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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Jeff Daniels does helm our best PK. But the PP is historically bad. Need that fixed. I just go to all the games but I don’t know. need a goal scorer. That simple. Staal is done I think he retires. Aho is our captain. pool party and ghost where absurd absolutely busts. Ghost couldn’t stop turning it over. will KK step up next year. I hope so. freddie raanta and Koochie. One goes. My guess raanta. ohhh and we need a goal scorer.
  2. I know it’s not our outcome we wanted. I’m pretty pissed off that we STILL don’t have a cup under Rod. But we played some pretty good games the first 2 rounds. We played well these last 4 games. Just didn’t go our way. This was a still a hell of a year. Tons of last min goals to win. Tons of hat tricks. Tons of good memories at PNC. The outdoor game. Thank you boys for being the best pro team in the Carolina’s these past 5 years. Thank you for a great post Covid year. Glad Tripp came back from recovery to deliver some fun calls with Mike. we need to solve the power play and get a true HEALTHY goal scorer. With some tears in my eyes. see you boys next year…
  3. Believe boys. Get one and win it “early” in OT
  4. Facts. I was pissed hahaha the ban was arguing with mod in the panthers forum. Rough day for me. Lessons learned. Hahahaha
  5. I’m still here. But for some reason people hate me because I’m positive… oh well
  6. Oh fug yeah. They ain’t done. I could see a 4-0 canes win
  7. If that happens I’ll sponsor a huddle game 7 tailgate on me.
  8. Herb Brooks energy is as strong as big dick energy. Time to channel it.
  9. It’s do or die…. Do we make it a fight or go out with a broom? we ain’t done yet…. Lets go Canes!!!
  10. We sure can! Our story isn’t done yet this year!
  11. @Harbingers @Stumpy @MillionDollarCam @Anybodyhome @USDepartmentOfSavagery who is this guy and what’s his problem with me? Seems like we had a pretty good group until this guy shows up. How do we get him gone?
  12. @LinvilleGorgehow do we get this guy out of here? Now it’s just nonsense and trolling.
  13. Remember. We weren’t saying this vs the devils…. All three games could have gone either way. If we were up 2-1 with the same play y’all would buy cheer your ass off. this may not be our year again. However, it’s still not over. It’s bleak. Very bleak. but 0-3 mean we still have a game to play…. I’ll say it. Win Wednesday. Then win at home Friday to go 3-2. We can do it.
  14. Aho has been a monster tonight. He could have easily had a hat trick with lesser goalie play. I agree. Feed the man and he will score. Also, I truly believe if we can steal this game we can flip the Mo in the series.
  15. Plenty of times! Staal had a bunch of late game goals. Let’s get two and win.
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