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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Nice guys! You are totally right. I was legit curious but never mind. I’ll stick to my corner over at the canes forum. At least they don’t tear eachother down when wanting to talk panthers or the QB. Appreciate it!
  2. Didn’t see another thread. My bad bro. But a yes or no at least would work ha! Feel free to delete it or lock.
  3. Honestly if they go anything less than 6-11 it’s time to move on from Bryce.
  4. They didn’t score a point in the last two games of the year. We are worse on defense and maybe a little better on offense. That evens out. This team still sucks with Bryce
  5. Ha! Yes sir. In all fairness I think a lot of us said we were going to quit but in our hearts we were just pissed off. I was. But, ole optimistic version of me says no quit! still got a lot of work to do. 1-0 at Raleigh Thursday. These guys arent world beaters. We now have all the momentum.
  6. 1-0 homie. I’ll take 1-0 right now. Get that, then 1-0 again.
  7. 100%. It’s the reverse jinx of threads. Keep it open!
  8. 2 wins gets us to the ECF… 1 win at a time. 1-0
  9. Guys let’s be real. Those three goals were all net front. All net front. No bombs. Get in front of Igor and our guys can finish.
  10. Did you see Tony after the game was over he yelled “fug yeah boys”!!! Let’s go
  11. Canes get to 3 goals it’s over. Surge boys surge!
  12. We need the JAG line. Kuzy Svech and necas. It just blows my mind necas jarvis and Svech have 1 goal this series between them. I blame Rod. His system is awful in the playoffs vs a hot goalie.
  13. Not just the best line on the canes. The league.
  14. Alrighty boys. I feel like we need a Herb level Miracle speech from Rod or a player in the locker room. I think it would be bananas if Freddie just looses his mind in the locker room . He has been our best player so far tonight. So out of character that it would shock the team into offense. It’s 0-1. This game has a dramatic goal at the end or OT written all over. I’m not ready to go home yet. Dig and and kick ass. We need the surge!
  15. He has been a ghost being paired with Staal and Martnook This criminal that Jarvis isn’t with aho and Jake
  16. Canes have won 9-31 faceoffs this game….
  17. Slavin with Tony D now. When has rod ever switched up burns and Slavin??
  18. This PP makes me want shove my dick in a doorjam. How the fug did it get this bad?
  19. There is no way this team is going away. We have overcome all year. This game will be 1-1 and go to OT.
  20. How was that a soft goal? It was 2-1 breakaway. Nothing soft about that one.
  21. Calling Freddie the issue isn’t on Freddie. That was a 2-1 breakaway. Freddie has been awesome this game. Blame rod and his dumbass power play. Igor has been rock solid.
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