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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. 7:30 puck drop. My bad folks. @LinvilleGorgeare you able to adjust the time heading?
  2. @BY9Franchiseis my guy. We like to have a good time with eachother. Pie from him is like 3 beers!
  3. I think it did. Here is why. People here think this is rock bottom. We aren’t there yet. THAT is coming. Tepper is going give us a whole new meaning to rock bottom.
  4. 100%? I heard the press conference. First of all…Tepper is bumbling idiot. Said everything and nothing at the same time. Secondly, if Young ends up being Jamarcus bad, what does that say about everyone in the building? Is he lying? I think he is. Is he a bad owner that doesn’t know how to run an NFL team? I know he is. The final word is his…..he said that. That is 100% meddling and we are doomed if he stays that course. Buckle up folks…..today told me we haven’t hit the bottom yet. It’s coming and when it does….I fear it’s going to look way worse.
  5. Burns is not the 2nd best player. Brown is our 2nd best and Luvu is the best.
  6. He sucks. The faster you realize it that the panthers made a mistake the better.
  7. I’m mean that’s what us Mountaneers do. We just figure out a way to make poo happen.
  8. That would be tasty. As long we commit to Koochie. Now is the time to give him the net. It’s his job. No one else.
  9. It’s like if powder puff football had a QB with a head cheerleader as the QB. Bryce would be the backup. This guy is so soft he would pass up free seconds at thanksgiving. He is such a beta that he would let you have his girlfriend.
  10. Bryce doesn’t have that Alpha that Cam, Jake, Brady, Brees….I could go on and on. Stroud has that Alpha. Bryce reminds me of a weak puppy left out in the cold. There is nothing leader about this soft spoken baby. He ain’t it.
  11. Screen play for a loss. Game over. This team is a walking loser. No killer instinct. Just a wack ass small bum bust of a qb. A lame duck coach. And no hope.
  12. I like Frank. He is a nice guy. But Tepper and young make me want to slam my dick in a door jam.
  13. This time last year we were top 3 in points. This year, based on points which is what counts, we are just above the middle of the pack. So yes. 2nd in the metro but the fact is the rest of the league has indeed gotten better. Yes, if we didn’t have ass goalie play Minus good Koochie or healthy Freddie, we may be better. Bit of both as they say.
  14. I think it’s because so many teams have more points than we do this year. The league got better. We stayed the same.
  15. I called for the SAT line. We got it late. We scored.
  16. I’m just throwing this out there. We scored with Aho and Svech at the end of the game
  17. 110 like always! Let’s get us a big win. If this team is going to make the playoffs either it finally becomes Koochies team or we have to make a trade.
  18. Will Levi’s throws will velocity. Bryce looks like his footballs thrown are a wet pillow.
  19. We drafted a QB number 1 trading away everything for a guy that has no arm. 5-9. Can’t do a qb sneak becasue he is too small and can only play in the shotgun. So many limitations. This mini dud will go down as the biggest bust of all time. He literally can’t throw it 45 yards.
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