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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Guys for the record. There is ok only 1 NHL game on tonight and it’s us
  2. That period was much better. Rod had to have lit those boys up during the 1st intermission
  3. Rod needs to sit these guys. Our defense sucks complete ass If it’s wasn’t for Koochie this game would be 5-2 AZ
  4. Our defense absolutely sucks right now. I’m mean for that bunch of games they have been awful.
  5. Burns with a balls effort only to get bailed out by Koochie
  6. Koochie is now iceman. Cause he’s dangerous. @Stumpy please make us an iceman Koochie meme
  7. Koochie said I’ll make saves where I please.
  8. That arena is so small the Camera has to pan wide to wide every shift
  9. That’s was faster than my sex life….wait
  10. Late night action. Let’s win this thing!
  11. Don’t look now but the Dallas Stars are about to score point against the preds than the Carolina Panthers did in multiple games combined this year….
  12. KK has a horrible contract that no one wants. The canes aren’t trading any of their current rostered players. Picks and prospects, yes. Necas is going no where. On a team that needs goal scoring, you can’t trade their guy with the 3rd most goals on the team.
  13. Thank god. Now let’s make a move for a goal scorer
  14. This gives 2015 going into 16 panthers off-season vibes cutting J-No. I feel like this is start of a collapse for the 49ers.
  15. The NHL officials will only get worse becasue there is no penalties or accountability. Imagine waving off a Stanley cup goal at the end based on that BS. Someone must take action on these refs.
  16. Any canes fans in Dallas wanna take out a ref in the parking lot? Worst officials in sports. I’m ok with violence.
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