teams in the playoffs and the scrubs are showing. These clowns couldn’t even hit a 38 yard field goal to stay on life support before halftime.
  5. They should pull a Bellicheck and trade him for next to nothing to a team like the Browns or Jets.
  6. They should pull a Bellicheck and trade him for next to nothing to a team like the Browns or Jets.
  7. The kids wouldn’t get up to go with me, so she did. I took her to a famous seafood shack after leaving at the beginning of the 4th. Was starting to rain and we had a loooonng walk.
  8. That's us in the pic. She knows next to nothing about football but went with me anyway. Anyways, in the nosebleeds (as you can see against the wall) my wife asked a few hilarious questions and made a few funny comments. I told her it was 3rd down and long but to look for a pass. This is when Bryce through the checkdown that clumsily bounced off the RBs hands. She said "It doesn't seem like they are trying to catch the ball". Some time after the 2 minute warning in the 2nd: "What are they doing? Seriously? They are not doing anything. Why don't they go to halftime?" On the many, many attempts to get Leggette the ball "Why does he keep throwing it to that same guy at that same place on the field?" This stung: "Oh, the Buccaneers can actually catch the ball".
  9. I was at this game. Bryce basically heaved it up for him each pass play occasionally to Theilen instead.
  10. I was physically present for this game. Offense basically ran the same pass play each time.
  11. I live and work in Tampa now, and I have tickets for my kids and I to go Sunday. Any other panthers fans headed to what should be one very entertaining end of the year division rival game?
  12. If he completes his passes at a high percentage and does not turn the ball over, then whats the problem with being a "game manager". That's basically a QBs job, anyways. Taking the chances on big plays when its appropriate and the rewards outweigh the risk. It can be argued that the best names were so successful because of how well they managed the offense. Mahomes, Brady, Manning. Gunslingers like Favre, Winston, and Mayfield are super fun to watch and can be big play making, crowd-go-wild fun. They also tend to make extremely EXTREMELY stupid plays that lead to turnovers, putting defenses in poor positions repeatedly, and super frustrating unnecessary turnovers that cause the team to lose.
  13. Yea we have been through that prototype for decades now and it always fails. The Steelers are so good at WR drafting that I almost think they come off of an assembly line with major brain defects as a side effect.
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