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Everything posted by Lurk21

  1. Listening to that, I have the feeling Deonte may have a shot to compete at a guard spot. I also get the vibe that Neal, Icky and Penning are guys he is high on. They are 3 of the nastiest linemen in this draft.
  2. That was a very accurate assumption to me!! Once you strip put rather you want Baker or not, it's obvious they are adding Analytics into the decision. We traded for Sam close to draft and got rid of Teddy around the same time. If a guy like Neal(who lately mocks have sliding) is there at 6 and we trade for Baker(or whoever) that becomes a situation that has some upside. Neal would solidify the line somewhat and if Baker flames out, you cut ties. I personally don't have a clear thought on wanting him or not but I see the logic of not just drafting a Qb at 6. Trading back if Neal and there is my option. Neal Brown(reuniting from Bama) Bozeman Corbett and Moton would be a selling point for a new Coach n Quarterback if the Rhule/Baker scenario flops.
  3. Ben was just trying to say the right thing but it's obvious he didn't want to link himself to a lie. Lol
  4. Tepper really becoming a fan favorite of both states lately huh? Lol sheesh
  5. Exactly and Robby needs to put the phone down and use his hands on the jugs machine!!
  6. Exactly because honestly it's him putting himself in these situations. He gets hurt and a wing behind him comes into his own....
  7. The only logical idea I'd see is if Kingsbury signs off on Baker....
  8. This is definitely the season of misdirection. I just think it's going to take time getting used to a GM that is literally working the phones nonstop. Hard to tell which situation has any real substance but at least he is looking vs sitting idle. Just hope it's nothing crippling if so.... Its tough thinking with what ifs with a hot seat coach....
  9. Definitely can see that!! His ego won't be checked and he seems bound to do something massive, just to have the hype! Not sure if it'll happen this year but we will see.
  10. Same thought process and no telling who else they have asked about. People laughed at The Commanders about calling every team but I bet we were on line one when they did. Lol
  11. I got a bad feel too but I hope Mr In On Every Deal doesn't let Rhule too far into the decision....
  12. Joe Person claims Baker not the only name on a list of qbs, which is obvious. Reading this article on PFT, he never mentions Lamar or Kyler(regardless how anyone feels of either) but it's clear Scott has called around the league. He stated weeks ago that he is waiting on teams to call him, which implies he has initiated contact but waiting... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/04/17/report-baker-mayfield-not-the-only-guy-on-the-panthers-list/
  13. I'm definitely tired of mediocre at the most important position in football. The next year class is definitely loaded. I often look back on classes and someone definitely hits their ceiling. I have no clue about this year's class honestly.
  14. I think that's getting lost in the shuffle.... look at the lost of players I listed... I dont won't no rah rah that doesn't deliver.... thats pretty obvious. Somehow people think rah rah means a guy that's dancing and hyping with no skill. Each Qb has their own way of speaking up and that's what we need.... Delhomme was an overachiever... but his rah rah definitely worked...
  15. At least we have saw a guy that helped a team win 11 games and that year, he was a leader. Last year I'll admit, he was all over the place but he did play through a torn left shoulder. I'm sure some guys in the locker room liked that. Cleveland is a hard place to critique players because of all of the dysfunction. Landry, O'Dell and others all got the boot. I'll admit that he has some quarks but if we dealing with Rhule... id rather he not have a rookie qb and then get fired and a new coach wants another qb. I hate the thought of a lame duck coach with a rookie qb. If Baker does good, it's a win.... if he doesn't, we get to rinse ourselves of him and Rhule.
  16. That is true but leadership is a big void on this team.... Look at the Falcons. Even when they were losing, they fought behind Matt Ryan bc of course they always thought they had a chance but Matt was a leader. He will do the same in Indy. I just hate seeing a Qb(like Darnold etc) just sit and look at a tablet when things are feeling low.
  17. Definitely understand that and that is vital to me too but this team just looks so flat out there on Sundays. We need some type of juice. In an ideal world, you can get both but as long as the team has faith, I'm good. Stoic isn't bad if you got a nice squad built around and good coaching but we got so many question marks. When coaching looks like it isn't working, we need someone the guys can rally behind. Does that have to be a Quarterback... nope but it does help. Mahomes, Brady, Allen, Rodgers, Matt Ryan, Herbert, Lamar, Burrow and more are guys you see on the sideline rallying the troops.
  18. Aye I'm all for an NFL Qb myself.... im just stating it'd be good to have one that the team believes in and can pick the team up when need be. Outside of Cam and Delhomme....every Qb we have had has been stoic and the squad feeds off that stale energy. 1st and foremost it's obvious that we need a Qb with skill... but we need a leader on this team bad.
  19. Lol Aye that is pure facts!! Lol The whole vibe of the team shifted!!
  20. This is spot on!!! We have been extremely spoiled over the years and these past couple of years it has been extremely obvious! It has made me respect Delhomme even more too because despite his limitations or flaws, the team believed in him.
  21. @iamhubby1 I recall him constantly doing that during all the Seattle games. It was a monkey on our back and he was determined to get us over that. Him and Olsen stayed pushing the team during that stretch.
  22. @kungfoodude Yeah Im sure Shaq is animated behind the scenes n etc but i was referring to when stuff is getting bad and the sidelines just look flat and lethargic. I just have the visions of Davis or Cam and etc going on the sidelines and keeping players focused. That is vital in sports because some people just naturally can push other players buttons. Shaq may be doing that but it is obvious that we need a few more guts and Id like my Qb to be able to keep folk locked in.
  23. @kungfoodude True indeed! It may come but it's definitely something needed. Shaq is ok but he still doesn't have the same vibe(energy) that previous Linebackers brought to the team. It's always a bonus when your QB can walk up n down the sideline during adversity or with a lead. I hate Matt Ryan and Brees but both of those guys brought that as I also stated Cam n Jake did for us.
  24. @LinvilleGorge I agree, NFL caliber is the most important thing. I think this teams success has always been when our Qb had extreme energy. So far Delhomme and Cam... regardless of flaws... brought that extra to the team and honest that can be the difference in a game come the 4th quarter. I understand your logic tho but we definitely need some voices on this team soon.
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