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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. I couldn’t have wrote it better my self. That is a mic drop lineup. Maybe just maybe Nikishin comes in but that’s it.
  2. Who is the newbie that is a day early???
  3. Everyone knows this organization is trash because of Tepper and his DA wife. Even the homers on this site. Hell even the mods know this team is trash. Also, water is wet and pillows is short. Thank you for sharing.
  4. KK is the odd man out. They we need dudes that can play at a high level. Not guys that can’t score. That’s what killed us the past 4 years in the playoffs.
  5. Bryce is a major bust but Teppers wife won’t agree. Passing on Wilson will be like us not taking shroud.
  6. If these are your first two picks, you make them. Future studs and long term starters AND would check both boxes as positions of need immediate and long term.
  7. Honestly, no one other than ourselves. If we play our game no one will touch us with our talent. If we go cold on goal scoring and Freddie or Koochie shits the bed then us. Other than that. No one.
  8. Considering our start until December when we were playing unbelievably horrible, I think we are playing the best Hockey of any team in the nhl.
  9. Yep. Feeling a 5-2 or 3-2 kinda game. Koochie in net and he hasn’t been playing well as of late.
  10. Let’s make it count this year!
  11. It’s the reverse jinx thing Being trying this last month and it’s working.
  12. Here we go boys! This is more like it. Pour it on. Svech may get him a goal tonight. He is playing well.
  13. That’s a little better than the No scoring boys are showing.
  14. That dam better open up in the 2nd. Scoring had really dried up since that caps game. I personally don’t like any of our lines. I take back what I said to @Harbingerslast week. Put gutz back on the 2nd line with Kuzy and necas. When it was aho turbo and Jarvy on the first, this team was cooking. I can’t stand any of these lines. They just don’t mesh.
  15. We just can’t score. It’s rods system. When it drys up it doesn’t allow for 2nd or 3rd chances. It makes me want to pull my hair out.
  16. For some reason this game is starting to feel like we are gonna a million shots on goal, they will have 3 a get a goal. That first goal would be massive.
  17. So many shots on goal. Nothing high danger. Keep shooting and they will wear down. I’m loving our start.
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