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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. The only thing is that 4th line is the grinding line and I’m not sure that’s necas thing. What were we doing when this team was cooking? What line was around that Flames game?
  2. I’m still not a fan of these lines that Rod has put out there. They just don’t mesh.
  3. Canes look like they are playing not to get hurt
  4. He whooped his ass. Hopefully that does something.
  5. I picked a hell of a week to not drink.
  6. I’m gonna leave if we can’t get a goal or they score another.
  7. Well Im prob going home early. This team sucks tonight. Zero defense. Zero structure. Zero want it. Soft as butter.
  8. It was literally in front of us. Burns and Jarvis both backed up. It’s not just burns tho this game. The canes can’t get to their forecheck. By the whole team didn’t come out ready.
  9. You sure?? Burns back away on that one too. Just awful.
  10. Burns hasn’t been the best lately.
  11. Our defense is absolute poo so far. So many 1-0 breakaways.
  12. This may be just what he needs to refocus.
  13. Since I created a thread on this earlier I’d say hell yes.
  14. I bet rock stays with Roman. They definitely are going to win night one and it’s bloodline rules night two. My guy tells me Cody will need to “call in” for some heavy hitters to help vs bloodlines rules and stone cold comes out. Man that would be epic. I would bet cena comes out as well. With HHH and The Rock calling the shots, it’s going to be epic.
  15. I’m not sure if they even matters now. Freddie is steamrolling everyone right now. I do understand tho giving him a look tho
  16. Is there anyway you can allow @TrevorLaurenceTime22 to be unbanned? He keeps coming back under all these Alts because he loves talking hockey with us and we like him here. Anyway to please give him one shot with his OG name? If he messes up again then that’s it. But so he doesn’t have to keep signing in with new Alts, just give him one chance predicated on one mess up and he is gone. Thanks!
  17. I would pay solid money to see Koochie come off the bench and lay out all the rags
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