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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Yankee blood. Makem bleed and not want us game 5
  2. That was ELITE level Hockey. Now do it again.
  3. This is the canes I know. Getting to the middle of ice net front and shooting!
  4. That’s one of those defensive breakdowns I talk about.
  5. Rod has our Skjei on PP1. Let’s see if that helps.
  6. Guys we have an excellent group of friends and canes fans here. We come here game in a game out to talk canes. We agree and disagree but at the end of the day we are canes fans. Love y’all. It’s either going to one last ride this year or a ticket to Monday and then who knows. Let’s go boys!
  7. Ok folks we can’t quit. Let’s rise up and ride. This is our team. If we lose, we lose with heads held high. But let’s fuging fight.
  8. I love that idea. ESP if we pay him like a 2LC
  9. Special teams is indeed 1. No question. I’d say it’s the style of pucks on net vs creating chances is two. It just doesn’t work in the playoffs against elite goalie play. That’s been the same since 19. Run into an elite goalie, get blanked. That’s the because the offensive style allows the goalie see all shots. The goals we have scored have been sexy tips or deflections. Goalie play has been good. Not great. But it’s like the allstar game. The best goalies let up 6-7 goals. Why?? No defense. Our defense while good in some spots really has been a let down. Watching Burns halfass a clear or Slavin chasing or Tony d really doing nothing is tough.
  10. Oh I can blame them in spots. We are having major defensive breakdowns leading to goals. Burns is having a horrible playoffs. Tony is horrible. We are allowing 3.5 goals a game. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Koochie or Freddie, it would be 6-7 goals a game. Even our radio guys Tripp Shane and the couple local podscasts talk about how back our defense is playing. It’s breakdown after breakdown. The only reason these are 1 goal losses vs 3-4 is the goalies.
  11. Will agree to disagree on this one. They really should switch to a zone style defense because man defense just doesn’t win in the playoffs. The bigger issue is from the athletic article I posted yesterday. The canes prioritize every shot on goal possible versus creating scoring chances. That’s really what needs to change. Alho has yet to score in the series while having a ton of assists. Also should be our leading goal score easily.
  12. This message by this guy was a low key flex. I kinda respect it. But I also hate it. fug the rangers. I hope we win tmrw..then win Monday. Then win weds…then win Friday. Why not?
  13. While I appreciate the sentiment. You won’t get much of it right now from us. We are just pissed off. Another year, another rod canes flameout by a sweep. We aren’t happy. Wish you guys well….fuq your goal song and enjoy your ride home back to Cary . Joking of course…maybe
  14. It’s not good when our 2C is Staal. I believe Jarvy could be like Trocheck but a little better.
  15. https://theathletic.com/5483745/2024/05/09/rangers-hurricanes-game-3-elimination/ essentially, rods system in playoffs doesn’t work against good teams every night. Talks about changing his philosophy on letting your scorers be elite and prioritizing scoring chances vs pucks on net shots on goal. Quality vs quantity. It’s talks about us having elite guys but they aren’t a fit in the playoffs with how rod plays. I believe this is the key. If we roll with rod, he must change his tune on how he coaches.
  16. It’s happened with the panthers, bruins, and rangers in the last few years and look at them. Couldn’t do poo in the playoffs and got new coaches. Working out pretty well for them. Rangers even this past two years. They made it to the ECF two years and last year got bounced in the first round so they fired they coach. Ole Lavy has them about to pull a double sweep…
  17. Some guy on Reddit made this point I didn’t even think off. Quote: It’s the man on man D. Works great during the regular season. Not so much in the playoffs. When we fall apart we end up leaving someone wide open to score. we are one of the only teams that play man defense. In the regular season it really does work with 82 games. Works well vs bad teams and sometimes vs good teams. But when it breaks down, it’s looks bad. In the playoffs, everyone is good for the most part, but once you get to high teams playing high end hockey, man on man breaks down very fast. The rags play a 3-2 or 2-3 zone however you look at it. Makes it very hard to get grad As unless force you way to the middle or net front. Most teams used to play man on man and it’s gone away. That could be the exact reason why we just disappear in the playoffs.
  18. The official PP stat is -1 of 15. Holy god it’s historically bad.
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