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Future of the Funchise

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Everything posted by Future of the Funchise

  1. Pretty sure she was talking about your man blob selfies:p Sent from my LGMS769 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  2. I'm currently hunting for some of Aditi Kinkubwala from NFL Network. I think I'm in love with her. An exotic woman, who is a football fan/professional, with a sexy name that rolls off the tongue. Oh Aditi! Sent from my LGMS769 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  3. My account did get hacked a while back. I deleted a bunch of spam a few days ago. That might be why. Sent from my LGMS769 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  4. @blue_q_kazoo Sent from my LGMS769 using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  5. Can someone please tell Cam that its OK to move out the pocket and make plays. Sent from my SoftwinerEvb using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  6. This one was drawn in MS Paint... ****** amazing
  7. dude i have no idea. i have it set for mobile on my glitchy ass metro pcs phone and at home it's set for reg on the computer. my computer was stuck on mobile for a while but i don't remember how i demobilized it.

  8. Hey I remember you... You're that guy. The guy with the thing that does that stuff.

  9. pm me your real name. i can't find you on facebook.

  10. i've just been randomly saying football since i woke up this morning.

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