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Panthers Fan 69

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  1. Hoping someone sees this that can get someone important to the see this. GO BADK TO THE LINES 2 weeks ago. These suck!! Should be Jarvis Aho Roslavic necas Kk Svech marty Stall Robison Blake Drury Carrier
  2. Not a good team. Rod has royally fuged us with his lines. Nothing is going well. Was this this team all along that we thought? only bright spot is necas.
  3. Watched them live. No they weren’t bad turnovers bad goalie play. We beat ourselves again.
  4. Bad team right now boys. Rods lines, bad goalie play. Not good. Seattle wasn’t even good.
  5. It’s not speed. The lines suck. Go back to to the lines that work
  6. Here is the problem guys. Rod has our lines so jumbled up they have zero chemistry. None. Earlier in the year, lines played with eachother for games and occasionally changed, But went back to the original lines. Rod is too quick to look for a spark. Go bask to the OG lines and this team will kick ass.
  7. Here live. That goal wasn’t on Kooch. A horrendous turnover in the ozone ….again… and Chatty Orlov got beat. Necas is playing all world. That pass to set up Robinsons goal was awesome. Aho wasn’t ready for a tap in pass from Necas. canes are slowly taking over. Kraken are playing back like the islanders of old with defense but don’t have the players to do it. They are wearing down. should be a good 2nd for us.
  8. The same issue is starting to creep in hard on the canes. Lazy, poor, horrible turnovers that lead to easy goals for the other team. The other being the goalie situation. Cup teams don’t make it having to use their 3rd string emergency goalie. Good news is Koochie is back. Bad news is Martin is our backup and Freddie is gone for 3 months. Let’s get back in win column tonight. LFG CANES!
  9. Going to put this out now….Koochie shutout tmrw
  10. Bizarre. Horrendous Playcalling. That idiot loves to pass the ball. He needs pass the duty’s. He sucks at it and as the head coach. I’d love to see how Mr Positivity shakes off this one. He sucks.
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