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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. I want it too. Please we need more of us just unload on the guy.
  2. Put all your complaints to the worst thing to happen to the Panthers ever.
  3. Teppers girlfriend or wife. You know that fat fugs sweaty grundle is nasty.
  4. Wherever they do it I hope they put turf down so half the team gets hurt
  5. No not signaling calls. It’s like he was happy they let a score alone happen. Almost like they are tanking to get rid of Frank
  6. It’s 2001 and 2010 all over again. Maybe worse.
  7. Why did Sam Franklin start fist pumping after letting up a 15 yard gain?
  8. He only plays for money. That boy don’t care. We suck
  9. It’s time for these dumb asshole players to get their ass chewed by the general public.
  10. Hey were you at Burns??? I woundnt pay that bum with tax payer money. Look at him totally useless.
  11. Dalton and Adam are the only players on offense that care. You CANT tell me Sanders isn’t half assing it. No wonder Philly did play that bum in the superbowl
  12. It’s time to boycott the overpaid assholes. fug this team
  13. Clear as day. Panther players are staying to make business decisions. “I ain’t playing out here or this poo”
  14. I’ll be watching the red zone. I gave up on this team under Tepper.
  15. Chinn isn’t that good. Not sure why people think he still is. Luvu is our best player on D.
  16. I’m sorry. Sell it for its value and by a Jarvis Sweater. Get it now before he explodes!
  17. Makes me nervous. I hope he is properly cleared not by whoever cleared patches.
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