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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. The will still need goal scoring. It drys up in the playoffs. And when you lose Drury or necas, we will need something.
  2. All three. Waddell hopefully sees what we see. Time make goalie and goal scorer moves.
  3. Only reason Ron stayed a coach for us so long was two words. Cam Newton.
  4. I was hot last night too. I have to say, I agree with all points. After sleeping and sobering up a little here my thoughts. 1. Gotta make a trade for a goalie. Koochie is getting better but we still need a guy to rely on. Raanta has been great for us as a 1b over the years. Really good guy. But he is toast. Freddie ain’t coming back either. 2. We have a an age problem with Burns. Guy is almost 40 and I’m watching him get caught out of position because he is too slow. I really believe in my heart it’s time to move Chatfield up with Slavin. Chatty is our 2nd best d lineman. Move burns down to the last line with with Tony D/peace. Burns needs less Minutes because he was flat in the third and had zero gas on the OT winner from Ole Flip. 3. I get the feeling rod ain’t happy with what Waddell has given him on the ice. He knows this window is now and Waddell won’t get him a goalie and a sniper. 4. Look up Noesen. Nuff said. Dude is a home grown young stud. 5. The window is now. Not 4 years from now. We can win it all this year with two key pieces. A goalie and a sniper. Final thoughts. You are correct. This team is not playoff caliber. A goalie and a shooter will get us there.
  5. I don’t mind seeing adds. It’s when they keep pooping up all over the screen and I can’t see to type or read for that matter.
  6. I would love to type but come on…
  7. For gods sake….get him off the team. He has let in more goals so far this year than allllllllllll last year.
  8. Burns and raanta aren’t playing well. I watched it for 60 minutes tonight. Love burns. Just getting to old. Same with raanta. Rod and Waddell need to stop fuging around and get a goalie
  9. Scott darling and raanta walk into a bar….
  10. Just got home. Necas with another goddamn awful turnover that lead to a goal. That’s 5 goals in the last 4 games that were a direct result of a dumbass necas turnover. Trade This guy asap if we want to win a cup. He isn’t good. raanta. Thank you for your years of service. You are done toast and a liability. If Rod doenst see it then he needs to get fired. I’m tired of ass goalie play being accepted as ok as a cup contender..which we aren’t this year. KK. WHAT THE fug ARE TOU EVEN DOING ON THE ICE. THIS GUY SUCKS. Burns is indeed old and his last year. He is realllllt slowing down. Saw it live tonight. raanta again….retire. You are costing us wins.
  11. I had an Italian boss like Gettleman last year. Ran the company into the ground and ended up laying off 500 people. The employees just quit because awful this person was. Not willing to listen, a complete asshole. It’s amazing these types of people get jobs.
  12. This is a fantastic story. Love it! ESP coming from a Navy family myself. The last 10 years have been esp hard for me. Not trying to get sappy but the things that have got me through were sports. So winning just feels so good. It makes me feel like the other stuff didn’t matter. So winning is everything. I hate losing more than anything. So I do get riled up a good bit but it’s all in good fun. Win or lose I still love my canes…even though it’s drives me crazy. Ok rant over. Let Fu king go canes!!
  13. Also, when you invest the amount of time and money that @Anybodyhomeand I have into tickets…you just want a darn cup win sooooo bad.
  14. I just wanna win!! Hahahaha. I’ll be at my seats tonight trying not to melt into them hahaha
  15. Even if the real price was Tree fiddy, I still wouldn’t pay it!
  16. @Stumpy Koochie as our first star. Give it to us.
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