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Everything posted by panik

  1. Why can't we freaking finish a game early??? Yeah we will win, but this team can't expect to win a Super Bowl by letting people come back in games. Rivera keeps saying we can't do this anymore, and yet they do it.
  2. PU will make a post about how bitching about the Seahwaks was just part of his plan, just like when douche Arians said the lost against Seattle was part of his plan.
  3. We need to give them a quick 3 and out , and score at least 3 points to demoralize them.
  4. They faced mediocre teams, this is the 1st PPG team showing them how "good" their defense is.
  5. If you are the Seattle Seahawks losing by 24 is great...... this fuging media lol
  6. Next rant letter will be something like this: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cam Newton is teaching children that footballs will be given to them without any work on their part
  7. I'm 100% sure is just like the Cowboys fans in Thanksgiving.
  9. For some reason I did, I guess we will have to take out the Seahawks.
  10. Nothing in this game is guaranteed, so I would recommend against it.
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