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  1. As many times you been wrong
  2. Actually the worst case scenario is to continue down this path of destruction...heal my child PJ your savior... don't become a Judas'
  3. So...NVM...watching everyone change their tunes is funnier
  4. Yeah my bad...my crystal ball was upsidedown
  5. Beat the falcons We first in the division
  6. Imagine if Greg Roman got the job instead of Rhule
  7. Brady doing his best Baker impersonation
  8. Lamar doing his best PJ Walker impersonation Let's gooo
  9. Man if these the same bucs, especially with a short week... PJ gonna light ATL up... 300 yards 4TDs...
  10. After Sunday's game it's going take at least 3 1st rounds to even consider it
  11. Or the Darnold crew.. Baker crew...Gier crew...Teddy two gloves crew... Only difference between them... PJ has a winning record....
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