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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. I’ve seen this party for the last 3 years. The last time the canes actually had momentum was 2019 and they made it to the EC finals. I have a bad feeling with are going to lose out and end up 3rd. Lost home ice. And swept in the playoffs.
  2. This team can’t score and our goalie sucks. Someone needs to be fired
  3. Score late or score in OT. DOESNT matter to me.
  4. Not if our guys don’t score. And Freddie goes ass.
  5. Cheaters never win but good guys suck at the PP. Can we just declined penalties?
  6. 22 has been doing that every game latkey leading to a goal
  7. Is it to early to say we are fuged this game?
  8. Pool party back in. Calling his first goal tonight.
  9. It’s almost like we needed a goal scorer at the TDL
  10. Need offense. Need goals. Need good goalie play. Just win tonight in the motor city. go canes!
  11. Facts. This guy was wasted and loud. Surprised the cops did nothing.
  12. Exactly what it sounds like. Drunk middle aged guy got mouthy with the handicapped fella. Over heard someone group of younger folks in line say “if the older guys goes over to the handicapped fella they were going to kick his ass”. Someone else told the drunk asshole to let it go man. Went on complaining while he was in the bathroom looking for the guy. Just a sad set of events on what this world is coming to.
  13. https://www.oilersdaily.com/Former-Oilers-forward-wants-to-forget-about-Edmonton-altogether-221194?mibextid=Zxz2cZ Sad stuff. Makes me want to root hard for the guy.
  14. https://www.oilersdaily.com/Former-Oilers-forward-wants-to-forget-about-Edmonton-altogether-221194?mibextid=Zxz2cZ Sad stuff. Makes me want to root hard for the guy.
  15. In all fairness….that’s been all of us in some form of fashion. Maybe not break a tv but get the fug out of the room kinda thing.
  16. If you are the piece of poo that dogged the crippled App State guy for cutting in line just so he could use the bathroom you should be ashamed. People in line almost kicked your ass. Tonight I was embarrassed for this organization just based on the fans.
  17. Just got home from the game. What a turd soft piece of poo effort from this team. This is the worst they played all year. Koochie fuging sucked. I’m mean he Fu king suuuuuuuuuuuucked. Tampa was trash all night. They weren’t even remotely good. Yet we figured out a way to have trash piss goaltending and even worse coaching and scoring. Also some trash ass piece of poo fan was yelling at some handicapped App State fan for cutting in line to use the bathroom. Sums up the whole night. I wish someone would have throttled that asshole canes fan for fuging with a handicapped person. And the cops and security did nothing. what a sorry ass representation from top to bottom tonight. These are the nights I have lost all faith in humanity and the canes.
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