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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. I love bunting with the top line. That is where he belongs and can make a difference.
  2. That was Svech ha necas must stay though. Who else is gonna score in OT?
  3. I’m giving Orlov credit. He is playing well right now. Getting him with chat has been huge. I believe Orlov lead the team as a plus 5 or 6 the other night.
  4. There nothing fun about this team except being tickle fuged by Tepper robbing the fans.
  5. Starting to build something with Koochie????
  6. Is it just me or if burns being lazy and haphazard with puck this year?
  7. Rank them. Fox > Ron > Capors > Wilks > Rhule > Seifort > Frank never thought it’s would be this bad. I think it’s gonna get worse.
  8. Koochie is the guy we need. His ceiling is as high as it gets.
  9. @Anybodyhomeyou have been beating that drum all year about bunting on the top line. It’s works.
  10. Props to Tripp on the radio for holding it down.
  11. Bunting with the top line feels good. also, what happened to Svech?
  12. This is Koochies team from this point. Hopefully he takes it. The key is “consistent reps”. Not alternating goalie nights.
  13. Not trying to bust your balls or argue but you are clearly a Bryce defender. That is ok. What has he done to show you he is going to be great?
  14. When was the last time this place was this unified?
  15. 7:30 puck drop. My bad folks. @LinvilleGorgeare you able to adjust the time heading?
  16. @BY9Franchiseis my guy. We like to have a good time with eachother. Pie from him is like 3 beers!
  17. I think it did. Here is why. People here think this is rock bottom. We aren’t there yet. THAT is coming. Tepper is going give us a whole new meaning to rock bottom.
  18. 100%? I heard the press conference. First of all…Tepper is bumbling idiot. Said everything and nothing at the same time. Secondly, if Young ends up being Jamarcus bad, what does that say about everyone in the building? Is he lying? I think he is. Is he a bad owner that doesn’t know how to run an NFL team? I know he is. The final word is his…..he said that. That is 100% meddling and we are doomed if he stays that course. Buckle up folks…..today told me we haven’t hit the bottom yet. It’s coming and when it does….I fear it’s going to look way worse.
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