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Panthers Fan 69

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Everything posted by Panthers Fan 69

  1. Bunting will bring that fighting enforcer piece that we had desperately needed. If he scores, that’s a bonus too.
  2. No beef from me. I forgot all about this guy and still have no clue what his deal was. But yes….back to Wednesday!
  3. What did I do? And btw…you have no clue who I am and never will. This is going to be a fun year and assholes like you ruin for all of us. Stop shitting on posts or leave.
  4. OUCPFL why are shitting on this post man? We arent going start this crap this year. Either post civil or get banned. No one wants you here if you are going act that way. We don’t have drama here unlike the panthers forum.
  5. I’m pretty sure he will fit in juuuust fine
  6. It’s time boys…. Game is Wednesday but figured we would get the hype going. Y’all ready for another regular season ride??? I am! Let’s fuging go canes!!!
  7. As long as Tepper is the owner, we aren’t setup for poo. Same team. Same owner. Same ass team.
  8. They aren’t going anywhere. He owns two franchises in the city at the same arena. With that being said…..fug David Tepper
  9. We have lived at the top of a lot of power rankings for the past 4 years. Now we gotta close!
  10. Funny I said this same thing a few months ago when the charlotte FC team sucked. Let Dundon but all Carolinas pro teams.
  11. What did you think was going to happen l ing in California. Be surrounded by a bunch of Cowboys fans….wait
  12. Can we just lump all of Fitts trades into one and call them the worst collection of trades of all time? May get more traction there.
  13. God I love hockey. It’s almost time our little community gets big! Oct 11th baybay
  14. I’ve cried enough tears for this team over the years. Glad some else finally came to my level haha
  15. I was at the game and legit saw him crying. I’m glad you saw it too. It went on for about 5 min or so. I didn’t know tv caught it but when I got home and saw it on DVR they definitely did.
  16. Ok apparently videos don’t load but this was it.
  17. Tv doesn't show what we saw behind the bench but this was what tv showed. IMG_9933.mov
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