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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Dude. We lost! Freddie was bad. Our PK 0-2 was trash. Our 0-5 PP was worse. We lost the 5-5 scoring. It’s not hard. We got our ass kicked. I hope they play better but special teams was a disaster. Freddie was trash panda Unless something changes, it’s another year of wasted talent.
  2. Thank you brother. Rangers kicked our ass this game.
  3. No the fug we didn’t. 0-5 on the PP. 0-2 on the penalty kills. They beat us 2-1 on 5-5. We didn’t control poo. Take the rose colored glasses off. We got worked this game.
  4. It’s Koochie time. Freddie got worked this game. 2006….we gave the reigns to Cam Ward and the rest is history. It’s time to give the reigns to Koochie.
  5. Guys it’s the same poo. Until we beat our enemies, we won’t win. It’s the same.
  6. Love you too. If I’m wrong we win a cup. If I’m right, it’s like every year.
  7. I’m over Rod honestly. We won’t win a cup with him as our coach.
  8. This team won’t win a game playing with that dumbass 37 getting multiple penalties. This team flat out sucks vs the rangers. We aren’t winning poo with dumbass play. If we lose it’s all on rod and I hope he signs with the leafs. Tired of this bullshit.
  9. This team sucks vs rags. It ain’t happening.
  10. Hey Gutz….dumbass. We paid you this money. Show up godfugingdamit.
  11. The canes look like playoffs canes. We fuging suck. Bad goalie play. Can’t score. This team is toast.
  12. Freddie sucks and burns with a bad turnover. This one is over.
  13. Rags kicking our ass. This ain’t canes hockey.
  14. Canes gonna score 3 in the 2nd. They will come out hot. Rags 5-5, doesn’t scare me.
  15. It’s time to switch to Koochie. Also, that period was on Rod. Zero discipline. They can only beat us with penalties
  16. Sounds like you have an issue man. Have a great day.
  17. Do we know if the ale House is doing a watch party today?
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