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    Whatever Team Baker Is On

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  1. Never said they weren't. But they are right on this.
  2. https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/3430683/browns-fans-got-a-taste-of-good-qb-play-and-quickly-forgot-how-awesome-baker-mayfield-can-be
  3. So you're a Baker hater who can't think reasonably because you don't like him. He's a playoff winning QB who was ascending and in the top 10 in QBR when he got hurt. You just aren't educated on this and you're saying ignorant things. NO ONE was going to help the Browns out. No one.
  4. It's already clear some of you are not going to be able to handle Baker. This is nothing compared to what he will bring in the season. Buckle up.
  5. I really question why some of you follow football. If Baker "supposedly" saying this has you upset you really might need a new sport. Football is a violent thing, or at least used to be. Baker makes football fun with this stuff. He believes in himself and his team and I have no problem with him saying it. If he loses he loses. I don't care. Would you rather your QB say "oh gee, I don't know what will happen but we will try our best!!!!" kiddie crap? Get used to this. Baker says what he wants and that will never stop.
  6. You need to go be a Browns fan. You will fit right in.
  7. Baker has a photographic memory and has a very high IQ. He has the potential to be better than Brees in every single category.
  8. Huh? His first year he set the rookie TD record while not even playing the first 2.5 games. His second year was Freddie Kitchens so that wasn't on him. 3rd year he was a top 10 QB and won a playoff game. 4th year - hurt all year. So, he has had one truly bad year.
  9. Don't even bother with this guy. He says really stupid things all the time about Baker that aren't rooted in any semblance of fact.
  10. If he does that it's literally guaranteeing that he gets fired.
  11. You should be permanently IP banned.
  12. I don't expect him to own his stupid comments.
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