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About Puresteel55

  • Birthday 12/31/1955


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. 1) Extend Dalton for one or 2 years. 2) Focus on developing Plummer with the QB whisperer and under the tutelage of Dalton. I think he is worth it based off of the improvement he made in the preseason. He would be the backup diminishing the chances we ever see the Smurf back on the field. 3) If it works out, great. If not we can draft a QB in the 26 draft which looks like a much better QB draft. 4) Use the 24 draft to build the rest of the team, focusing on OLine and defense. 5) Remove the Smurf from the equation in whatever way you can without hurting the team any more than he already has. Just my thoughts
  2. Anything is better than watching Bryce throwing on his tippy toes.
  3. You can’t put this kid back on the field!! It’s child abuse.
  4. If BY stinks the place up in the 1st quarter like he did last week and Canales doesn’t pull him it will prove 1) Tepper is still calling the shots or 2) we have the wrong head coach.
  5. I hope this isn’t indicative of our run defense.
  6. Our scrubs against their starters. A lot to like so far. IMHO
  7. I just hope Bryce can belly up to the bar. You must admit that the jury is still out on that.
  8. Are you saying there is something wrong with being “country”. Not trying to start anything or being disrespectful in any way, just curious.
  9. And if you’re lucky, he just might take you Snipe hunting. You seem like you might be a good candidate for the traditional honor. If you know what I mean.
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