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Everything posted by Eazy-E

  1. While I agree with what you are saying it still does not make it right. Women should have enough respect for others and them selves not to do stuff like this.
  2. Like Desert Storm and Vietnam? I used to play the poo out of those games.
  3. People have sex happens all the time. Has nothing to do with an athlete being a moron. At least have some common decency. Cool you fuged a celeb. Maybe tell your friends and stuff like that. Don't post it to social media and everything for the world to see. Just makes you look like a attention seeking *****. Should guys be worried now that chicks are taking pics of them after hook ups when they are sleeping? Sorry but if this were flip flopped with a guy taking a picture like this of a girl people would be claiming rape right now.
  4. Some girl did something similar to this with Odell Beckham Jr. Wtf is wrong with girls.
  5. Big Mike who would have thought we could actually convert a 4th and 1
  6. Oh well we're about to get shafted it's the 4th quarter. Just review it for them don't make them challenge or anything.
  7. Need to get on the phone with Kerry Rhodes after this game
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