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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Post game from rod last night “"Not good enough. We've got a lot of guys that aren't pulling their weight. It's plain and simple." Aho Necas Definitely Orlov. Orlov and necas need to ride the pine. there is going to be a trade for a goalie soon. It has to. This is the sad part. We are about to fall out of the playoffs…
  2. They aren’t a good team. On paper yes. On the ice they stink.
  3. On paper the best. On ice. We stink. Goalies are trash. Necas is bad. Attitude is horrible. This team is toast unless they make a trade.
  4. I hate everything about this fuging league. It’s just like everything now. Everything is pussy ass bullshit. we all know these stupid fuging piece of poo refs would not have overturned it if the goalie was us. Soft bullshit. fug this league. I’m tired of this. We are toast.
  5. We hired bunting and Lemieux to be fighters and these clowns are spect as butter. What was our three biggest needs? Goal scoring. Goalie. Fighter. We poo the bed. Waddell fuged us.
  6. And from this point the flames goalie will look all world. fug these guys. This team fuging sucks
  7. Our goalies suck. Our players are lazy. This team is trash
  8. These guys are lazy trash. Rod can’t fix me first lazy Hockey.
  9. I want this poo team torn apart. Lazy loser hockey
  10. Trash. Trades trades trades. This team is trash
  11. When have you guys heard this before?? 2 goals in 1 minute?? Lazy lazy lazy play. This whole period is this same as the first period last night.
  12. It’s worse. They went right back to ass bad lazy Hockey. Our team sucks
  14. This team fuging sucks. We are so so fuging trash
  15. Oh god here we go. We look like poo
  16. The kid playing very well. Rod said…you go back to Russia? I kid of course… or do I
  17. Did rod threaten to hurt family members or something? Who are these guys?
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