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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Tmrw! We will rep in 110 getting us back in the W column!
  2. Also, I think you and I are the only ones on here watching. Just shows watch a culture you, i and the rest of us built on the canes forum.
  3. I flipped it to the Hornets. They are at least winning.
  4. These guys are playing scared. They keep kicking it back to the goalie and it bit them again. fire Lattanzio and fug David Tepper
  5. All of my teams suck. Holy god it’s never been this bad with top to bottom it’s all Ls
  6. Defense looked good minus a Slavin brain fart on one goal. Canes had their chances but just wiffed on the shot. Koochie played very well. One goal was on him. The other were redirects. If our D plays that way we will be back to winning in no time.
  7. kraken SJ Philly NY NY if we can get us 7-8 points in the next 5 games, that’s gonna get us back on track
  8. Keep losing by 3 goals each night looking this bad it’s gonna get there very quick.
  9. Seems like losing is getting us riled up with eachother Let’s all just take a breath and hope rod gets this figured out The defense looks better that is bread and butter Get Svech back and hope we score a lot and play good D still hope in this game…
  10. We are trash right now. We aren’t rainbows and unicorns. We suck right now and it’s clear as day. If they get their poo together and win it will be different. Last year…I’m too positive. Why are you so positive. It’s annoying. This year I’m pissed because we shouldn’t be bad. We literally shouldn’t be this bad. So I’m mad. And I’ll be mad until we fix it. At least we have threads for discussing canes. Didn’t used to have any.
  11. I’m sober AF right now. It’s testing me tho
  12. Probably both but personal attacks aren’t cool bro. At least not in the canes forum
  13. I know it’s early but this team isn’t making the playoffs with this play
  14. This game actually looks like canes hockey. d is playing well and we are getting shots. Just need that one dirty goal. Tampa is turning it over in their zone so I would look for a goal soon…
  15. Canes D is playing well in lockdown mode. We need us a goal now.
  16. Keep this in mind. If(when) we lose tonight, this will be our first losing record in 5 years under rod…
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