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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Score one more than score an empty netter to win 5-3. Make it so hockey gods.
  2. We are trash. This team quit up 2-0 Including rod.
  3. Rod showed limp dick coaching. Very pissed right now. We let them injure and bully us and we didn’t fight back. Pussy poo hockey.
  4. We lose this game after 10 out of 30 minutes of odd man play and another dumb dumb dumb dumb no challenge. Fire someone.
  5. We are losing this game. Should have Challenged that one goal. Dominates the whole game and a dumb ass lapse from rod is going to cost us
  6. You can play with a should popped back in. Meds will numb it
  7. Text from my buddy in the tunnel. Staal ok. Either his wind knocked out of muscles. Should be back unless doctor says no.
  8. The NHL refs are the worst. I hope they review during the break
  9. Then that’s even better. Half of those go in tonight and we get 1 PP goal that’s 4-5 goals.
  10. We had three chances last night 5on 5 that the puck was sitting right in front of the open net. All three could have easily gone in. Those things tend to even out and I’m sure we get a few tmrw
  11. My liver needs a break haha. Every other night works for me.
  12. You had a enough time to sign up for some random account and comment on it but won’t send one of our own a link?
  13. This game could have been 6-5. PP was elite and PK over more elite. Raanta was the man of the hour. The refs sucks. The crowd was glorious. 1-0 canes. See you Wednesday
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