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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. If this game isn’t proof that we needed goal scoring I don’t know what it’s. So much passing and so little chances.
  2. KK may be the worst player on this team.
  3. That two dives by Timo. These refs are horrible
  4. Great period boys. Kuzy looks like he fitting in well out there. Koochie with a nice bounce back period from Sunday.
  5. Let’s go boys. Let’s get the PP rock hard.
  6. Absolutely. Wads made the moves. Now it’s up to us to win.
  7. The new look canes coming in hot. Let’s fuging score some goals
  8. One thing is for sure now gents There is no more excuses. DW got us the snipper and center we needed. Now it’s up to Rod. Here we go!
  9. Tom Dondon looked at Don Waddell and said spend that money bitch!
  10. And for a third round 2025 pick with the capitals, taking half of the salary Making moves! baby!
  11. I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time… All your forwards belong to us!
  12. I believe he went and got some help so hopefully that helped. Because he’s a hell of a player.
  13. This deal goes through. We just got our center at a very awesome price.
  14. It’s just about official. Hurricanes trading a third round 25 pick and the capitals retain 50% of his salary.
  15. Washington Capitals center Evgeny Kuznetsov and the hurricanes talking this morning. Per NHL network.
  16. Word this morning is they are still trying to make a deal for scoring help. Buch and Vat are apparently still in the conversation.
  17. Yeah that guy isn’t the dude anymore.
  18. Scared money don’t make money. I love it. Let’s pull for our guy now. He is a cane!
  19. NHL network hinted Guez was ours but the other 2 big names could be still on our radar too.
  20. I would be unhinged if we did nothing and got bounced again in the mid rounds because we couldn’t score goals…like every year under Rod.
  21. If he scores goals and does his part. We make it to a cup finals and win…he can go play for the Carolina panthers for all I care. We got our win. That’s all that matters.
  22. The goal is to win the cup. That’s it. End of discussion. This team has current talent to stay in the window. It doesn’t have the guy to win it all….until now. Stop kicking the damn can. Win it now.
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