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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Heard on the radio rod looks like he is starting this line!
  2. So what is boys. Sounds like Freddie is our guy tonight. If we win and Freddie plays bad do you go Koochie in game three. Freddie plays bad(I don’t see this one happening btw) do you go Koochie?
  3. I prefer we just kick ass tonight and things are back to where they need to be. A Freddie shutout would be fuging tasty.
  4. Agree to disagree my man. It’s all championships with this talent.
  5. Got a good feeling about this one tonight boys
  6. They crush regular season and don’t perform to the cup level expectations like us. We have been better but we still should have had a cup under rod by now.
  7. I fear this is gonna be us unless we finally win the cup this year. We are regular season juggernauts and flame out in the playoffs. Us and the leafs aren’t too far apart.
  8. This guys are big boys. They can handle themselves. We need scoring and this line can do it.
  9. Miles sanders was the laziest useless RB I have ever seen. Cut him.
  10. Interesting the canes opened up as favorites to win tmrws game. It’s like Vegas knows something…..
  11. This line needs to be our back together. I’ve never seen a line score at this kind of level ever for canes like the SAG line. It also matches the rangers top line. Do it Rod!
  12. Yep. It’s like an abusive relationship. I just can’t help but keep coming back haha
  13. Goodness! That’s why I like this place, we can all laugh and make jokes. And who doesn’t love a good 69???!
  14. I’m here for it! It’s time for Koochie.
  15. We are a good bunch for sure. game 2 is ours!
  16. I actually had a handle too but I can’t remember as well. I’ve been on this board since 06. maybe it’s time to give the full switch to @KingKucci
  17. We don’t win the cup….I’ll give it up. Until then, I’ll take us as far as we can go.
  18. We got beat. I’m pissed. Our bread and butter was toasted. It’s fine. Take game two and y’all can make fun of me all you want
  19. No need. TLT and I are boys. It’s fine. I’m just pissed.
  20. No you ain’t bro. It’s mine. I’m speaking facts. I love you bro but these game threads are mine.
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