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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Their biggest miss was giving up on hookhausen too early. THAT was gold.
  2. I’m glad you got that reference. They have become “spot” porn where it’s not about wrestling or even the story but dangerous spots that are going to leave legit guys like Darby Allen crippled in a few years. Also, way too much blood. sorry for the wrestling rant….
  3. Wrong. The panthers are the AEW. New shiny toy that has worn very thin with the wrestling community.
  4. If you noticed, most of the fan votes were for Canada players
  5. Rangers and caps run it back today again after a 1pm game yesterday, with travel.
  6. Most things in this world are rigged. I just control what I can and have a couple beers along the way.
  7. He was that worse. Handful of times this year pillows had 27 yards passing at the half. before these folks on here, say the oline was bad. It was the same line that Sam Darnold did pretty good with last year. face it homers….Bryce sucks.
  8. Pillows would get sacked by the store manager at Bojangles while holding on to my order too long seeing over the register.
  9. Careful…the Bryce nut huggers will poo you to death.
  10. Don’t look now…canes 1 back on the metro…
  11. Nah. Cary for the yankee teams. Shitsburg teams go back to Goldsboro
  12. Pecse just said”kicked in the ding ding”
  13. Team played well…just two bad D breakdowns. Just win in OT. PLEASE
  14. Calling it now boys. We hold strong. Get an empty netter to win 3-1
  15. I haven’t seen a goalie stop soooo many grade As. We should be up 9-1
  16. Boys. Minus dumb penalties. The canes are playing their best game of the year. We lost in OT vs The Blues and I thought that was our best game. We are cooking. Just need these goals to drop.
  17. RAANTA RAANTA He found that magic.
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